
1. The One-Dimensional Quantum Spin Chain
1.1 The S = 1/2 XXZ Spin Chain
1.2 The Jordan-Wigner Transformation and the Quantum Kink
1.3 The Bethe Ansatz and the Exact Solution
2. Quantum Field Theory in 1+1 Dimensions
2.1 Bosonization
2.2 Conformal Field Theory
2.3 The Non-linear Sigma Model
3. Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems
3.1 Models of Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems
3.2 Spin-Charge Separation in One Dimension
3.3 Magnetic Ordering in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems
3.4 Self-consistent Renormalization Theory
4. Local Electron Correlation
4.1 The Kondo Effect
4.2 Dynamical Mean Field Theory
5. Gauge Theory of Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems.
5.1 Gauge Theory of Quantum Anti-ferromagnets
5.2 Gauge Theory of the Doped Mott Insulator
5.3 Gauge Theory of Quantum Hall Liquids
A. Complex Functions
A.1 Projection from the z-Plane to the w-Plane
A.2contourIntegral of f(z) Around the Path C
B. The Variational Principle and the Energy-Momentum Tensor