
















o M. Tu, C. Q. Ren (任承欽), L. A. Zhang, J. W. Shao, Simulation and analysis of a novel liquid desiccant air-conditioning system. Applied Thermal Engineering, Manuscript Number: ATE-2007-287 (accepted) (SCI, EI)

o 任承欽,王華輝等 板式間接蒸發冷卻換熱器熱工特性的實驗研究. 熱科學與技術(已接受)

o 王華輝,任承欽等 板式間接蒸發冷卻換熱器阻力特性的實驗研究. 建築熱能通風空調(已接受)

o C. Q. Ren (任承欽), Effectiveness-NTU relation for packed bed liquid desiccant–air contact systems with a double film model for heat and mass transfer. International journal of heat and mass transfer. (in press) doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2007.07.038. (SCI, EI)

o C. Q. Ren (任承欽), Corrections to the simple effectiveness-NTU method for counterflow cooling towers and packed bed liquid desiccant-air contact systems. International journal of heat and mass transfer 51(1-2) (2008) 237-245. (SCI, EI)

o C. Q. Ren (任承欽), M. Tu, H. H. Wang, An analytical model for heat and mass transfer processes in internally cooled or heated liquid desiccant contact units. International journal of heat and mass transfer 50 (17-18) (2007) 3545–3555. (SCI, EI)

o C. Q. Ren (任承欽), H. X. Yang, An analytical model for the heat and mass transfer processes in indirect evaporative cooling with parallel/counter flow configurations. International journal of heat and mass transfer 49 (3-4) (2006) 617–627. (SCI, EI)

o C. Q. Ren (任承欽), Y. Jiang, Y. P. Zhang, Simplified analysis of coupled heat and mass transfer processes in packed bed liquid desiccant-air contact system. Solar energy 80 (1) (2006) 121–131. (SCI, EI)

o C. Q. Ren (任承欽), An analytical approach to the heat and mass transfer processes in counterflow cooling towers. ASME Journal of heat transfer 128 (11) (2006) 1142-1148. (SCI, EI)

o H. X. Yang, C. Q. Ren (任承欽), Study on Performance Correlations of an Indirect Evaporative Cooler with Condensation from Primary Airflow. HVAC&R Research 12 (3) 2006 519-532. (SCI, EI)

o C. Q. Ren (任承欽), Y. Jiang, G. F. Tang, Y. P. Zhang, A characteristic study of liquid desiccant dehumidification/regeneration processes. Solar energy 79 (2005) 483–494. (SCI, EI)

o 丁傑,任承欽,板式間接蒸發冷卻器傳熱傳質係數的研究. 建築熱能通風空調 26 (5) (2007) 1-6,10

o 丁傑,任承欽,基於CFD方法的間接蒸發冷卻器火用分析. 製冷與空調 6 (4) (2006) 19-25

o 丁傑,任承欽,間接蒸發冷卻方案的比較研究. 建築熱能通風空調 25 (4) (2006) 100-103

o 丁傑,任承欽,板式間接蒸發冷卻換熱器的層流特性研究. 工業加熱 35 (2) (2006) 24-29.

o 丁傑,任承欽,間接蒸發冷卻器不可逆火用損失研究. 製冷空調與電力機械27 (3) (2006) 8-11, 35.

o 張龍愛,任承欽,間接蒸發冷卻板式換熱器換熱性能的數值模擬. 製冷空調與電力機械26 (5) (2005) 6-9,42.

o 任承欽,彭美君, 間接蒸發冷卻板式換熱器的火用效率分析. 工業加熱. 2005, 34 (3): 7-10

o 任承欽, 張龍愛, CFD方法與間接蒸發冷卻換熱器的三維數值模擬. 節能. 2005 (6): 14-17,2

o 任承欽,湯廣發,張國強,陳在康,一種新型蒸發冷卻空調用板式換熱器的設計及其傳熱特性的模擬研究. 暖通空調 33 (5) (2003) 106-109, 118

o H. X. Yang, C. Q. Ren (任承欽), L. Lu. Energy Performance Test of the Indirect Evaporative Heat Exchanger at Kowloon Park. Report for Four Gay Engineering Co. Ltd., Department of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

o C. Q. Ren (任承欽), N. P. Li, G. F. Tang, Principles of exergy analysis in HVAC and evaluation of evaporative cooling schemes. Building and Environment. 37 (11) (2002) 1045-1055. (SCI, EI)

o C. Q. Ren (任承欽), G. F. Tang, N. P. Li, L. Zhang, J. Yang, Discussion on principles of exergy analysis applied to HVAC systems. Proceedings of International Conference on Energy Conversion and Application (ICECA’2001), Jun 17-20 2001. ENERGY CONVERSION AND APPLICATION VOL Ⅰand Ⅱ: 103-107, 2001. (ISTP)

o C. Q. Ren (任承欽), G. F. Tang, N. P. Li, G. F. Zhang, J. Yang, Exergy analysis of moist air and energy saving potential in HVAC by evaporative cooling or energy recovery. Proceedings of International Conference on Energy Conversion and Application (ICECA’2001), Jun 17-20 2001. ENERGY CONVERSION AND APPLICATION VOL Ⅰand Ⅱ: 120-124, 2001. (ISTP)

o C. Q. Ren (任承欽), G. F. Tang, N. P. Li, G. F. Zhang, L. Ouyang, The thermodynamic analysis of imbalanced counterflow evaporative coolers. Proceedings of International Conference on Energy Conversion and Application (ICECA’2001), Jun 17-20 2001. ENERGY CONVERSION AND APPLICATION VOL Ⅰand Ⅱ: 1114-1118, 2001. (ISTP)

o 張桂芳, 湯廣發, 李念平, 任承欽, 黃宇, 濾膜過濾器新的理論模型初步探討. 湖南大學學報 28 (1) (2001) 79-82.

o 楊靖, 任承欽, 謝惠民, 直噴式柴油機燃燒過程的合理組織. 28 (4) (2001) 49-53.

o 任承欽,湯廣發,龔光彩,張泠,熵分析法研究對流擴散數值仿真的偽擴散數值。全國暖通空調製冷2000年學術文集, 244-247, 2000.10.

o 任承欽,湯廣發,對流熱過程數值計算穩定性關係新探討(Ⅰ)—耗散熵產非負定性分析. 湖南大學學報 26 (1) (1999) 60-65

o 任承欽,湯廣發,李念平,楊靖,空冷式可變熱導熱管的性能研究. 工業鍋爐59 (3) (1999) 28-30

o 任承欽,李念平,楊靖,劉作榮,碳鋼—水熱管熱真空製作技術與分析. 工業加熱 152 (6) (1999) 16-18

o 任承欽,湯廣發,對流熱過程數值計算穩定性關係新探討(Ⅱ)—一維平流差分方程的耗散熵產統計分析. 湖南大學學報 26 (2) (1999) 53-57, 61

o 任承欽,湯廣發,吸附工質對溫熵圖及製冷循環分析. 湖南大學學報 25(5) (1998) 109-114

o 任承欽,王禮建,楊仕承,熱管空氣預熱器改造設計、製造及使用分析. 湖南大學學報,25 (3) (1998) 45-50





