
Here I am. wrecking my brains
Smoking my cigarette and don抰 know
How to get it right
You came and told me that life is not
Just about chocolates
Mister man are you insane
Who do you think you are
To jump in too
You must me blind
Im all deliverance you gotta set them free
From their answers
So how do we see
Should we take a little minute
Just to sing a song
So how should we be
Find a way or fade away
Little Sam when you became
A pretty boy without a face of make up on
Were so beguiled
You act as if the world needs a face
And that yours be d the bearer
Here I am wrecking my brains
Smoking my cigarettes and dont know
How to get it right
You came and told me that life is not
Just about chocolates
蔡健雅首張發行專輯《bored》,蔡健雅能在她的首張專輯裡,將美國流行音樂玩得如此輕鬆自然、駕輕就熟,一切就如渾然天成,毫無修飾和做作的痕跡。她搖搖擺擺演繹“鄉村民謠”的愜意,總是會讓人想起Jess Klein和Jewel;她融合Blues、Funk於搖滾樂的手法,又和Sheryl Crow有異曲同工之妙;而在《You Sorry Ass!!》這樣輕舞搖擺的流行搖滾作品,她的曼妙旋律也絕不會輸與Alanis Morissette;《Ashes》又如何?是否像是青澀少女版的Tori Amos;《My Colour TV Set》則又像是Suzanne Vega的靈魂附體,主歌部分的吟唱更讓人想起了“呼吸”主唱蔚華單飛後首張專輯的色彩,如果你多少了解這位大姐人生觀和音樂觀的來源的話,就不會覺得這樣的聯想牽強。