
李香真,男,博士,中國科學院成都生物研究所研究員。國際期刊Frontiers in Microbial Ecotoxicology and Bioremediation編委;Plos One編委;Annals of Microbiology編委, Associate editor。曾經在中國農業大學和中國科學院植物研究所工作學習多年,從事土壤生態學和植物生態學方面的教學和科研工作。2004年12月獲得德國康斯坦斯大學生物系博士學位(微生物學),研究方向是昆蟲腸道內有機物質的轉化及微生物學過程。



中國科學院成都生物研究所李香真研究員 中國科學院成都生物研究所李香真研究員






1. 環境微生物學:有機污染物降解,微生物生物治理技術,廢水處理過程中的微生物學過程

2. 環境基因組學:用高通量測序技術研究微生物多樣性,宏基因組和轉錄組學在環境微生物學中的套用。

3. 微生物生理學:脫硫弧菌氫氣代謝,互養微生物的代謝機理。

4. 土壤生態學:土壤微生物多樣性及對氣候變化的回響。



Li X, Rui J, Xiong J, Li J, He Z, Zhou J, Yannarell AC, Mackie RI 2014. Functional potential of soil microbial communities in the maize rhizosphere. PLoS ONE 9: e112609.

Yao M, Rui J, Li J, Dai Y, Bai Y, Heděnec P, Wang J, Zhang S, Pei K, Liu C, Wang Y, He Z, Frouz J, Li X 2014. Rate-specific responses of prokaryotic diversity and structure to nitrogen deposition in the Leymus chinensis steppe. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 79:81-90.

Li X, Rui J, Mao Y, Yannarell A, Mackie R 2014. Dynamics of the bacterial community structure in the rhizosphere of a maize cultivar. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 68, 392-401.

Tao Y, Li J, Rui J, Xu Z, Zhou Y, Hu X, Wang X, Liu M, Li D,Li X 2014. Prokaryotic communities in pit mud from different-aged cellars used for the production of Chinese strong-flavored liquor.Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80 (7), 2254-2260.

Li J, Rui J, Pei Z, Sun X, Zhang S, Yan Z, Wang Y, Liu X, Zheng T, Li X 2014.Straw- and slurry-associated prokaryotic communities differ during co-fermentation of straw and swine manure. Applied Microbiology andBiotechnology 98: 4771-4780.

Gao Y, Wang S, Xu D, Yu H, Wu L, Lin Q, Hu Y, Li X, He Z, Deng Y, Zhou J, Yang Y, 2014. GeoChip as a metagenomics tool to analyze the microbial gene diversity along an elevation gradient. Genomics Data 2: 132-134. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gdata.2014.06.003.

Mao Y*, Li X*,Yannarell A,Mackie R, 2014. In situ stable isotope probing reveals beneficial and pathogenic microbes stimulated by root exudates of maize. Environmental Microbiology Report (online in press, * equal contribution).

Chu H, Wang S, Yue H, Lin Q, Hu Y, Li X, Zhou J, Yang Y, 2014. Contrasting soil microbial community functional structures in two major landscapes of the Tibetan alpine meadow. MicrobiologyOpen 3: 585-594. doi: 10.1002/mbo3.190

Qu Q, Li D, Louis K, Li X, Yang H, Sun Q, Crandall S, Tsang S, Zhou J, Cox C, Cheng J, Wang F 2014.High-efficiency motor neuron differentiation from human pluripotent stem cells and the function of Islet-1. Nature Communications(online, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4449).

Yang Y, Gao Y, Wang S, Xu D, Yu H, Wu L, Lin Q, Hu Y, Li X, He Z, Deng Y, Zhou J 2014. The microbial gene diversity along an elevation gradient of the Tibetan grassland. The ISME Journal 8, 430-440

Xie B, Lv Z, Hu C, Yang X, Li X 2013. Nitrogen removal through different pathways in aged refuse bioreactor treating mature landfill leachate.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 97,9225-9234

Wang Y, Li X, Milne CB, Janssen H, Lin W, Phan G, Hu H, Jin Y-S, Price ND, Blaschek HP2013. Development of a gene knockout system using mobile group II introns (Targetron) and genetic disruption of acid production pathways in Clostridium beijerinckii.Applied and Environmental Microbiology79,5853-5863.

Wang Y, Li X, Blaschek H 2013. Effects of supplementary butyrate on butanol production and the metabolic switch in Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052: genome-wide transcriptional analysis with RNA-Seq. Biotechnology for Biofuels6:138.doi:10.1186/1754-6834-6-138

Shan J, Liu J, Wang Y, Yan X, Guo H, Li X, Ji R 2013. Digestion and residue stabilization of bacterial and fungal cells, protein, peptidoglycan, and chitin by the geophagous earthworm Metaphireguillelmi. Soil Biology and Biochemistry64, 9-17.

Yang Y, Wu L, Lin Q, Yuan M, Xu D, Yu H, Hu Y, Duan J, Li X, He Z, van Nostrand J, Wang S, Zhou J 2013. Responses of the functional structure of soil microbial community to livestock grazing in the Tibetan alpine grassland. Global Change Biology19, 637-48.

Li J, Sun F, Li X, Yan Z, Yuan Y, Liu X 2012. Enhanced saccharification of corn straw pretreated by alkali combining crude ligninolytic enzymes. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology87, 1687-1693

Hobbie SN, Li X, Basen M, Stingl U, Brune A 2012. Humic substance-mediated Fe(III) reduction by a fermenting Bacillus strain from the alkaline gut of a humus-feeding scarab beetle larva. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 35, 226-232.

Hong P-Y, Li X, Yang X, Shinkai T, Zhang Y, Wang X, and Mackie R 2012. Monitoring airborne biotic contaminants in the indoor environment of pig and poultry confinement buildings. Environmental Microbiology 14,1420-1431

Wang Y, Li X, Mao Y and Blaschek H 2012. Genome-wide dynamic transcriptional profiling in Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 using single-nucleotide resolution RNA-Seq. BMC Genomics13:102.

Jan Frouz, Li X, Andreas Brune, Pizl V and Abakumov E 2011. Effect of soil invertebrates on the formation of humic substances under laboratory conditions. Eurasian Soil Science 44,893-896.

Li X, McInerney M, StahlD and Krumholz L 2011. Metabolism of H2 by Desulfovibrioalaskensis G20 during syntrophic growth on lactate. Microbiology 157,2912–2921.

Wang Y, Li X, Mao Y. and Blaschek H 2011. Single-nucleotide resolution analysis of the transcriptome structure of Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 using RNA-Seq. BMC Genomics 12, 479.

Tamaki H, Wright C, LiX, Lin Q, Hwang C, Wang S, Thimmapuram J, Kamagata Y and Liu W 2011. Analysis of 16S rRNAamplicon sequencing options on the Roche/454 next-generation Titanium sequencing platform. PLoS ONE 6, e25263.

Li X, Luo Q, Wofford N, Keller K, McInerney M, Wall J and Krumholz L 2009. A molybdopterinoxidoreductase is involved in H2 oxidation in Desulfovibriodesulfuricans G20. Journal of Bacteriology191 ,2675–2682.

Li X, Krumholz L 2008. Influence of nitrate on microbial reduction of pertechnetate. Environmental Science and Technology 42,1910–1915.

Li X, Spain A, Senko J, Istok J, KrumholzR 2008. Interactions of nitrate, iron, uranium and technetium during bioremediation. Geochimicaet CosmochimicaActa72,A546 .

Li X, BruneA 2007.Transformation and mineralization of soil organic nitrogen by the humivorous larva of Pachnodaephippiata (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Plant and Soil 301,233–244.

Li X, Ji R, Schäffer A, BruneA 2006. Mobilization of soil phosphorus during passage through the gut of larvae of Pachnodaephippiata (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Plant and Soil 288,263–270.

Li X, BruneA 2005. Digestion of microbial biomass, structural polysaccharides, and protein by the humivorous larva of Pachnodaephippiata (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37,107–116.

Li X, Brune A 2005. Selective digestion of the peptide and polysaccharide components of synthetic humic acids by the humivorous larva of Pachnodaephippiata (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37,1476 –1483.

Li X, Chen Z 2004. Soil microbial biomass C and N along a climatic transect in the Mongolian steppe. Biology and Fertility of Soils 39,344–351

Li X, Sarah P 2003. Arylsulfataseactivity of soil microbial biomass along a Mediterranean-arid transect. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 35,925–934

Li X, Sarah P 2003. Enzyme activities along a climatic transect in the Judean Desert. Catena 53,349–363




