CTCF介導的染色體間相互作用 (Science),臍帶間充質幹細胞治療對乙醯氨基酚致肝衰(Cytothrapy), 腫瘤細胞核移植誘導再編程與異常Igf2印跡的矯正 (EMBO),表觀遺傳性狀的修飾與癌症治療(JCI), 腫瘤細胞中PEG1和PEG1反義基因印跡 (JBC),胚胎幹細胞分化(Stem cells Dev.)等。[2]

1. Jia Liu . Linggai Cao . Yue Feng . Yuhua Li . Tao Li MiR-338-3p inhibits

2. Weihong Yi, Dazhi Yang, Huang Cao, Chuang Li, Jing Han, Ji-Fan Hu, Tao Li (corresponding author) Repair of degenerative intervertebral discs in rabbits by human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells embedded in type I collagen hydrogel. Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2016, Vol. 1, (2) 53-63
3. Dehai Yu,Zhonghua Du,Lingling Pian,Tao Li,Xue Wen,Wei Li,Su-Jeong Kim,Jialin Xiao,Pinchas Cohen,Jiuwei Cui,Andrew R. Hoffman,and Ji-Fan Hu Mitochondrial DNA Hypomethylation Is a Biomarker Associated with Induced Senescence in Human Fetal Heart Mesenchymal Stem Cells Vol.2017, Article ID1764549
4. Yunxia Tang, Qiongshu Li, FanweiMeng, Xingyu Huang, Chan Li, Xin Zhou, Xiaoping Zeng, Yixin He, Jia Liu, Xiang Hu, Ji-Fan Hu, and Tao Li (corresponding author) Therapeutic Potential of HGF-Expressing Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Mice with Acute Liver Failure International Journal of Hepatology 2016 Vol.13 1-13
5. Chan Li, Xin Zhou, Xiaoping Zeng, Yixin He, Guifang Zeng, Jia Liu, Chunfeng Wu, Tenglong Yan, Qiongshu LiJiuwei Cui, Xiang Hu, Ji-Fan Hu, Tao Li Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells suppress systemic lupus erythematosus lesions by rebalancing CD4+/CD8+ cell population Stem cell Biology and Transplantation 2016 Vol.3 1-13
6. Guifang Zeng, Qiongshu Li,Hongfang Ju, Xin Zhou, Jiaolian ZhuXiaoping Zeng, Yixin He, Chan Li, Jia Liu, Chunfeng Wu, Tenglong Yan, Man Wu, Jingyi Gan, Wei Li, Jiuwei Cui, Xiang Hu, Ji-Fan Hu, Tao Li (corresponding author)Therapeutical comparison of human placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of mice with acute hepatic failure Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2016 Vol.6 78-90
7. Jingyi Gan, Fanwei Meng, Xin Zhou, Chan Li, Zongcai Liu, Xiaoping Zeng, Xingen Jiang, Yuanzhi Lao, Xiangjun Zhou, Xiang Hu, Jifan Hu, Tao Li.(corresponding author) Hematopoietic rescue of radiation-induced acute death by human superoxide dismutase-modified umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells Cytotherapy 2014 Vol.17 403-417
8. Zongcai Liu, Fanwei Meng, Chan Li, Xin Zhou, Xiaoping Zeng, Yixin He, Randall J. Mrsny, Xiang Hu, Jifan Hu, Tao Li (corresponding author) Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells rescue animals from acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure. Cytotherapy 2014 16: 1207-1219
9. Zhang H, Jiao W, Sun L, Fan J, Chen M, Wang H, Xu X, Shen A, Li T, Niu B, Ge S, Li W, Cui J, Wang G, Sun J, Fan X, Hu X, Mrsny RJ, Hoffman AR, Hu JF. Intrachromosomal looping is required for activation of endogenous pluripotency genes during reprogramming, Cell Stem Cell. 2013 Jul 3;13(1):30-5
10. Tao Li, Ji-Fan Hu, Jianqun Ling, Thanh H. Vu, Andrew R. Hoffman.Aberrant IGF2 imprinting in human malignancy is associated with the altered CTCF-PRC2-IGF2 promoter intrachromosomal loop complex. Human Molecular Genetics 2014 33:117-128
11. Mengfei Chen ,He Zhang, Jie Wu, Liang Xu, Di Xua, Jingnan Sun, Yixin He,

12. Zhang H, Niu B, Hu JF, Ge S, Wang H, Li T, Ling J, Steelman BN, Qian G, Hoffman AR. Interruption of intrachromosomallooping by CTCF decoy proteins abrogates genomic imprinting of human insulin-like growth factor II. Journal of Cell Biology2011;193:475-487
13. Ma AN, Huang WL, Wu ZN, Hu JF, Li T, Zhou XJ, Wang YX. Induced epigenetic modifications of the promoter chromatin silence survivin and inhibit tumor growth. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010;393:592-597
14. Pan YQ, He BS, Li T, Zhu C, Zhang LR, Wang B, Xu YF, Qu LL,1 Hoffman AR, Wang SK, Hu JH*. Targeted tumor gene therapy based on loss of IGF2 imprinting. Cancer Biology & Therapy 2010;10;290-298
15. Tao Li, Ji-Fan Hu, Xinwen Qiu, Jianqun Ling, Huiling Chen, Shukui Wang, Aiju Hou, Thanh H. Vu, Andrew R. Hoffman.2008 CTCF regulates allelic expression of Igf2 by orchestrating a promoter-polycomb repressive complex-2 intrachromosomal loop. Molecular Cellular Biology,Vol. 28, No. 20.
16. Xinwen Qiu, Thanh H. Vu, Qiucheng Lu, Jian Qun Ling, Tao Li, Aiju Hou, Shu Kui Wang, Hui Ling Chen, Ji Fan Hu, and Andrew R. Hoffman (2008) A Complex Deoxyribonucleic Acid Looping Configuration Associated with the Silencing of the Maternal Igf2 Allele. Molecular Endocrinology 22(6):1476–1488
17. Theresa L. Chen,Wen-Jun Shen, Xin-Wen Qiu, Tao Li, Andrew R. Hoffman and Fredric B. Kraemer (2007). Generation of novel adipocyte monolayer cultures from embryonic stem cell. Stem cells and Development, 16:371–380,
18. Hui Ling Chen*, Tao Li* (*equal contribution), Xin Wen Qiu, JieWu, Jian Qun Ling, Zhi Hong Sun, Weibo Wang, Wei Chen, Aiju Hou, Thanh H Vu, Andrew R Hoffman and Ji-Fan Hu (2006). Correction of aberrant imprinting of IGF2 in human tumors by nuclear transfer-induced epigenetic reprogramming. The EMBO Journal25, 5329–5338.
19. Jianqun Ling, Tao Li, Ji Fan Hu,1 Thanh H. Vu, Hui Ling Chen, Xin Wen Qiu, Athena M. Cherry, Andrew R. Hoffman (2006). CTCF Mediates Interchromosomal Colocalization Between Igf2/H19 and Wsb1/Nf1. Science Vol. 312: 269-272.
20. Tao Li, Thanh H.Vu, Gary A.Ulaner, Eva Littman, Jian-Qun Ling, Hui-Ling Chen, Ji-Fan Hu, Barry Behr, Linda Giudice and Andrew R. Hoffman (2005). IVF results in de novo DNA methylation and histone methylation at an Igf2-H19 imprinting epigenetic switch. Mol Hum Reprod 11(9): 631-640
21. Thanh H Vu*, Tao Li* (*equal contribution) and Andrew R Hoffman (2004). Promoter-specific histone code marks imprinting status of IGF2 receptor in human and mouse. Human Molecular Genetics 13(19):2233-2245.
22. Xiaoming Yao, Ji-Fan Hu,Tao Li, Youwen Yang, Zhihong Sun, Gary Ulaner, Thanh H Vu, and Andrew R. Hoffman (2004). Epigenetic regulation of the taxol resistance-associated gene TRAG-3 in human tumors.Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics. 151(1):1-13
23. Tao Li, Thanh H. Vu, Gary A. Ulaner, Youwen Yang, Ji-Fan Hu and Andrew R. Hoffman (2004). Activating and silencing histone modifications form independent allelic switch regions in the imprinted Gnas gene. Human Molecular Genetics13: 741–750.
24. Youwen Yang, Ji-Fan Hu, Gary A. Ulaner, Tao Li, Xiaoming Yao, Thanh H. Vu, and Andrew R. Hoffman (2003). Epigenetic Regulation of Igf2/H19 Imprinting at CTCF Insulator Binding Sites. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 90:1038–1055.
25. Youwen Yang*, Tao Li* (*equal contribution), Thanh H, Gary A. Ulaner, Jifan Hu and Andrew R. Hoffman (2003). The Histone Code Regulating Expression of the Imprinted Mouse Igf2r Gene. Endocrinology 144:5658–5670.
26. Thanh H. Vu*, Tao Li* (*equal contribution), Chuyen V. Nguyen and Andrew R. Hoffman (2003). Loss of Imprinting of IGF2 Sense and Antisense Transcripts in Wilms’ Tumor. Cancer Research 63: 1900–1905.
27. Xiaoming Yao, Ji-Fan Hu, Mark Daniels, Huifan Yien, Hongqi Lu, Hadas Sharan, Xiangjun Zhou, Zhilan Zeng, Tao Li, Youwen Yang, and Andrew R. Hoffman (2003). A novel orthotopic tumor model to study growth factors and oncogenes in hepatocarcinogenesis. Clinical Cancer Research. 9:2719-2726.
28. Gary A. Ulaner, Thanh H. Vu,Tao Li, Ji-Fan Hu1, Xiao-Ming Yao, Youwen Yang, Richard Gorlick, Paul Meyers, John Healey, Marc Ladanyi and Andrew R. Hoffman (2003). Loss of imprinting of IGF2 and H19 in osteosarcoma is accompanied by reciprocal methylation changes of a CTCF-binding site. Human Molecular Genetics 12: 535–549.
29. Xiaoming Yao, Ji-Fan Hu, Mark Daniels, Xingjun Zhou, Huifan Yien, Hongqi Lu, Zhilan Zeng, Tao Li, and Andrew R. Hoffman (2002). A methylated oligonucleotide inhibits IGF2 expression and enhances survival in a model of hepatocellular carcinoma.J. Clin. Invest. 111: 265–273.
30. Tao Li, Thanh H. Vu, Kok-Onn. Lee, Chuyen V. Nguyen , Huy Q. Bui, Zhi-Lan Zeng, Binh T. Nguyen, Ji-Fan Hu, Susan K. Murphy, Randy L. Jirtle, and Andrew R. Hoffman (2002). Imprinted PEG1/MEST Antisense Expressed Predominantly in Human Testis and in Mature Spermatozoa. Journal of Biological Chemistry 16:13518-13527.
31. Killian JK, Nolan CM, Wylie AA, Li T, Vu TH, Hoffman AR, Jirtle RL (2001). Divergent evolution in M6P/IGF2R imprinting from the Jurassic to the Quaternary. Human Molecular Genetics 10:1721-1728.
32. Tao Li, Thanh H. Vu, Danielle Nguyen, Binh T. Nguyen, Jifan Hu and Andrew Hoffman (2000). Tissue-specific expression of antisense and sense transcript at the imprinted Gnas locus.Genomics 69: 295-304.
33. Ji-fan Hu, Jung Pham, Indiral Dey, Tao Li, Thanh H. Vu and Andrew R. Hoffman (2000). Allele-specific histone Acetylation accompanies genomic imprinting of the insulin-like growth factor II receptor gene.Endocrinology. 141: 4428-35.
34. Tao Li, Thanh H. Vu, Danielle Nguyen, Binh T. Nguyen, Xiaoming Yao, Jifan Hu and Andrew Hoffman (2000). Symmetric and Asymmetric DNA methylation in the Human IGF2-H19 imprinted region. Genomics. 64, 132-143.
35. Okamura K, Hagiwara-Takeuchi Y, Li T, Vu TH, Hirai M, Hattori M, Sakaki Y, Hoffman AR, Ito T. (2000). Comparative genome analysis of the mouse imprinted gene impact and its nonimprinted human homolog IMPACT: toward the structural basis for species-specific imprinting.Genome Research. 10: 1878-1889.
36. Hu JF, Balaguru KA, Ivaturi RD, Oruganti H, Li T, Nguyen BT, Vu TH and Hoffman AR (1999). Lack of reciprocal genomic imprinting of sense and antisense RNA of mouse insulin-like growth factor II receptor in the central nervous system. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 257: 604-608.[1]
1. Tao Li, T. Aoki, N. Kameya, T. Tata, I. Nakamura (1998). Molecular analysis of expressed rice genes induced by infection of rice blast fungus. Japan. J. Breed. 48, Suppl. 1: 122.
2. Tao Li, Nanako Kameya, Yoshimichi Hukuta, Ikuo Nakamura (1997). Molecular cloning and linkage analysis of OSDIM cDNA in rice. Rice Genetics Newsletter 14: 130-133.
3. Tao Li, N. Kameya, T. Takano, Z. You, M. Yamada1 (1997). Structure analysis and expression of DIM gene in rice. Japan. J. Breed. 48, Suppl. 2: 122.
4. Tao Li N. Kameya, Y. Fukuta, H. Kitano, I. Nakamura (1997). Molecular analysis of DIM (diminuto) gene in rice. Japan. J. Breed. 47, Suppl. 1: 239.
5. Aoki, T., N. Kameya, T. Li, I. Nakamura (1996). cDNA clones encoding polysaccharide-modifying enzymes in elongating internodes of rice ao mutant. Japan. J. Breed. 46, Suppl. 2: 128.
6. Tao Li, Tetsuo Takano and Keisuke Kitamura (1995). Cloning of Glym Bd30K genes for an allergenic protein in azukibean. Japan. J. Breed. 45, Suppl. 2:454.
7. Takano Tetsuo, Tao Li and Keisuke Kitamura (1995). Cloning of the genes for an allergenic protein in soybean. Japan. J. Breed. 45, Suppl. 1: 27.
8. Tao Li, Tetsuo Takano and Keisuke Kitamura (1995). Distribution of a soybean allergic protein (Gly m Bd30K) and its gene in legume species. Japan. J. Breed. 45, Suppl. 1: 268.
9. Tao Li, Tetsuo Takano, Nagamura Atsusi and Genkichi Takeda (1993). Linkage analysis of rice lactate dehydrogenase gene. Rice Genetics Newsletter 1: 109-111.
10. Tao Li, Tetsuo Takano, Nagamura Atsusi and Genkichi Takeda (1994). Characterization and RFLP mapping of rice lactate dehydrogenase gene. Japan. J. Breed. 44, Suppl. 1: 19.
11. Tao Li, Tetsuo Takano, Hideo Matsumura and Genkichi Takeda (1993). Molecular cloning of rice lactate dehydrogenase cDNA. Japan. J. Breed. Vol. 43 No.1: 129-133.
12. Tao Li, Tetsuo Takano, Hideo Matsumura and Genkichi Takeda (1993). Anaerobic expression and structural analysis of rice lactate dehydrogenase gene. Japan. J. Breed. 43, Suppl. 2: 38.
13. Tao Li, Tetsuo Takano, Hideo Matsumura and Genkichi Takeda (1993). Molecular cloning of rice lactate dehydrogenase cDNA and its gene. Japan. J. Breed. 43, Suppl. 1: 84.
14. Hideo Matsumura, Tao Li, Tetsuo Takano and Genkichi Takeda (1992). Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in rice under anaerobic condition.Japan. J. Breed. 42, Suppl. 2: 292-293.
15. Kadowaki K., S., Kazama, Tao Li, T. and K. Harada (1990). Analysis of a chimeric ATPase subunit 6 gene generated by intramolecular recombination in rice mitochondria. Japan. J. Breed. 40, Suppl. 2: 138-139.[1]
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