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《Murder》,俄羅斯電影,Timur Nurulin導演,Timur Nurulin、Vladimir Komarov主演。


歌手:David Gilmour

專輯:About Face

Within Temptation - Murder / 誘惑本質 - 謀殺

翻譯: Tony Chang @ LK 歌詞組 翻譯分隊

校對: lil'KAKA`@ LK 歌詞組 搖滾分隊

I've been around these vicious lives, too / 我的生活也曾如此墮落

Too long to be neglecting the truth / 墮落很久險把真理埋沒

I'm getting closer and I'm fully armed / 我步步逼近,我全副武裝

I'm about to hunt you down through / 穿越你身後的黑洞

The big black hole right behind you / 我馬上會把你逮住

And I'm about to cut your wings away / 然後我就砍掉你的翅膀

'Cause I've been finding out / 我始終在尋找

Where you've broken in / 你潛伏的老巢

I will take you out / 你一落入圈套

When I close you in / 我就把你做掉

I'm killing them all and put my soul on the line / 我殺光他們,犧牲掉我的一切

I purify sins that I've committed in life / 以刷洗這一生我造下的罪孽

I follow them all and I'll be bringing them down / 我盯緊他們,我要把他們打倒

Wherever they go I'm right behind / 天涯海角,我如影隨行

There's nowhere to go, your head on the line / 你無處可投,你命懸一線

There is no rope, you're running out of time / 沒有生機,也活不過幾天

So where will you go / 你何以安身

When I will murder your soul / 等我謀殺了你靈魂

I'm about to do it your way / 我要試試“請君入甕”

I will make your world unsafe / 讓你感到草木皆兵

I never thought you'd / 我未曾料到

Get this far, it's insane / 你竟如此能挺

You don't believe what all the signs say / 你不相信所有這些提示

Don't believe in judgment day / 不相信最後審判日

But you won't be leaving here unharmed / 可你休想毫髮無傷而逃

'Cause I've been finding out / 我始終在尋找

Where you've broken in / 你潛伏的老巢

I will take you out / 你一落入圈套

When I close you in / 我就把你做掉

I'm killing them all and put my soul on the line / 我殺光他們,犧牲掉我的一切

I purify sins that I've committed in life / 以刷洗這一生我造下的罪孽

I follow them all and I'll be bringing them down / 我盯緊他們,我要把他們打倒

Wherever they go I'm right behind / 天涯海角,我如影隨行

There's nowhere to go, your head on the line / 你無處可投,你命懸一線

There is no rope, you're running out of time / 沒有生機,也活不過幾天

So where will you go / 你何以安身

When I will murder your soul / 等我謀殺了你靈魂

You can feel the pain and scream in vain / 你會有痛感,徒勞地叫喊

You sink away to the bottom / 你會沉陷,沉陷到底

You can't break your chains / 你掙不脫鎖鏈

Break away from here / 逃不出這裡

I'm killing them all and put my soul on the line / 我殺光他們,犧牲掉我的一切

I purify sins that I've committed in life / 以刷洗這一生我造下的罪孽

I follow them all and I'll be bringing them down / 我盯緊他們,我要把他們打倒

Wherever they go I'm right behind / 天涯海角,我如影隨行

There's nowhere to go, your head on the line / 你無處可投,你命懸一線

There is no rope, you're running out of time / 沒有生機,也活不過幾天

So where will you go / 你何以安身

When I will murder your soul / 等我謀殺了你靈魂

LRC translated by Tony & lil'KAKA` from LK Lyrics Group on April 21, 2011



