
英文名稱:Championship Manager 08
遊戲製作:Beautiful Game Studios
英國的Beautiful Game Studios(BGS)發布了其新作《Championship Manager 2008》(冠軍足球經理2008)的3張新圖片,並且公布了這代遊戲的一些新特性,看來Eidos是準備挽回CM系列的輝煌了。《Championship Manager 2008》(以下簡稱《CM2008》)將提供最新的07-08賽季的球員轉會陣容,遊戲的皮膚,選單捷徑,玩家界面將會有非常大的改變,力求讓玩家有和之前不同的感受。BGS宣稱,這一代的比賽引擎將會有非常大的提升,提高真實度,通過分析球員在現實比賽中更慣於使用的打法,動作,使遊戲中的球員更接近真正的球員。比如,一個球員在現實中喜歡交叉跑位,喜歡傳一些直塞球,那么在遊戲中他們也會盡力的這么做。《CM2008》的比賽引擎將採用3-D,你將會清楚的看到球員會因為爭奪位置和與對方球員有身體碰撞,帶球的球員如何巧妙的躲過對方的鏟斷,這些都會在《CM2008》裡面出現。你將在《CM2008》中帶領你的球隊獲得榮譽,你要為球隊制定戰術,安排訓練計畫,與你的球員溝通來為球隊獲得轉機

升級資料(Update Data)
Updated club, player and staff data to the end of the August transfer window
An increase of more than 25% of people in the database
27 playable nations now including the Australian League
澳洲聯賽(Australian League)
League competition and Pre-Season competitions
Marquee player and salary cap rules
Limit on youth players and realistic player registration
Ability to play with other user managers on one PC.
ProZone分析反饋(ProZone Analyst Feedback)
ProZone Analyst that gives analytical feedback on how players and the team performed during a match, including identifying good and bad points that may otherwise have been missed. There’s no hiding place for players!
Analyst view which gives the player a simple way of accessing the power of the ProZone tool.
Replay analyst events & goals instantly!
Ability to play any match event within ProZone instantly.
Live rewind facility which allows the user to navigate through a match easily.
New video style camera view
Ability to see the context surrounding an event, so the user can easily see the cause and effect of an incident.
Match possession bar to show the user how possession changed over time, as well as indicating when events occur.
球員傾向(Player Tendencies)
32 tendencies that modify how an individual player performs during a matchday.
Ability to mould players to learn new tendencies

比賽引擎(Match Engine)
Teams now function as units rather than as individuals with players now communicating between themselves.
All aspects of play from shooting to passing and tackling have been upgraded.
One-twos and overlaps.
Tilting/Leaning/Diving player markers used in order to provide the user with better information as to what is happening on the pitch.
Modelling of short term energy levels that affect a player’s work rate at a particular point in the match.
Overhauled Match summary screen giving the user an insight into player performance and opposition tactical changes.
Revamped transfer values to ensure that player reputations and performances have a bigger effect on values.
More realistic transfers with improved player interested filtering making transfer targets more realistic.
More realistic loan system ensuring players available are more suited to yours and the AI clubs needs.
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