1. 1999.5 丹麥Dantec公司 PIV儀器培訓
2. 2002.3-2004.2 韓國科學技術院(KAIST)流動控制實驗室 訪問學者
3. 2001.8-2007.11 上海交通大學動力機械工程系 副教授
4. 2007.12-至今 上海交通大學機械與動力工程學院 教授
5. 2008-至今,機械與動力工程學院 博士生導師
6. 2009.7至今,機械與動力工程學院副院長(國際化及公共關係)
1. 熱力系統氣動力學及強度分析
2. 非定常流及流動控制(實驗 & 數值計算)
3. 先進流動測試技術(PIV, PSV, PDPA, LIF, PSP...)
2.2012-2014,國家自然科學基金項目“基於TR-PIV 流場測量與Curle 聲類比理論的流動噪聲測量技術研究”,主要參加人
10.2011-2012,上海核工程研究院項目 ***,項目主持人
11.2011-2012,上海航天基金項目 ***,項目主持人
1.Ying Zheng LIU, Liu Liu SHI, Jun YU, TR-PIV Measurement of Wake behind a Grooved Cylinder at Low Reynolds Number, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2011, 27(3): 394-407
2.Y.Z.Liu, L.L.Shi, Q.S.Zhang, Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of Wall-pressure Fluctuations under the Constrained Wake of a Square Cylinder, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 35(7), 2011, 1325-1333
3.Liuliu Shi, Yingzheng Liu, Jun Yu, PIV measurement of the separated flow over a blunt plate with different chord-to-thickness ratios. Journal of fluids and structures (SCI), 2010, 26: 644-6573.
4.Liuliu Shi, Yingzheng Liu, Hyungjin Sung, On the wake with and without vortex shedding suppression behind a two-dimensional square cylinder in proximity to a plane wall,Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics (SCI), 2010, 98: 492-5032.
5. W. Z. Wang, Y. Z. Liu, G. Meng and P. N. Jiang, A nonlinear model of flow-structure interaction between steam leakage through labyrinth seal and the whirling rotor, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 23(12), 2009, 3302-3315
6. Liu Liu Shi, Ying Zheng Liu, Jin Jin Wan, Influence of wall proximity on characteristics of wake behind a square cylinder: PIV measurements and POD analysis, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 34(1), 2010, 28-36
7. Liu Liu SHI, Ying Zheng LIU, Jin Jin WAN,TR-PIV measurement of separated and reattaching turbulent flow over a surface-mounted square cylinder, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 24(1), 421-428,2010
8. Qi Sun, Dawei Wan, Jinfen Liu, Yingzheng Liu, Ming Zhu, Haifa Hong, Yanjun Sun, Qian Wang, Influence of antegrade pulmonary blood flow on the hemodynamic performance of bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis: a numerical study, Medical Engineering & Physics 31(2),227-233,2009.
9. Qi Sun, Dawei Wan, Jinfen Liu, Haifa Hong, Yingzheng Liu and Ming Zhu, Patient-specific Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation of A Bilateral Bidirectional Glenn Connection. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 46(11),1153-1159,2008.
10. W.Z.Wang, Y.Z.Liu, P.N.Jiang, H.P.Chen, Nonlinear analysis of orbital motion of the rotor subject to leakage air flow through an interlocking seal, Journal of Fluids and Structures 25(5),751-765,2008
11. Y.Z.Liu, , H.J.Sung, Unsteady separated and reattaching turbulent flow over a two-dimensional square-edged rib, Journal of Fluids and Structures 24(3),366-381,2009.
12. Y.Z.Liu, W.Z.Wang, H.P.Chen, , Y.Yuan, Influence of leakage flow through labyrinth seal on rotordynamics: numerical calculations and experimental measurements, Archive of Applied Mechanics 77(8),599-612,2007.
13. Y.Z. Liu, , H.P.Chen, H.J.Sung, A wall-bounded turbulent mixing layer flow over an open step: II. Unsteady characteristics, Journal of Turbulence 8(26),1-17,2007.
14. W.Z.Wang, Y.Z. Liu, H.P. Chen and P. N. Jiang, Computation of Rotordynamic Coefficients Associated with Leakage Steam Flow through Labyrinth Seal, Archive of Applied Mechanics 77(8),587-597,2007.
15. S.J.Chun, Y.Z.Liu, H.J.Sung, Multi-resolution analysis of the large-scale coherent structure in a turbulent separation bubble affected by unsteady wake, Journal of Fluids and Structures 23(1),85-100,2007
16. Y.Z.Liu,Z.M.Cao.Recent progress in particle image velocimetry in China, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B 18(1),11-19,2006
17. Y.Z. Liu, W.Kang, and H.J.Sung, Assessment of The Organization of The Turbulent Separated and Reattaching Flow by Using Wall Pressure Fluctuations”, Experiments in Fluids 38(4),485-493,2005.
18. B.J.Kim, Y.Z.Liu, H.J. Sung. Micro PIV Measurement of Two-fluid Flow With Different Refractive Indices. Measurement Science and Technology 15(6),1097-1103,2005
19. Sejong Chun, Y.Z. Liu ,Hyung Jin Sung. Wall pressure fluctuations of a turbulent separated and reattaching flow affected by an unsteady wake, Experiments in Fluids 37(4), 531-546,2004
20. Y.Z. Liu,B.J. Kim and H.J.Sung. Two-fluid mixing in a microchannel., International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 25(6),986-995,2004.
21. Y.Z Liu, H.S. Koyama and H.P Chen, Experimental Investigation on Spin-up and Spin-down Rotating Flow with Vortex Breakdown via PIV, Journal of Hydrodynamics. Series B 15(2),2003
22. Y.Z Liu, H.P Chen, H.S. Koyama, 3D Flow Inside Bubble-Type Vortex Breakdown: An Experimental Investigation via PIV, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Series B 15(3),2003
23. 鄔文睿,王煒哲,蔣普寧,劉應徵,陳漢平.超超臨界汽輪機高壓轉子高溫蠕變壽命的數值分析.動力工程,2009,29(2):99-103.
24. 鄔文睿,萬津津,王煒哲,劉應徵.600MW亞臨界機組主調閥蒸汽流動損失數值分析.水動力學研究與進展A輯,2008,23(5):501-506.
25. 萬津津,施鎏鎏,余俊,劉應徵.貼壁方柱湍流場TR-PIV實驗研究.實驗流體力學,2009,23(2).31-35.
26. 王煒哲,劉應徵,葉春,忻建華,陳漢平,葛慶,袁鷹.汽輪機軸封-轉子系統動力學特性的數值分析.動力工程,2007.27(6):845-849.
27. 王煒哲,劉應徵,陳漢平,葉春,忻建華.迷宮軸封氣流周向剪下力對轉子動態特性係數的影響.動力工程,2007,27(5):717-720.
28. 柯峰,劉應徵,陳漢平,湍流壁面脈動壓力場測量技術:傳聲器陣列.空氣動力學學報,2007,25(3):400-403.
29. 王煒哲, 劉應徵, 陳漢平等. 迷宮密封-轉子系統動力學特性的實驗和數值研究[J].《機械工程學報》,2007, 43(3): 22-27.
30. 王煒哲,施鎏鎏,劉應徵等. 1000MW超臨界機組主調閥內流動和噪聲計算分析[J].《動力工程》,2007,27(3): 401-405.
31. Q.S.Zhang, Y.Z.Liu, Wall-pressure-fluctuations of Separated and Reattaching Flow over Blunt Plate with chord-to-thickness ratio c/d = 9.0, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, in press, 2012
1. 計算流體與傳熱 本科生 48學時 3學分
2. 現代流動測試技術及其套用 博士生 36學時 2學分
1. 2006年至今《水動力學研究與進展 A輯》EI期刊 編委
2. 2006年至今,《Journal of Hydrodynamics》SCI期刊 編委
3. 2008年至今,中國空氣動力學會測控專委委員 測試組副組長
4. 2009年至今,中國力學學會高級會員
1. 2009年,教育部新世紀優秀人才計畫
2 2008年,上海白玉蘭科技人才基金(科研合作:俄羅斯科學院西伯利亞分院理論和套用力學所)
3. 2009年,上海交通大學SMC優秀青年教師獎A類計畫支持