《驚魂下一秒/預見未來 Next 》 (2007) ...Irv
《 Three Days to Vegas 》 (2007) ...Gus Fitzgerald
《 Edge of Outside 》 (2006) ...Himself
《我的親戚 The Thing About My Folks 》 (2005) ...Sam Kleinman
《 Checking Out 》 (2005) ...Morris Applebaum
《 The Book of Joe 》 (2005) ...Vincent
《鯊魚故事/沙膽大話王/鯊魚黑幫 Shark Tale 》 (2004) ...Don Brizzi (voice)
《 The Second Annual TV Land Awards: A Celebration of Classic TV 》 (2004) ...Himself
《 When Angels Come to Town 》 (2004) ...Max
《 Columbo: Columbo Likes the Nightlife 》 (2003) ...executive producer
《 Columbo: Columbo Likes the Nightlife 》 (2003) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Wilder Days 》 (2003) ...James 'Pop Up' Morse
《 ABC's 50th Anniversary Celebration 》 (2003) ...Himself/Columbo (Alias skit)
《 Finding John Christmas 》 (2003) ...Max
《終極鬥士/無可爭議 Undisputed 》 (2002) ...Mendy Ripstein
《光影流情 The Kid Stays In the Picture 》 (2002) ...Himself - Golden Globe Awards (archive footage) (uncredited)
《 Brilliant But Cancelled 》 (2002) ...(archive footage)
《 NBC 75th Anniversary Special 》 (2002) ...Himself
《 "Intimate Portrait" Suzanne Pleshette 》 (2002) ...Himself
《 3 Days of Rain 》 (2002) ...Waldo
《聯邦大蠢蛋 Corky Romano 》 (2001) ...Francis A. 'Pops' Romano
《搞定! Made 》 (2001) ...Max
《搞定! Made 》 (2001) ...charcoal drawings
《 The Lost World 》 (2001) ...Reverend Theo Kerr
《 A Town Without Christmas 》 (2001) ...Max
《 The 100 Greatest TV Characters 》 (2001) ...Lieutenant Columbo (archive footage)
《 Hubert's Brain 》 (2001) ...Bailey (voice)
《 Lakeboat 》 (2000) ...The Pierman
《 A Storm in Summer 》 (2000) ...Abel Shaddick
《 Columbo: Murder with Too Many Notes 》 (2000) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Murder with Too Many Notes 》 (2000) ...executive producer
《 The '70s: The Decade That Changed Television 》 (2000) ...Segment Presenter
《 From Where I Sit 》 (2000) ...Abe
《 Enemies of Laughter 》 (2000) ...Paul's Father
《 A Constant Forge 》 (2000) ...Himself
《 Columbo: Ashes to Ashes 》 (1998) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Ashes to Ashes 》 (1998) ...executive producer
《金錢老大 Vig 》 (1998) ...Vinnie
《 Columbo: A Trace of Murder 》 (1997) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: A Trace of Murder 》 (1997) ...executive producer
《樂天小子 Sunshine Boys, The 》 (1995) ...Willie Clark
《 Columbo: Strange Bedfellows 》 (1995) ...executive producer
《 Columbo: Strange Bedfellows 》 (1995) ...Lieutenant Columbo
《同居大作戰 Roommates 》 (1995) ...Rocky Holzcek
《 Columbo: Butterfly in Shades of Grey 》 (1994) ...Lieutenant Columbo
《 Columbo: Butterfly in Shades of Grey 》 (1994) ...producer
《 Columbo: Undercover 》 (1994) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Undercover 》 (1994) ...executive producer
《 Columbo: It's All In the Game 》 (1993) ...executive producer
《 Columbo: It's All In the Game 》 (1993) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: It's All In the Game 》 (1993) ...
《咫尺天涯 In weiter Ferne, so nah! 》 (1993) ...Himself
《超級大玩家/幕後玩家 Player, The 》 (1992) ...Himself
《 Columbo: A Bird in the Hand 》 (1992) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: A Bird in the Hand 》 (1992) ...executive producer
《 Columbo: No Time to Die 》 (1992) ...Lieutenant Columbo
《 Columbo: No Time to Die 》(1992) ...executive producer
《 Columbo: Caution! Murder Can Be Hazardous to Your Health 》 (1991) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Caution! Murder Can Be Hazardous to Your Health 》 (1991) ...co-executive producer
《 Columbo: Columbo and the Murder of a Rock Star 》 (1991) ...co-executive producer
《 Columbo: Columbo and the Murder of a Rock Star 》 (1991) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Death Hits the Jackpot 》 (1991) ...executive producer
《 Columbo: Death Hits the Jackpot 》 (1991) ...Lt Columbo
《 Columbo: Rest in Peace, Mrs. Columbo 》 (1990) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Rest in Peace, Mrs. Columbo 》 (1990) ...co-executive producer
《 Columbo: Uneasy Lies the Crown 》 (1990) ...co-executive producer
《 Columbo: Uneasy Lies the Crown 》 (1990) ...Lieutenant Columbo
《 Columbo: Columbo Cries Wolf 》 (1990) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Columbo Cries Wolf 》 (1990) ...executive producer
《情人有約 Tune in Tomorrow... 》 (1990) ...Pedro Carmichael
《 Columbo: Murder in Malibu 》 (1990) ...Lieutenant Columbo
《 Columbo: Murder in Malibu 》 (1990) ...executive producer
《 Columbo: Agenda for Murder 》 (1990) ...co-executive producer
《 Columbo: Agenda for Murder 》 (1990) ...Lt. Colombo
《 Columbo: Columbo Goes to College 》 (1990) ...co-executive producer
《 Columbo: Columbo Goes to College 》 (1990) ...Lt. Columbo
《單身女郎日記 In the Spirit 》 (1990) ...Roger flan
《 Columbo: Murder, Smoke & Shadows 》 (1989) ...Columbo
《 Columbo: Murder, Smoke & Shadows 》 (1989) ...co-executive producer
《 Columbo: Murder, a Self Portrait 》 (1989) ...co-executive producer
《 Columbo: Murder, a Self Portrait 》 (1989) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Columbo Goes to the Guillotine 》 (1989) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Columbo Goes to the Guillotine 》 (1989) ...co-executive producer
《 Columbo: Sex and the Married Detective 》 (1989) ...co-executive producer
《 Columbo: Sex and the Married Detective 》 (1989) ...Lieutenant Columbo
《鬼馬父女 Cookie 》 (1989) ...Dominick 'Dino' Capisco
《 Columbo: Grand Deceptions 》 (1989) ...co-executive producer
《 Columbo: Grand Deceptions 》 (1989) ...Lieutenant Columbo
《 Vibes 》 (1988) ...Harry Buscafusco
《柏林蒼穹下 Himmel über Berlin, Der 》(1987) ...Himself
《公主新娘 Princess Bride, The 》 (1987) ...The Grandfather
《 Happy New Year 》 (1987) ...Nick
《小心眼大陰謀 Big Trouble 》 (1986) ...Steve Rickey
《 Great Muppet Caper, The 》 (1981) ...Watch salesman in park (uncredited)
《 ...All the Marbles 》 (1981) ...Harry Sears
《妙親家與俏冤家 In-Laws, The 》 (1979) ...Vincent J. Ricardo
《 Columbo: Murder Under Glass 》 (1978) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Make Me a Perfect Murder 》 (1978) ...Lieutenant Columbo
《低價偵探 Cheap Detective, The 》 (1978) ...Lou Peckinpaugh
《 Columbo: The Conspirators 》 (1978) ...Lt. Columbo
《龍虎大賊少雙手 Brink's Job, The 》 (1978) ...Tony Pino
《 Columbo: How to Dial a Murder 》 (1978) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Scared Straight! 》 (1978) ...Narrator (voice)
《首演之夜 Opening Night 》 (1977) ...Cameo appearance (uncredited)
《 Columbo: Bye-Bye Sky-High I.Q. Murder Case, The 》 (1977) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Try and Catch Me 》 (1977) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Now You See Him 》 (1976) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder 》 (1976) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Griffin and Phoenix: A Love Story 》 (1976) ...Geoffrey Griffin
《怪宴 Murder by Death 》 (1976) ...Sam Diamond
《 Mikey and Nicky 》 (1976) ...Mikey
《 Columbo: Fade in to Murder 》 (1976) ...Lieutenant Columbo
《 Columbo: Last Salute to the Commodore 》 (1976) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: A Matter of Honor 》 (1976) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: A Deadly State of Mind 》 (1975) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Forgotten Lady 》 (1975) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: A Case of Immunity 》 (1975) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Troubled Waters 》 (1975) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Identity Crisis 》 (1975) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Playback 》 (1975) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: An Exercise in fatality 》 (1974) ...Lieutenant Columbo
《 Columbo: By Dawn's Early Light 》 (1974) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Mind Over Mayhem 》 (1974) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Publish or Perish 》 (1974) ...Lieutenant Columbo
《 Columbo: Negative Reaction 》 (1974) ...Lieutenant Columbo
《受影響的女人 Woman Under the Influence, A 》 (1974) ...Nick Longhetti
《 Columbo: A Friend in Deed 》 (1974) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Swan Song 》 (1974) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Double Shock 》 (1973) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Lovely But Lethal 》 (1973) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Requiem for a Falling Star 》 (1973) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Any Old Port in a Storm 》 (1973) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Double Exposure 》 (1973) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: A Stitch in Crime 》 (1973) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: The Most Dangerous Match 》 (1973) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Candidate for Crime 》 (1973) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Dagger of the Mind 》 (1972) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Short Fuse 》 (1972) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Étude in Black 》 (1972) ...(uncredited)
《 Columbo: Étude in Black 》 (1972) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: The Greenhouse Jungle 》 (1972) ...Lieutenant Columbo
《 Columbo: Blueprint for Murder 》 (1972) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Blueprint for Murder 》 (1972) ...
《 Columbo: The Most Crucial Game 》 (1972) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Dead Weight 》 (1971) ...Lt. Columbo
《 Columbo: Suitable for Framing 》 (1971) ...Lieutenant Columbo
《 Columbo: Lady in Waiting 》 (1971) ...Lieutenant Columbo
《 Columbo: Murder by the Book 》 (1971) ...Lieutenant Columbo
《 Columbo: Death Lends a Hand 》 (1971) ...Lieutenant Columbo
《 Columbo: Ransom for a Dead Man 》 (1971) ...Lieutenant Columbo