There seem to be several bands having this name.
1) French singer-songwriter. Just released her new album: mademoiselle.
2) Goes by the following, odd description:
When Alan Ginsberg said that “The only poetic tradition is the voice out of the burning bush,” it’s possible that he meant that good art should always have something of the divine, strange, and unexplainable. You’ll find Greenville, Illinois’ Berry in this poetic tradition. Fusing abrasive indie minimalism with rockurgencyand Beatles-esque melodic sense, Berry seeks beauty and power in the unlikely and uncomfortable.
“Berry is…just as soft and fuzzy as an old sweater. A little bit of Radiohead , a little bit of My Bloody Valentine and even some Dinosaur Jr floats through the band’s songs, what with Lemon’s Thom Yorke-esque falsetto, plush-as-velvet keyboard lines from Matt Aufrecht, and rickety-sounding (but airtight) melodies”
演唱者 Berry
語種 法語
唱片公司 Mercury
發行時間 2008年02月25日
專輯類別 個人專輯
細雨敲打著窗戶,坐在溫暖的家裡,一位美麗的鄰家女孩兒捧著一杯熱茶,輕輕的哼唱: Mademoiselle... Berry - Mademoiselle 這張專輯於2008年2月25日發行,Mademoiselle是這張專輯的第一首歌。在一個英文blog上看到了這樣一段評論:優雅、輕柔、夢幻,把你帶入玫瑰般的夢境 (rosy sleep)。
推薦曲目:Love Affair,很有趣的曲子,母語法語的人唱英語歌曲都是很有趣的~~很輕,很調皮。
01. mademoiselle 02:54
02. le bonheur 03:20
03. las vegas 04:37
04. belle comme tout 03:48
05. enfant de salaud 02:58
06. love affair 03:27
07. plus loin 04:56
08. demain 02:48
09. inutile 02:44
10. cheri 03:54
11. les heures bleues 11:36
2012年4月20日發布第二張專輯《Les passagers》.