The movie revolves around a Mauritian based Indian origin family, Shekhar Sinha, his wife Sandhya their son Jai Sinha, who falls in love with Sophie Besson. She plays the daughter of a prominent Mauritius white family. The movie is set against the backdrop of the contemporary society of Mauritius, it brings to the fore the inter-cultural conflict between the Indians and the Swedish.
當Shekar和他的妻子Sandhya把他們的兒子Jai送到到斯德哥爾摩學習時,他們很難能預料到他回家宣布他對Sophie Besson的永恆愛情。Sophie Besson也居住在模里西斯,是一個英國商人的女兒。 當思想開明的Shekar贊成這份關係時,傳統的妻子並不熱衷於有一個白人的兒媳婦。與之類似,Besson先生拒絕看見他的家族姓氏與祖先的奴隸扯上關係。 在如今的社會,這樣的偏見看起來是過時了,不過你很快會意識到那是無知和對基於事件核心改變的懼怕 .