



於1981年、1986年和1994年分別在中國科學技術大學物理系、中國科大物理系和中國科大國家同步輻射實驗室分別攻讀學士、碩士和博士學位,分別研究非晶合金的結構馳豫和超導性質及比熱、高溫超導材料的摻雜和物性研究、及利用同步輻射研究超導材料的電子結構等課題。並曾分別在北京大學技術物理系英國的Leeds大學做博士後,研究鐵電材料在重離子輻照後其光折變回響速度的變化及其機理、新型非晶態磁性合金的性質及其電子結構,於2007年至2008年赴加拿大Saskatchewan大學做訪問學者,開展X射線吸收、X射線發射以及非彈性X射線散射等研究。曾經在英國Daresbury和美國Advanced Light Source、加拿大Canadian Light Source等國際上的同步輻射實驗室開展實驗研究。本人與國內多家研究單位具有良好的合作關係,如中國科學技術大學國家同步輻射實驗室、中國科學院高能物理研究所北京同步輻射實驗室、北京大學物理學院等;並與國際上一些單位有良好的合作關係,如英國的Leeds大學物理系、英國的Salford大學物理系、英國的Daresbury同步輻射實驗室等,加拿大Saskatchen大學和加拿大Canadian Light Source等。多年來一直從事材料的物性、電子結構和微結構的研究工作,並依此分析摻雜或離子輻照使材料改性(光折變回響速度提高)的機理,曾分別研究高溫超導和磁性多層膜的界面問題,同時還具有多年的同步輻射套用研究的經歷。


2010.1-2012.12 國家自然科學基金項目,批准號:10979016,主持《磁性離子摻雜對錳氧化物和鈷氧化物的影響》;
2007.1-2009.12 教育部新教師基金,主持《磁性相關材料電子態的同步輻射研究》;
2006.1-2008.12 江蘇省自然科學基金,批准號:BK2006106,主持《自旋電子器件的穩定性和失效之相關物理問題研究》;
2004.10-2007.9 教育部回國人員科研基金,主持《磁性薄膜的界面研究》;
2002.1-2004.12 國家自然科學基金項目,批准號:10174032,主持《巨磁電阻多層膜界面的同步輻射研究》;
2003.1-2005.12 國家自然科學基金項目,批准號:10274029,主要參加者,主持人為南京大學校長蔣樹聲教授;《納米介電薄膜材料光和熱輸運性質的研究》;
2001.4-2003.4 中英國際合作科研項目一項(項目號:EPSRC GR/N66582);
1999.1-2001.12 國家自然科研基金項目,批准號:19875003,主要參加者,主持人為北京大學技術物理系李正孝教授;《用離子束混合技術研究薄膜的納米化過程》;
1998.10-1999.8 中國博士後科研基金項目,主持《重離子輻照後KN晶體光折變回響速度提高的機理研究》;


1. Hao Liu, Qi Li,Yongtao Li, Hongguang Zhang, Yuanyuan Chen, Lingshan Chen, Xueguang Dongand Kai Chen, The role of disorder in sodium doped LaMnO3, accepted by IVESC 2010 & NANOcarbon 2010.
2. Hongguang Zhang, Yongtao Li, Lingshan Chen, Hao Liu, Yuanyuan Chen, Kai Chen, Xueguang Dong, Qi Li, Magnetization and electronic structure of polycrystalline La1-xCaxMnO3 (x=0.19, 0.17), accepted by IVESC 2010 & NANOcarbon 2010.
3. Yongtao Li, Qi Li, Hao Liu, Hongguang Zhang, Qingyu Xu, Bo He and Shiqiang Wei, Local structure and magnetic properties study of Bi(Fe0.95Co0.05)O3 ceramics, accepted by IVESC 2010 & NANOcarbon 2010.
4. Yuanyuan Chen, Qi Li, Mingguo Sun ,Yongtao Li, Hao Liu, Hongguang Zhang, Lingshan Chen, Kai Chen, Xueguang Dong, Zhiyun Pan, Bo He, and Shiqiang Wei, Yingxue Zhou, and Xinyi Zhang, Local Structure around Co in (Zn, Co)O Nanoparticles, accepted by IVESC 2010 & NANOcarbon 2010.
5. Lingshan Chen, Hongguang Zhang, Yongtao Li, Hao Liu, Yuanyuan Chan, Kai, Chen, and Xueguang Dong, Qi Li, The study of thermal and electrical properties of Fe-based amorphous alloys Fe80-xCoxP12B4Si4, accepted by IVESC 2010 & NANOcarbon 2010.
6. Yuanyuan chen, Qi Li, Mingguo Sun, Hao Liu, Hongguang Zhang, Lingshan Chen, Yongtao Li, Kai Chen, Xueguang Dong, Zhiyun Pan, Bo He, and Shiqiang Wei, Yingxue Zhou, and Xinyi Zhang, Study on structures and magnetic properties of Co-doped ZnO dilute magnetic semiconductor nanoparticles, The 6International Workshop on Zinc Oxide and Related Materials, Aug. 5-7, 2010, Changchun, P. R. China.
7. Hongguang Zhang, Qi Li, Hao Liu, Lingshan Chen, Yuanyuan Chen and Yongtao Li, Observation of Griffiths phase in polycrystalline La1-xCaxMnO3 for x~0.20, IEEE Magnetics46, 1483 (2010).
8. Z. G. Dong, S. Y. Lei, Q. Li, et al., Non-left-handed transmission and bianisotropic effect in a p-shaped metallic metamaterial, Phys. Rev. B 75, 075117 (2007).
9. Yongtao Li, Qi Li, Meilan Wen, Yi Zhang, Ya Zhai, Zhi Xie, Faqiang Xu, and Shiqiang Wei, Magnetic properties and local structure studies of Zn doped ferrites, J. Electr. Spec. Relat. Phenom. 160, 1 (2007).
10. Meilan Wen, Qi Li, Yongtao Li, Magnetic and electronic properties of ZnxFe3-xO4, J. Electr. Spec. Relat. Phenom. 153, 65 (2006).
11. Y. T. Li, Q. Li, M. L. Wen, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhai, F. Q. Xu, and S. Q. Wei, EXAFS study of ZnxFe3-xO4, 50 MMM conference, San Jose, USA, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 2005.
12. Q. Li, D. Greig, J. A. D. Matthew, T. H. Shen, and G. Beamson, Lattice, magnetic property and Electronic Structure Studies on Pd-based Alloys, 50 MMM conference, San Jose, USA, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 2005.
13. Q. Li, D. Greig, S. H. Kilcoyne, P. Hine, J. A. D. Matthew, and G. Beamson, Properties of the quaternary amorphous alloy Pd40Ni40B10P10, Mater. Sci. Eng.A408, 154 (2005).
14. Y. X. Wang, B. You, W. Tian, Y. X. Wang, M. Sun, M. Lu, Q. Li,Exchange bias and angular dependence in Co/Co3O4 bilayers, Internat. J. Mod. Phys. B 19, 2580 (2005).
15. Y. X. Wang, W. Tian, J. Xiong, Y. X. Wang, L. Sun, Q. Li, B. You, A. Hu, M. Lu, The effect of nonmagnetic defects on magnetic behavior for multilayers Ta/Co/Co3O4/Ta, Appl. Surf. Sci. 252, 3390 (2006).
16. Y. X. Wang, W. Tian, Y. X. Wang, L. Sun, Q. Li, B. You, A. Hu, H. R. Zhai, and M. Lu, The effect of capping layer Ta on magnetic behaviour for multilayers Ta/Co/Co3O4/Ta, Solid State Commun. 135, 725 (2005).
17. Q. Li, D. Greig, J. A. D. Matthew, T. H. Shen, and G. Beamson, Auger parameters of Pd-Ni-P ternary alloys, Phil. Mag. B85, 885 (2005).
18. X. B. Hu, H. Liu, J. Y. Wang, H. J. zhang, H. D. Jiang, S. S. Jiang, Q. Li, Y. L. Tian, Y. Y. Huang, W. X. Huang, and W. He, Comparative Study of KTiOPO4 crystals, Opt. Mater.23, 369 (2003).
19. Q. Li, D. Greig, J. A. D. Matthew, and G. Beamson, Auger parameters of bulk amorphous Pd-based alloys, Conference on Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, April 6-9, 2003, UK.
20. D. Greig, S. H. Kilcoyne, Q. Li, B. Hickey, and J. A. D. Matthew, Magnetic properties of Pd40Ni23Fe17P20 alloy, Conference on Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, April 6-9, 2003, UK.
21. Q. Li, D. Greig, J. A. D. Matthew, E. A. Seddon, and G. Beamson, Electron screening in bulk amorphous Pd-Ni-P and Pd-Ni-Fe-P alloys, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Metallic Glasses754, 433 (2003).
22. X. B. Hu, H. D. Jiang, H. Liu, S. S. Jiang, Q. Li, J. Y. Wang, C. Q. Zhang, B. Teng, Y. L. Tian, W. X. Huang, Observation of inhomogeneity in congruent LiTaO3 crystal, J. Crystal Growth225, 6 (2001).
23. Q. Li, H. B. Pan, C. G. Zhu, P. S. Xu, and X. Y. Zhang, Doping effect of Sn on superconductivity in Bi2Sr2CaCu2-xSnxO8+d compound, J. Superconductivity13, 137 (2000).
24. Q. Li, Z. H. Xia, X. T. Lu, F. Wang, Q. H. Gong, and D. Z. Shen, Photorefractive response time of B-ion-implanted KNbO3:Rb crystal, Electronics Letters36, 961 (2000).
25. X. S. Wu, F. Z. Wang, S. Nie, Q. Li, and S. S. Jiang, Comparison of superconductivity and structure for YBa2Cu3Oy with potassium and sodium doping, J. Superconductivity13, 653 (2000).
26. Q. Li, Z. H. Xia, X. T. Lu, F. Wang, Q. H. Gong, and D. Z. Shen, Photorefractive response time of proton-implanted KNbO3:Rb crystal, J. Modern Optics42, 1707 (2000).
27. Q. Li, H. B. Pan, C. G. Zhu, P. S. Xu, and X. Y. Zhang, XRD and PES studies of Bi2Sr2Ca1-xPrxCu2O8+d system, J. Superconductivity13, 603 (2000).
28. Q. Li, Z. H. Xia, X. T. Lu, F. Wang, Q. H. Gong, and D. Z. Shen, The Observation of photorefractive effect of KNbO3 crystal at mW illumination, Chinese Physics9, 841 (2000).
29. Q. Li, H. B. Pan, C. G. Zhu, P. S. Xu, and X. Y. Zhang, XRD and XPS studies of Bi2Sr2CaCu2-xSnxO8+d system, Acta Physica Sinica49, 2055 (2000). (in Chinese)
30. Q. Li, H. B. Pan, C. G. Zhu, P. S. Xu, and X. Y. Zhang, Substitution effect of Pr for Ca in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d system, J. Superconductivity13, 565 (2000).
31. Q. Li, H. B. Pan, C. G. Zhu, P. S. Xu, and X. Y. Zhang, Electronic Structure studies of Bi2Sr2CaCu2-xSnxO8+d system, Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Ed.),8, 927 (1999).
32. Q. Li, Z. H. Xia, X. T. Lu, F. Wang, Q. H. Gong, and D. Z. Shen, Response Time Characteristics of Proton-implanted KNbO3 Crystals, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis 35, 655 (1999). (in Chinese)
33. Q. Li, H. B. Pan, C. G. Zhu, P. S. Xu, Y. X. Zhou, and X. Y. Zhang, Electronic structure studies on Bi2Sr2Ca1-xPrxCu2O8+d system superconductos, J. Univ. Sci. Techn. China29, 55 (1999). (in Chinese)
34. Q. Li, H. B. Pan, C. G. Zhu, P. S. Xu, and X. Y. Zhang, XPS studies on superconductors of Y-123 doped with Sn for Cu, J. Low Temp. Phys.20, 28 (1998). (in Chinese)
35. Q. Li, and X. Y. Zhang, Studies of ferroelectrics by synchrotron radiation, Prog. in Phys.18, 76 (1998). (in Chinese)
36. X. H. Chen, T. F. Li, M. Yu, L. Z. Cao, Q. Li, P. S. Xu, and X. Y. Zhang, Effect of Ca substitution on the electronic structure of Nd2-x-yCexCayCuO4-d, Phys. Rev. B56, 5673 (1997).


