

該片記錄了法國色情明星希爾維亞波登(Sylvia Bourdon),不怎么關注自己的職業生涯,而把注意力放在自己的個人生活上,而她的個人生活簡直比她的色情事業更離譜。



該片記錄了法國色情明星希爾維亞波登(Sylvia Bourdon),不怎么關注自己的職業生涯,而把注意力放在自己的個人生活上,而她的個人生活簡直比她的色情事業更離譜。


希爾維亞波登(Sylvia Bourdon),1949年生於德國。16歲失身,隨後四處旅行,在法國以色情片女星的身份出道。1975~1976年期間事業大獲豐收,與Claudine Beccarie一同被看作法國色情業的先驅,她同時也是第一個同意與狗發生關係的法國女星……


Interesting, fun documentary about porn star Sylvia Bourdon. It does not cover her film career, but rather focuses on her personality, lifestyle, and beliefs. She appears to be a total hedonist. Defines herself as a "sexual communist, but conservative with the purse strings." And she's very blunt and irreverent. At one point she laments that she can't have anal sex because of her hemorrhoids, but she optimistically says she will have the doctors take care of them. "Knowing Sylvia is a surrealist experience," says one of her friends.

Some of the more interesting scenes involve her playing with one of her consensual slaves. She degrades and whips him, all while one of her uptight sexually conservative friends is in the room. Her friend is very disturbed by the display, looking away at times and appearing to sob. Bourdon tries to explain that she and the man both enjoy the activity, but the uptight one is too horrified to understand.

And perhaps my favorite quote occurs at a dinner scene. A man criticizes Sylvia, charging that food and sex are all she thinks about. Sylvia cheerfully concedes "I'm a c*** with a stomach". Good times!



