2004-2006在Unilever 食品與健康研究所任Materials Scientist: (1)研究生物大分子凝膠的脫水與吸脹和可控釋放;(2) 研究單糖,二糖和多糖的玻璃化轉變及對生物分子如蛋白質穩定性的影響。
1990.09-1994.07: 四川師範大學物理系,近代物理專業,理學學士
1994.09-1997.07: 四川大學原子與分子物理研究所,原子與分子物理專業,理學碩士
2000.11-2003.10:荷蘭FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics,軟物質中的有序與無序,博士後
2003.10-2004.10:荷蘭Technology University of Delft納米結構材料系,博士後
2004.10-2006.9:荷蘭Unilever Food and Health Research Institute,Materials Scientist.
2006.4 - : 中國科學技術大學,國家同步輻射實驗室和高分子科學與工程系教授,中國科學院”引進海外傑出人才”入選者

[1] 高分子加工過程中的物理問題
[2] 合成和生物高分子中不同相變的耦合與競爭
[3] 食品物理
[4] 生物納米材料
[5] 表面誘導有序
《高分子材料科學與工程》、《Chinese Journal of Polymer Science》編委
近年來,在Macromolecules, Journal of Rheology和Polymer等學術雜誌上發表論文170多篇,應邀為Macromolecules撰寫題為Flow-Induced Crystallization of Polymers: Molecular and Thermodynamic Considerations (Macromolecules, 2016, 49,1505-1517) 展望文章。主持的科研項目有:國家自然科學基金項目面上、重點項目、重大儀器專項和國家傑出青年基金,中國科學院“百人計畫”擇優支持項目, 科技部重點研發課題以及與中石油等企業的橫向合作項目。
[1] Xie, C.; Tang, X.; Yang, J.; Xu, T.; Tian, F.; Li, L., Stretch-Induced Coil–Helix Transition in Isotactic Polypropylene: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation [J]. Macromolecules2018.
[2] Lin, Y.; Li, X.; Meng, L.; Chen, X.; Lv, F.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, R.; Li, L., Structural Evolution of Hard-Elastic Isotactic Polypropylene Film during Uniaxial Tensile Deformation: The Effect of Temperature [J]. Macromolecules2018, 51 (7): 2690-2705.
[3] Cui, K.; Ma, Z.; Tian, N.; Su, F.; Liu, D.; Li, L., Multiscale and Multistep Ordering of Flow-Induced Nucleation of Polymers [J]. Chemical Reviews2018, 118 (4): 1840-1886.
[4] Su, F.; Ji, Y.; Meng, L.; Chang, J.; Chen, L.; Li, L., Shear-induced precursors in polyethylene: An in-situ synchrotron radiation scanning X-ray microdiffraction study [J]. Polymer2018, 135: 61-68.
[5] Wei, S.; Huang, W.; Su, F.; Tang, X.; Huang, N.; Li, L., Lyotropic meso-phase behavior of supra-molecular nanotubes with helical charge distribution [J]. Soft Matter2017, 13 (19): 3475-3479.
[6] Wang, Z.; Su, F.; Ji, Y.; Yang, H.; Tian, N.; Chang, J.; Meng, L.; Li, L. B., Transition from chain-to crystal-network in extension induced crystallization of isotactic polypropylene [J]. Journal of Rheology2017, 61 (4): 589-599.
[7] Wang, Z.; Ju, J.; Meng, L.; Tian, N.; Chang, J.; Yang, H.; Ji, Y.; Su, F.; Li, L., Structural and morphological transitions in extension-induced crystallization of poly(1-butene) melt [J]. Soft Matter2017, 13 (19): 3639-3648.
[8] Tang, X.; Yang, J.; Xu, T.; Tian, F.; Xie, C.; Li, L., Local structure order assisted two-step crystal nucleation in polyethylene [J]. Physical Review Materials2017, 1 (7).
[9] Su, F.; Ji, Y.; Meng, L.; Wang, Z.; Qi, Z.; Chang, J.; Ju, J.; Li, L., Coupling of Multiscale Orderings during Flow-Induced Crystallization of Isotactic Polypropylene [J]. Macromolecules2017, 50 (5): 1991-1997.
[10] Song, L.; Wang, Z.; Tang, X.; Chen, L.; Chen, P.; Yuan, Q.; Li, L., Visualizing the Toughening Mechanism of Nanofiller with 3D X-ray Nano-CT: Stress-Induced Phase Separation of Silica Nanofiller and Silicone Polymer Double Networks [J]. Macromolecules 2017, 50 (18): 7249-7257.
[11] Lv, F.; Chen, X.; Wan, C.; Su, F.; Ji, Y.; Lin, Y.; Li, X.; Li, L., Deformation of Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene Precursor Fiber: Crystal Slip with or without Melting [J]. Macromolecules2017, 50 (17): 6385-6395.
[12] Li, X.; Lin, Y.; Su, F.; Chen, X.; Zhang, W.; Lv, F.; Meng, L.; Zhang, Q.; Li, L., Mechanical energy and thermal effect controlled micropore nucleation and growth mechanism in oriented high density polyethylene [J]. Polymer2017, 133: 240-249.
[13] Li, J.; Ji, Y.; Chang, J.; Tian, N.; Song, L.; Chen, L.; Li, L., Structural origin of fast yielding-strain hardening transition in fluoroelastomer F2314 [J]. Polymer2017, 119: 107-111.
[14] Ju, J.; Su, F.; Wang, Z.; Yang, H.; Tang, X.; Chen, X.; Lv, Y.; Lu, J.; Tian, N.; Li, L., Extension decelerated crystallization in gamma-irradiated isotactic polypropylene: The role of asymmetric chain relaxation [J]. Polymer2017, 131: 68-72.
[15] Chen, X.; Lv, F.; Su, F.; Ji, Y.; Meng, L.; Wan, C.; Lin, Y.; Li, X.; Li, L., Deformation mechanism of iPP under uniaxial stretching over a wide temperature range: An in-situ synchrotron radiation SAXS/WAXS study [J]. Polymer2017, 118: 12-21.
[16] Yang, H.; Liu, D.; Ju, J.; Li, J.; Wang, Z.; Yan, G.; Ji, Y.; Zhang, W.; Sun, G.; Li, L., Chain Deformation on the Formation of Shish Nuclei under Extension Flow: An in Situ SANS and SAXS Study [J]. Macromolecules2016, 49 (23): 9080-9088.
[17] Wei, S.; Chen, M.; Wei, C.; Huang, N.; Li, L., Opposite counter-ion effects on condensed bundles of highly charged supramolecular nanotubes in water [J]. Soft Matter2016, 12 (29): 6285-6292.
[18] Wang, Z.; Ma, Z.; Li, L., Flow-Induced Crystallization of Polymers: Molecular and Thermodynamic Considerations [J]. Macromolecules2016, 49 (5): 1505-1517.
[19] Song, L.; Li, Z.; Chen, L.; Zhou, H.; Lu, A.; Li, L., The effect of bound rubber on vulcanization kinetics in silica filled silicone rubber [J]. Rsc Advances2016, 6 (103): 101470-101476.
[20] Ji, Y.; Su, F.; Cui, K.; Huang, N.; Qi, Z.; Li, L., Mixing Assisted Direct Formation of Isotactic Poly(1-butene) Form I ' Crystals from Blend Melt of Isotactic Poly(1-butene)/Polypropylene [J]. Macromolecules2016, 49 (5): 1761-1769.
[21] Hu, T.; Tian, N.; Ali, S.; Wang, Z.; Chang, J.; Huang, N.; Li, L., Polymer-Ion Interaction Weakens the Strain-Rate Dependence of Extension-Induced Crystallization for Poly(ethylene oxide) [J]. Langmuir2016, 32 (8): 2117-2126.