理論力學安徽省精品課程工科力學系列課程安徽省教學團隊獲獎杜慶華工程計算方法優秀青年學者獎, 2009安徽省教學成果二等獎, 2008082-5 全國第三屆基礎力學青年教師講課比賽二等獎, 2008安徽省中青年骨幹教師, 2005安徽省教學成果二等獎, 2010合肥工業大學“青年文明號”工程力學青年教研團隊負責人, 2010論文在國內外核心期刊、學術會議發表學術論文50餘篇。SCI、EI、ISTP檢索20餘篇。Huanlin Zhou, Zhongrong Niu, Changzheng Cheng, Zhongwei Guan. Analytical Integral Algorithm Applied to Boundary Layer Effect and Thin Body Effect in BEM for Anisotropic Potential Problems. Computers & Structures,2008,86(15-16):1656-1671Huanlin Zhou, Zhongrong Niu, Changzheng Cheng, Zhongwei Guan. Analytical integral algorithm in the BEM for orthotropic potential problems of thin bodies. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,2007,31:739-748Zhou Huanlin, Niu Zhongrong, Wang Xiuxi. Regularization of nearly singular integrals in the BEM of potential problems. Appl. Math. Mech., 2003,24(10): 1208-1214