Zhaozhang Ren
Financial department
Director of RCFE
Field of Research
Major in research on financial engineering, empirical finance, financial development and economic development, especially on pricing of financial derivatives which advance the international frontier of this field.
Courses offered
Finance, International Finance, Financial Markets, international payments, securities & investment,financial management, financial engineering offered for bachelor.
Econometrics, international financial markets, macroeconomics, International finance and trading techniques for foreign exchange, financial supervision offered for master.
Advanced econometrics, differential equations in economics, frontier on economics offered for PHD.
1988.4-1990.4, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University, Japan, visiting scholar.
1979.1-1980.7, Mathematics Department, Yunnan University, advanced study.
1962 graduated from Mathematics Department, Guangxi Normal University, as bachelor.
2004.7至今, 華南理工大學經濟貿易學院,教授,博士生導師
1995.2 -2004.7, 華南理工大學工商管理學院,教授,博士生導師
1985.2 -1988.4,廣西大學經濟系,副教授
2004.7-present, professor, PHD. Advisor, school of economics and commerce, South China University of Technology (scut)
1995.2-2004.7, professor, PHD. Advisor, School of Business Administration, SCUT
1993.10-1994.4, guest professor, Osaka University, Japan.
1985.2-1988.4, associate professor, Economics Department, Guangxi University
1. “金融數學.金融工程.金融管理”,編號:79790130,國家自然科學基金"九五"重大課題, 1997-2001。
2. 南貴昆經濟帶研究,編號:D82070,貴陽市人民政府、廣西科技廳軟課題,2001-2004。
3. 提升廣州市綜合競爭力,D91560,廣州市人民政府,2002-2003。
4. 轉型經濟中隨機條件下的人民幣匯率期權研究,教育部博士點基金,2006.1-2007.12。
5. 廣東省金融高新技術服務區發展規劃,編號:20070829,佛山市南海區發展和改革局,2007.5-2007.8。
6. 人民幣匯率期權產品研究,編號:06JDXM009,廣東省教育廳,廣東高校人文社會科學重大規劃項目,2007-2009。
7. 廣東省金融業總產出與增加值研究,編號:J05N5070460,廣東省金融服務辦公室,2007.9-2008.9。
8. 廣東金融高新技術服務區拓展研究,佛山市南海區發展和改革局,2008.10-2010.12。
Research projects
1. Financial mathematics, financial engineering, financial management, No. 79790130, by the National Natural Science Foundation of China during the 9th Five-Year Plan Period, major program, 1997-2001
2. Research on the economic band of Nanning, Guiyang and Kunming. No. D82070, a soft task item of the People’s Government of Guiyang and Department of Science and Technology of Guangxi Province, 2001-2004
3. Promote the comprehensive competitive power of Guangzhou city, No. D91560, the People’s government of Guangzhou city. 2002-2003
4. Research on RMB currency options under stochastic conditions during Transformation Period of China′s Economic Society, by a grant from the Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China
5. Programming of financial High-tech service zone in Guangdong province, No. 20070829, by the Development & Reform Bureau of Nanhai District, Foshan city, 2007.5-2007.8
6. Research on RMB currency options, No. 06JDXM009, major program of Humanities and Social Science in Higher Education Institutes, Department of Education of Guangdong Province, 2007-2009
7. Research on Guangdong provincial financial output and value-added, No. J05N5070460, by Financial Service Office, the People’s Government of Guangdong Province, 2007.9-2008.9
8. Expanding research on the financial high-tech service zone in Guangdong, No. by the Development & Reform Bureau of Nanhai District, Foshan city, 2008.10-2010.12
1. 銀行業總產出與增加值核算,中國金融出版社,出版中
2. 保險業總產出與增加值核算,中國金融出版社,出版中
3. 證券業總產出與增加值核算,中國金融出版社,出版中
4. 銀行業監管系列書,包括《金融監管理論與制度》、《商業銀行監管》、《外資銀行監管》、《合作金融、金融資產管理公司與政策性銀行監管》、《非銀行金融機構監管》,華南理工大學出版社,2006年11月
5. 《南貴昆經濟帶研究報告之一——南貴昆經濟帶科技進步與經濟發展》,人民日報出版社,2004年11月
6. 《南貴昆經濟帶研究報告之二——南貴昆經濟帶科技進步與經濟發展》,人民日報出版社,2004年11月
7. 《金融風險防範與控制體系》,社會科學文獻出版社,2001年5月。
1. 人民幣匯率預期的隨機波動模型研究,暨南學報(哲學社會科學版),2007年 03期,任兆璋; 寧忠忠;
2. 我國流動性過剩的實證分析,南方金融,2007年 02期,任兆璋; 於孝建;
3. 商業銀行信貸違約風險測度的SBP模型研究 金融研究,2006年 11期 ,任兆璋; 楊紹基;
4. 淺議人民幣匯率微觀形成機制改革,學術研究,2006年 12期 ,任兆璋; 寧忠忠;
5. 流動性風險調整的信用違約互換定價,華南理工大學學報(自然科學版),2006年 11期 ,任兆璋; 李鵬;
6. 流動性風險對可違約債券信用利差期限結構的影響,系統工程理論方法套用,2006年 03期 任兆璋; 李鵬;
7. 我國企業債券市場發展滯後的深層機理研究,學術研究,2006年 06期,任兆璋; 李鵬;
8. 考慮流動性風險的可違約債券定價模型,統計與決策,2006年 02期,李鵬; 任兆璋;
9. 健康對勞動參與的多值政策效應分析,廣東社會科學,2006年 01期,任兆璋; 范閩;
10. 中國企業債券價差個體性影響因素的實證分析,華南理工大學學報(社會科學版),2006年 01期,任兆璋; 李鵬;
11. 教育工資升水率的微觀計量分析,財經研究,2006年 01期,任兆璋; 范閩;
12. 桂滇黔國有企業結構趨同合意性和非合意性分析,廣西民族學院學報(哲學社會科學版),2005年 06期,任兆璋; 王曉燕;
13. 人民幣匯率預期與人民幣NDF匯率的實證研究,學術研究, 2005年 12期,任兆璋; 寧忠忠;
14. 中國教育質量與收益率的微觀計量分析,華南理工大學學報(自然科學版) ,2005年 09期,任兆璋; 范閩;
15. 廣州IT業中性別工資歧視的微觀計量分析,暨南學報(人文科學與社會科學版),2005年 04期,任兆璋; 范閩;
16. 我國同業拆借利率期限結構研究,金融研究,2005年 03期,任兆璋; 彭化非;
17. 廣州等十城市經濟競爭力分析,中山大學學報(社會科學版) ,2005年 02期 ,任兆璋; 范閩;
18. 我國同業拆借利率決定模型研究,上海金融,2005年 02期,任兆璋; 彭化非;
19. 新加坡對外商品貿易分析,華南理工大學學報(社會科學版) ,2005年 01期 ,張華賓; 任兆璋;
20. 中國銀行間同業拆借利率預測模型研究,南方金融,2005年 01期,彭化非; 任兆璋;
21. 人民幣匯率預期的ARCH效應分析,華南理工大學學報(自然科學版),2004年 12期,任兆璋; 寧忠忠;
22. 人民幣實際匯率與貿易收支實證分析,現代財經-天津財經學院學報,2004年 11期,任兆璋; 寧忠忠;
23. 南貴昆經濟帶引進外資障礙因素定量分析,華南理工大學學報(社會科學版),2004年 01期,任兆璋; 方銘賢;
24. 資金短缺地區重視發展比較優勢行業的實證研究——南貴昆經濟帶為例的實證分析,廣西大學學報(自然科學版), 2004年 01期,任兆璋; 李鵬;
25. 購買力平價理論與人民幣匯率升值壓力實證分析,南方金融,2003年 12期 ,任兆璋; 寧忠忠;
26. 應重視對印度尼西亞的貿易合作,廣東經濟,2003年 10期,任兆璋; 張華賓;
27. SARS向我國政府危機管理機制提出挑戰 改革與理論,2003年 07期,任兆璋; 賈肖明;
28. 銀行危機管理研究,南方金融,2003年 07期,任兆璋; 陳曉勇;
29. 收入差距影響儲蓄和消費行為的計量分析,廣東社會科學,2003年 06期,任兆璋; 蘇毅;
30. 分析新加坡的國際收支結構──研究“重造一個新新加坡”,南方金融,2001年 12期,任兆璋
31. 廣義二元國際儲備研究,南方金融,2001年 05期,任兆璋
32. 期貨風險控制方法在住房金融業務中的套用,南方金融,2000年 03期,任兆璋
33. 研究廣東金融發展史的重要資料:《廣東省志·金融志》,南方金融,2000年 01期,任兆璋
34. 欠已開發國家出口不穩定性分析,統計與預測,1999年 04期,任兆璋
35. 廣東省利用外資分析,統計與預測,1999年 01期,任兆璋
36. 積極學習“與狼共舞”,南方金融,1999年 12期,任兆璋
37. 論美元匯率上浮政策的寄生矛盾,南方金融,1999年 09期,任兆璋
38. 用熱力學原理分析金融危機問題,南方金融,1999年 06期,任兆璋
39. 日美長期利率及匯率統計分析,南方金融,1999年 04期 ,任兆璋
Major Publications
1. Financial output and value-added accounting for bank industry, Chinese financial Press, forthcoming
2. Financial output and value-added accounting for insurance industry, Chinese financial Press, forthcoming
3. Financial output and value-added accounting for securities industry, Chinese financial Press, forthcoming
4. The series of books on banking industry supervision, the SCUT press, 2006.11
5. The first research report on the economic band of Nanning, Guiyang and Kunming, people’s daily publishing house, 2004.11
6. The second research report on the economic band of Nanning, Guiyang and Kunming, people’s daily publishing house, 2004.11
7. The avoiding and controlling system for financial risk, Social Science Academic Press, 2001.5
Journal papers (selected):
1. Study on Stochastic Volatility Model of CNY Exchange Rate Expectation, Journal of Jinan University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition), 2007.3
2. Empirical analysis on Chinese surplus of liquidity, South China Finance, 2007.2
3. Study on SBP model which measures the default risk of commercial bank, Financial Research, 2006.11
4. The Reform of CNY's Exchange Rate Market Microstructure, Academic Research, 2006.12
5. Liquidity Risk-Adjusted Credit Default Swap Pricing, Journal of South China University of Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2006.11
6. Impact of Liquidity Risk on the Term Structure of Credit Spreads, Journal of Systems & Management, 2006.3
7. A Study on the Cause Lead to the Delayed Development of Enterprises' Bond Market in China, Academic Research, 2006.6
8. Pricing model of default bond considering liquidity risk, STATISTICS AND DECISION,2006.2
9. An Analysis of the Multiple Treatment Effects of Health on Labor Force Participation, SOCIAL SCIENCES IN GUANGDONG, 2006.1
10. An Empirical Study of Individual Factors That Influence China's Corporate Bond Spread, Journal of South China University of Technology(Social Science Edition), 2006.1
11. Micro-econometric Analysis of Return to Education, JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ECONOMICS, 2006.1
12. An Analysis on the Appropriateness and Inappropriateness of the Structural Convergence of SOEs in Guangxi, Yunnan, and Guizhou, JOURNAL OF GUANGXI UNIVERSITY FOR NATIONALITIES(PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION), 2005.6
13. An Empirical Study of CNY Exchange Rate Expected and NDF Rate, ACADEMIC RESEARCH, 2005.12
14. Micro-Econometric Analysis of Educational Quality and the Return Rate from China Education, JOURNAL OF SOUTH CHINA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION), 2005.9
15. A Micrometric Research of Gender Income Discrimination in Guangzhou's Information Technology Industry, JOURNAL OF JINAN UNIVERSITY(PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL SCIENCES),2005.4
16. Study on term structure of China interbank offer rate, Financial Research, 2005.3
17. An Analysis on the Urban Economic Competitiveness of Ten Cities in China, JOURNAL OF SUN YATSEN UNIVERSITY (SOCIAL SCIENCE EDITION), 2005.2
18. Study on determinant model of interbank offer rate in China, SHANGHAI FINANCE, 2005.2
19. An Analysis of Singapore's Export-oriented Commodities Trade, JOURNAL OF SOUTH CHINA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY(SOCIAL SCIENCE EDITION), 2005.1
20. Study on forecasting model of interbank offer rate in China, SOUTH CHINA FINANCE, 2005.1
22. CNY Real Exchange Rate and Trade Revenue and Expenditure: An Empirical Analysis of China P.R., the United States and Japan, MODERN FINANCE AND ECONOMICS-JOURNAL OF TIANJIN UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE AND ECONOMICS,2004.11
23. A Quantitative Analysis of the restrictive Factors Concerning Foreign Capital Introduction into the Nanning-Guiyang-Kunming Economic Belt, JOURNAL OF SOUTH CHINA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY(SOCIAL SCIENCE EDITION), 2004.1
24. Importance of developing industries of comparative advantages in regions short of capital--The empirical study on Nanguikun Economic Region, JOURNAL OF GUANGXI UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION), 2004.1
25. Empirical analysis on PPP and the appreciating pressure CNY exchange rate, SOUTH CHINA FINANCE, 2003.12
26. Emphasis on trading coordination with Indonesia, GUANGDONG JINGJI, 2003.10
27. Study on crisis management of banks, SOUTH CHINA FINANCE, 2003.7
28. Consumption Behavior by Utilizing the Information on Guangzhou Resident's Income, Saving and Consumption in 1993~2001, SOCIAL SCIENCES IN GUANGDONG, 2003.6