
學科專業: 物理化學
1. Yanxi Zhao, Yuhua Zhang, Shufang Chen, Jinlin Li*, Kongyong Liew, Al-SBA-16-Supported Cobalt Catalysts for the Fischer–Tropsch Production of Gasoline-Fraction Hydrocarbons, ChemCatChem, 2012, 4, 1926–1929
2. Yanxi Zhao, Yuhua Zhang, Jian Chen, Jinlin Li*, Kongyong Liew, Mohd Ridzuan Bin Nordin, SBA-16 supported cobalt catalyst with high activity and stability for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, ChemCatChem, 2012, 4: 265-272
3. Chengchao Liu, Jinlin Li*, Kongyong Liew, Junjiang Zhu and Mohd Ridzuan bin Nordin, An environmentally friendly method for the synthesis of nano-alumina with controllable morphologies, RSC Advances, 2012, 2 (22): 8352 - 8358
4. Kun Xiong, Jinlin Li*, Kongyong Liew, Xiaodong Zhan, Preparation and characterization of stable Ru nanoparticles embedded on the ordered mesoporous carbon material for applications in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2010, 389: 173-178
5. Congliang Tao, Jinlin Li*, Yuhua Zhang, Kong Yong Liew, Effect of isomorphic substitution of zirconium on mesoporous silica as support for Cobalt Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2010, 331: 50-57
6. Zhe Cai, Jinlin Li*, Kongyong Liew, Juncheng Hu, Effect of LaO-dopping on the AlO supported cobalt catalyst for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2010, 330: 10-17
7. Haifeng Xiong, Yuhua Zhang, Kongyong Liew, Jinlin Li*, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: the role of pore size for Co/SBA-15 catalysts, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A, 2008, 295: 68-76
8. Haifeng Xiong, Yuhua Zhang, Shuguo Wang, Kongyong Liew, Jinlin Li*, Preparation and Catalytic Activity for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis of Ru Nanoparticles Confined in the Channels of Mesoporous SBA-15, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2008, 112: 9706-9709
9. Dechen Song and Jinlin Li*,In situ diffuse reflectance FTIR study of CO adsorbed on cobalt catalyst supported by silica with different pore size, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007, 111: 18970-18979
10.Shenke Zheng, Yanli Liu, Jinlin Li*, Buchang Shi, Deuterium tracer study of pressure effect on product distribution in the cobalt-catalyzed Fischer–Tropsch synthesis, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2007, 330: 63–68
1. 李金林,劉成超,張煜華,劉家舉,胡春玲,一種納米鈷顆粒費托合成催化劑及其製備方法,201110111769.7
2. 李金林,張煜華,劉家舉,胡春玲,胡紅軍,一種氧化物載體負載鈷催化劑及其製備方法和套用,201010547906.7
3. 李金林,劉成超,張煜華,劉家舉,胡春玲,一種納米氧化鋁的製備方法及套用,201110146441.9
4. 李金林,劉家舉,張煜華,趙燕熹,胡春玲,胡紅軍,以SBA-16分子篩為載體的催化劑及其製法和套用,201010606008.4
5. 李金林,韋良,張煜華,趙燕熹,胡春玲,一種以氧化矽介孔泡沫為載體的鈷基催化劑及套用,201210217134.X
6. 李步海,孫小梅,李金林,余曉雪,利用費托合成用氧化鋁負載鈷基廢催化劑製備高純硝酸鈷,ZL 200910272794.6
7. 陳蘇芳,李金林,張煜華,趙燕熹,張道洪,一種埃洛石負載鈷基催化劑的製備方法和套用,201110218014.7
8. 李琳,李金林,張露明,胡軍成,一種MgO(111)負載鎳基催化劑的製備方法和套用,201210076670.2
9. 楊漢民,李金林,一種金屬鈀納米材料催化劑及其製備和套用,ZL 201010515058.1
中南民族大學黨委副書記 校長
李金林,男 ,1963年9月生,漢族,湖北天門人,中共黨員,理學博士、教授、博士生導師,物理化學學科帶頭人,催化材料科學湖北省重點實驗室塈國家民委—教育部共建重點實驗室主任,先後擔任中南民族大學化學與材料學院副院長、院長等職務,2005年11月到2012年3月任中南民族大學黨委常委、副校長,2012年3月15日任中南民族大學黨委副書記、校長(試用期1年) 。