1. 微生物、病毒感測器的研製與套用
2. 電化學製備方法與套用研究
1. 壓電生化感測儀,國家自然科學基金儀器專項,經費80萬元
2. 分子導線壓電微生物感測新技術理論與套用,國家自然科學基金,26萬元
3. 結核桿菌壓電測試新技術研究與套用,36萬元
4. 有毒有害元素替代技術,國家科技支撐計畫,85萬元
5. 鎢合金表面處理工藝研究,湖南省重點計畫,20萬元
6. 全自動血培養儀產業化研究,長沙市重點計畫,50萬元
[1] Ren J L, He F J, Zhang L L. The construction and application of a new PPY-MSPQC for l-asparaginase activity assay. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,2010, 145:272-277
[2] He F J, Zhong M. New MSPQC-PLS method for the early clinic identification of commonly encountered Candida species. Talanta, 2010, 80 (3): 1210-1215
[3] He F J, Tu J R. New Medium for Rapid Quantification of Micrococcus Luteus Cells byMultic hannel Series Piezoelectric Quartz Crystal Based Method. Sensor letters, 2010, 8: 1-5
[4] He F J, Li T, Zhang L L, Yuan H, Zhou J D. New MSPQC Method for Rapid Identification and Quantification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Analytical Letters,2009, 42(1): 58-67
[5] Su C W, Wang E L, Zhang Y B, He F J. Ni1−xFex (0.1 < x < 0.75) alloy foils prepared from a fluorborate bath using electrochemical deposition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009,474: 190-194
[6] Su C W, He F J, Ju H, Zhang Y B, Wang E L. Electrodeposition of Ni, Fe and Ni–Fe alloys on a 316 stainless steel surface in a fluorborate bath. Electrochimica Acta, 2009, 54: 6257-6263
[7] Ren J L, He F J, Yi S L, Cui X Y. A new MSPQC for rapid growth and detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2008, 24(3): 403-409
[8] He F J, Ren J L, Liu Z H. The study and application of a new IDE–PQC sensor.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2007, 123(2): 1057-1063
[9] Ren J L, He F J, Zhang L L, Su C W, Liu Z H. A new B-PAn-P system for the detection of bacteria population. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2007, 125:510-516
[10] He F J, Zhou J. A new antimicrobial susceptibility testing method of Escherichia coli against ampicillin by MSPQC. Journal of Microbiology Methods, 2007, 68(3): 563-567
[11] He F J, Zhang X Q, Zhou J D, Liu Z H. A new MSPQC system for rapid detection of pathogens in clinical samples. Journal of Microbiology Methods, 2006, 66(1): 56-62
[12] He F J, Zhang X Q, Liu Z H. A new sensor method for studying the effect of surfactants on the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2006, 113(1): 428-434
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