主演:英格麗·褒曼 卡里·格蘭特 阿爾弗雷德·希區柯克 克勞德·雷恩斯 Fay Baker
類型:愛情 驚怵 黑色片
地區:美國 對白:英語 法語葡萄牙語 顏色:黑白
在一次訪談中,法蘭奇.塔拉法特(Francois Truffant)曾對希區考克說過一段話:「根據我個人淺薄的見解,在您所有的大作中,「美人計」應該是一部在螢幕總體的表現上,最能達成您心中願景的影片...無論是品質或整部影片卓越的成就,它也許是最能忠實呈現您個人獨特風格的曠世之作。」
在那一剎那,整齣戲在巧妙的構思下,加上鏡頭靈活地上下交替拍攝,更添緊張懸疑的氣氛。 本片雖已年代久遠,但仍廣受矚目,其藝術成就和巧妙構思下充滿羅曼蒂克的故事情節,至今仍時為民眾所津津樂道。無論從希區考克一生中任何一段時期的作品來看,它都是一部最佳的影片,這一點是無庸置疑的。
卡里·格蘭特....T.R. Devlin英格麗·褒曼....Alicia Huberman
克勞德·雷恩斯....Alexander 'Alex' Sebastian
路易斯·卡爾亨....Captain Paul Prescott
Leopoldine Konstantin....Madame Anna Sebastian
Reinhold Schünzel....Dr. Anderson
Moroni Olsen....Walter Beardsley
Ivan Triesault....Eric Mathis
Alex Minotis....Joseph, Sebastian's Butler
Wally Brown....Mr. Hopkins
Charles Mendl....Commodore
Ricardo Costa....Dr. Julian Barbosa
Eberhard Krumschmidt....Emil Hupka
Fay Baker....Ethel
Bernice Barrett....File Clerk (uncredited)
http://www.mov6.com/title/tt0038787/quotesMadame Sebastian: Wouldn't it be a little too much if we both grinned at her like idiots.
Alicia: Look, I'll make it easy for you. The time has come when you must tell me you have a wife and two adorable children... and this madness between us can't go on any longer.
Devlin: Bet you've heard that line often enough.
Alicia: 【hurt】 Right below the belt every time. That isn't fair Dev.
Alicia: I'm terrified.
Devlin: Just pretend you're a janitor. Janitors are never terrified.
Alicia: I have a feeling they're very slow.
Alicia: My car is outside.
Devlin: Naturally.
Alicia: Well, did you hear that? I'm practically on the wagon, that's quite a change.
Devlin: It's a phase.
Alicia: You don't think a woman can change?
Devlin: Sure, change is fun, for awhile.
Alicia: This is a very strange love affair.
Devlin: Why?
Alicia: Maybe the fact that you don't love me.
Alicia: There's nothing like a love song to give you a good laugh.
Alicia: Say it again, it keeps me awake.
Devlin: I love you.
Alicia: This fog gets me.
Devlin: That's your hair in your eyes.
Alexander Sebastian: I'm married to an American agent.
T.R. Devlin: You've got your chance, here and now.
Madame Sebastian: You're protected by the enormity of your stupidity, for a time.
Alicia: I guess I'm the girl nobody remembers.
Alicia: You can add Sebastian's name to my list of playmates.
Devlin: A man doesn't tell a woman what to do. She tells herself.
Alicia: Dev, is that you? I am glad you are late. This chicken took longer than I expected... what did they say? Hope it isn' 【t done too - too much. Of course, i-it caught fire once... I think it's better if I cut it up out here, unless you want a half of one for yourself. We're going to have knives and forks, after all, I've decided we're going to eat in style. Marriage must be wonderful with this sort of thing going on everyday.
Alicia: Don't ever leave me.
Devlin: You'll never get rid of me again.
Alicia: Never tried to.
Devlin: Don't you need a coat?
Alicia: You'll do.
Alicia: Why should I?
Devlin: Patriotism.
Alicia: That word gives me a pain.
Alicia: Waving the flag with one hand and picking pockets with the other, that's your "patriotism".
Alicia: What does the speedometer say?
Devlin: 65.
Alicia: I want to make it 80 and wipe that grin off your face.
Ethel: Where are you going?
Mr. Hopkins: Fishing.
Ethel: At this time of night? You're mad.
Mr. Hopkins: What's the difference? There's no fish, day or night.
Alicia: Alex has the key to that.
Devlin: Then, get it from him.
Alicia: Get it? How?
Devlin: Don't you live near him?
【driving while drunk】
Alicia: How am I doing?
Devlin: Not bad.
Alicia: Scared?
Devlin: No.
Alicia: No... no, you're not scared of anything, are you?
【the car nearly swerves off-road】