
(1)在美國North Texas大學醫學中心做博士後工作期間,在世界上首次從人視網膜發現了一種新型血管內皮生長因子-VEGF183,基因序列首先在國際基因庫登錄,並於1999年在Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.以第一作者發表(IF5.2)。
(2)以劉景晶為主完成的抗癌藥—門冬醯胺酶,已收載於2000年版中國藥典,榮獲江蘇省科技進步二等獎(排名第一)。以劉景晶為主完成的“酶法生產丙氨酸”項目也在省內企業實現了產業化生產,獲得國家醫藥總局科技進步二等獎;完成了“用基因工程菌酶法生產D-對羥基苯甘氨酸”通過了江蘇省科技廳組織的專家鑑定(蘇科鑒字[2002]第321號; 排名第一)。
(3) 在技術創新方面,在國內外首次提出了“微基因藥學”的學科構想,沿該研究思路開展了與重大疾病相關的一系列微基因藥學相關技術研究,完成了微基因藥物製備技術平台研究的“863”項目,建立了“微基因藥學”相關的技術平台,並被學校確立為“211”工程重點支持的研究方向。
(4) 建立的以微基因藥物為研究方向的研究團隊承擔了多項國家“863”計畫課題、國家自然科學基金課題和江蘇省自然科學基金項目,研究方向主要有治療糖尿病的重組人胰島素類等肽類藥物、抗腫瘤生長的核酸疫苗和蛋白質類疫苗、抗動脈粥樣硬化蛋白質藥物和疫苗、抗骨質疏鬆症的小肽類藥物甲狀旁腺素類似物等,研究經費達170萬多元。
(5)申請並公開的國家專利25項;在國內外核心學術期刊上發表各類論文150多篇,其中SCI論文40多篇,多篇論文在J Immunol(IF 6.293)、J Biol Chem(IF 5.808)、Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci(IF 5.2)Endocr Relat Cancer(IF 5.2)、Vaccine(IF 3.159)等國際著名學術雜誌上刊登,影響因子超過90。
[1] Yong Lu, Didier Mekoo, OuyanKedong, XiangbingHu, Yanhua Liu, Ming Lin, Liang Jin, Rongyue Cao, Taiming Li, Zhang Yankai, Hao Fan and Liu Jingjing* .Strong humoral response elicited by a DNA vaccine targeting gastrin-releasing peptide with optimized adjuvants inhibits murine prostate carcinoma growth in vivo. Endocrine-Related Cancer.DOI: 10.1677/ERC-09-0058.
[2] L Yong, Z Huiyong, F Jing, W Huaqian, Y Kejun, Y Yanan, L Suli, W Xuejun, M Yuhan, C Rongyue, F Hao, L Taiming*, and L Jingjing* .Study on preparation and unique properties of a novel insulin analogue with N-terminal Arg-4, Pro-3, Lys-2, Pro-1extension at insulin B-chain. Regulatory Peptides, Oct 2009; 157(1-3): 92-8.
[3] Yong Lu, Jing Fang, KedongOuyang, Guojun Wu, Huiyong Zhang, Yanhua Liu, Yingying Chen, Ming Lin, Huaqian Wang, Liang Jin, Rongyue Cao, Rouel S. Roque, Li Zong, Jingjing Liu,* and Taiming Li*. (Lu Yong and Fang Jing contributed equally to this paper). Specific antibodies elicited by a novel DNA vaccine targeting gastrin-releasing peptide inhibit murine melanoma growth in vivo. Clin VaccineImmunol , July 2009, p.1033-1039, Vol. 16, No. 7
[4] Y Lu, K Ouyang, J Fang, H Zhang, G Wu, Y Ma, Y Zhang, X Hu, L Jin, R Cao, H Fan, T Li, and J Liu*. Improved efficacy of DNA vaccination against prostate carcinoma by boosting with recombinant protein vaccine and by introduction of a novel adjuvant epitope, Vaccine, Aug 2009; 27(39): 5411-8.
[5]Jiao Feng, Yanhua Liu, Yun Xing, Huaqian Wang, Taiming Li, Jingjing Liu, Hao Fan, Rongyue Cao *.A novel human parathyroid hormone (1-34) analog for the treatment of Osteoporosis. Peptides . DOI:10.1016/j.peptides.2009.02.013.
[6]Yunxiao, Sun; Zhufang, Li; Xin, Yang; Jun, Long; Qiyan, Xiong; Gaofu, Qi; Rongyue, Cao; Jie, Wu; Jingjing , Liu; Hao, Fan; Taiming, Li. Construction, Expression,Purification and Immunology Effect of an AntiatherosclerosisChimeric Enzyme Vaccine in Escherichia coli. [J] Protein & Peptide Letters, 2008, 15, 745-752
[7] QiyanXiong, Jianping Li, Liang Jin, Jingjing Liu, Taiming Li*. Nasal mmunization with heat shock protein 65 attenuates atherosclerosis and reduces serum lipids in cholesterol-fed wild-type rabbits probably through different mechanisms. Immunology Letters.DOI:10.1016/j.imlet.2009.05.007.
[8] XiongQiyan, Jin Liang, Li Jianping, Fan Hao, Cao Rongyue, Wu Jie, Li Taiming and Liu Jingjing*. A Th2 immune shift to heat shock protein 65 fails to arrest atherosclerosis :Proatherogenic role of Th2-deviated Autoantibodies. Autoimmunity. DOI: 10.1080/08916930902887086.
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[10]Guojun W, Wei G, Kedong O, Yi H, Yanfei X, Qingmei C, Yankai Z, Jie W, Hao F, Taiming L, Jingjing L, Rongyue C. A novel vaccine targeting gastrin-releasing peptide: efficient inhibition of breast cancer growth in vivo. Endocr RelatCancer , 2008,15(1):149-59
[11] Jin L, Zhu A, Wang Y, Chen Q, Xiong Q, Li J, Sun Y, Li T, Cao R, Wu J, Liu J. A Th1-recognized peptide P277, when tandemly repeated, enhances a Th2 immune response toward effective vaccines against autoimmune diabetes in nonobese diabetic mice. J Immunol, 2008,180(1):58-63
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[15] Jin L, Wang Y, Xiong Q, Chen Q, Li J, Zhu A, Cao R, Wu J, Liu J. Long-lasting specific antibodies against P277 induced by mucosal administration of P277 repeat sequences carried by Hsp65 in the absence of adjuvants. Vaccine, 2007,25 (11):2043-50
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[18] Yankai Z, Rong Y, Yi H, Wentao L, Rongyue C, Ming Y, Taiming L, Jingjing L, Jie W. Ten tandem repeats of beta-hCG 109-118 enhance immunogenicity and anti-tumor effects of beta-hCG C-terminal peptide carried by mycobacterial heat-shock protein HSP65. Biochem BiophysRes Commun, 2006,345(4):1365-71
[19] Mao D, Kai G, Gaofu Q, Zheng Z, Li Z, Jie W, Jingjing L, Rongyue C. Intramuscular immunization with a DNA vaccine encoding a 26-amino acid CETP epitope displayed by HBc protein and containing CpG DNA inhibits atherosclerosis in a rabbit model of atherosclerosis. Vaccine, 2006,24(23):4942-50
[20] Gaofu Q, Rongyue C, Dan M, Xiuyun Z, Xuejun W, Jie W, Jingjing L. Asparaginase display of human cholesteryl ester transfer protein(CETP) B cell epitopes for inducing high titers of anti-CETP antibodies in vivo. Protein PeptLett, 2006,13(2):149-54
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