Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Metasequoia glyptostroboides (scientific name: glyptostroboides), deciduous trees, the only extant species of the Cupressaceae genus (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), China's specialty is the single species of rare tree species, the first Chinese national protected plants of rare species, with the plant kingdoms" living fossil ".Metasequoia glyptostroboides (scientific name: glyptostroboides Hu, W.J. C. Cheng: gymnosperm species.Deciduous trees, green branchlets, pendulous.Leaves linear, decussate, into false distichous leaves, 1 to 1.5 cm long and 7 cm, below and both sides have a 4 - 8 bar stomatal lines.Monoecious.pendulous cones, subglobose, with micro - ribs 4 and a length of 1. 8 - 2. 5 cm, equipped with a long handle;Woody seed scales, each scale with 5 ~ 9 seeds, the seeds are flat, with narrow surrounding wings.


Metasequoia is rare in the world of plants, are at the end of the Cretaceous period, Earth have appeared on any of numerous plants of the Metasequoia, and widespread in the Northern Hemisphere glaciation Metasequoia is rare in the world of plants, are at the end of the Cretaceous period, Earth have appeared on any of numerous plants of the Metasequoia, and widespread in the Northern Hemisphere glaciation . later, these plants have almost entirely disappeared from later, these plants have almost entirely disappeared from .
in Europe, North America and East Asia, from the Late Cretaceous to Pliocene stratum was found in the fossils of Metasequoia glyptostroboides too in Europe, North America and East Asia, from the Late Cretaceous to Pliocene stratum was found in the fossils of Metasequoia glyptostroboides too . 1940s Chinese botanist in Hubei, Sichuan, bordering the Morris Creek Road (OF) was found to be the last of the metasequoia tree, the tree is more than about 400 years after 1940s Chinese botanist in Hubei, Sichuan, bordering the Morris Creek Road (OF) was found to be the last of the metasequoia tree, the tree is more than about 400 years after .
in hubei lichuan county of Metasequoia glyptostroboides and river dam found remnants of Metasequoia glyptostroboides plantations, over 20 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH) of 5,000 in the number of plants,also in the valleys and farmland were found in a number of trunk and bag in hubei lichuan county of Metasequoia glyptostroboides and river dam found remnants of Metasequoia glyptostroboides plantations, over 20 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH) of 5,000 in the number of plants,also in the valleys and farmland were found in a number of trunk and bag . subsequently, successively in Shizhu County, Longshan, Hunan, Sichuan and Luo cold water tower, the tower's Mud Lake was found in a range of 200 to 500 years of subsequently, successively in Shizhu County, Longshan, Hunan, Sichuan and Luo cold water tower, the tower's Mud Lake was found in a range of 200 to 500 years of .
tree found in China are still living under metasequoias, which caused the shock of the world tree found in China are still living under metasequoias, which caused the shock of the world . Metasequoia glyptostroboides is praised as the "living fossil" for more than 60 countries from China and cultivated, almost in all the global Metasequoia glyptostroboides is praised as the "living fossil" for more than 60 countries from China and cultivated, almost in all the global .
China's Liaoning province to Guangdong in Daozhen county, Guizhou province has traces of it China's Liaoning province to Guangdong in Daozhen county, Guizhou province has traces of it .
Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Discovery Process

In 1939, when Japan's Miki's university lecturer dr (1901 ~ 1974) discovered a Sequoia and similar and dissimilar plant fossils, published in 1941 when she was named, The Meta is change, change, and the relationship between the sisters show Sequoia In 1939, when Japan's Miki's university lecturer dr (1901 ~ 1974) discovered a Sequoia and similar and dissimilar plant fossils, published in 1941 when she was named, The Meta is change, change, and the relationship between the sisters show Sequoia . 1943, that the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Central Forestry Laboratory technician Wang Zhan (1911 - 2000) by the wartime capital of Chongqing to Hubei Province then capital of Enshi, Shennongjia to investigate matters related to the contact;passing Sichuan Wanxian (now Wanzhou of Chongqing jurisdiction) and Creat a high School in Longxing Yang (1913 - 1999) learned of Modaoxi (now called Moudao, Lichuan City of Hubei) have a "sacred tree;Then the king made war or the like to change the original plan the waterway while travelling overland to Enshi, the third day, reaches the zone of Modaoxi and find this tree, and in July 21 official specimens 1943, that the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Central Forestry Laboratory technician Wang Zhan (1911 - 2000) by the wartime capital of Chongqing to Hubei Province then capital of Enshi, Shennongjia to investigate matters related to the contact;passing Sichuan Wanxian (now Wanzhou of Chongqing jurisdiction) and Creat a high School in Longxing Yang (1913 - 1999) learned of Modaoxi (now called Moudao, Lichuan City of Hubei) have a "sacred tree;Then the king made war or the like to change the original plan the waterway while travelling overland to Enshi, the third day, reaches the zone of Modaoxi and find this tree, and in July 21 official specimens .
Back in Chongqing, Wang Zhan is considered one of Glyptostrobus pensilis), deposited in the Herbarium at the University of Central Forest Back in Chongqing, Wang Zhan is considered one of Glyptostrobus pensilis), deposited in the Herbarium at the University of Central Forest . 1945 Prof. ZHENG Wanjun see specimens which are not considered to be tipping, but new taxa.After experiments with central forestry director Han Han Zhu Ping An (1886 - 1961) named as
sinense Jun Wan from Central University professor Gan Duo (1903 - 1961) at a known, dry Duo had met in 1941, Metasequoia, and we want to collect specimens, but could not save the identified sinense Jun Wan from Central University professor Gan Duo (1903 - 1961) at a known, dry Duo had met in 1941, Metasequoia, and we want to collect specimens, but could not save the identified . 1946 4 months, 5 months,Peiping Jingsheng, director of the Institute of Hu Xianxiao, professor (1894 - 1968) is an assistant book Xia Fu, with the assistance of the jun of Metasequoia Miki specimens identified as fossil 1946 4 months, 5 months,Peiping Jingsheng, director of the Institute of Hu Xianxiao, professor (1894 - 1968) is an assistant book Xia Fu, with the assistance of the jun of Metasequoia Miki specimens identified as fossil .
Mao published May 1946, which will be related to the modern discovery of the Metasequoia glyptostroboides has sent "Malabar", released in December of that year after Mao published May 1946, which will be related to the modern discovery of the Metasequoia glyptostroboides has sent "Malabar", released in December of that year after . This is the "living fossil" metasequoia first press report found This is the "living fossil" metasequoia first press report found .
thought extinct only present in those fossils of the seed of Metasequoia), and in China are found to have an extant species of outgoing messages,States and scholars ancient plant plant scholars developed a strong interest in paleontology at the University of California at Berkeley, thought extinct only present in those fossils of the seed of Metasequoia), and in China are found to have an extant species of outgoing messages,States and scholars ancient plant plant scholars developed a strong interest in paleontology at the University of California at Berkeley, . dean Dr. Ralph Chaney Works (1890 - 1971) in 1948 on a special on - the - spot investigation of Metasequoia glyptostroboides
Metasequoia glyptostroboides were discovered through various media widely reported that, in turn, have become known, is regarded as the botanical find of Metasequoia glyptostroboides were discovered through various media widely reported that, in turn, have become known, is regarded as the botanical find of . 1984, Wuhan city as the metasequoia tree 1984, Wuhan city as the metasequoia tree .
2 2.
Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Morphological Feature

large deciduous trees;which can grow up to 35 metres, the diameter can be up to 2.5 meters sapling crowns steeple shaped, old tree is widely rounded sapling crowns steeple shaped, old tree is widely rounded .
bark gray or gray - brown, breaking into the shallow narrow strip falls off, endothelial purplish - brown;Near Big branch is verticillate, rod green, drooping, pale brown, 2, 3 year - old, gray - brown branchlets, branches of Chang exfoliates the skin, the lateral length of from 4 to 10 cm in winter with Ye Ju Ye bark gray or gray - brown, breaking into the shallow narrow strip falls off, endothelial purplish - brown;Near Big branch is verticillate, rod green, drooping, pale brown, 2, 3 year - old, gray - brown branchlets, branches of Chang exfoliates the skin, the lateral length of from 4 to 10 cm in winter with Ye Ju Ye . falls flat strip - like, with a length of 1 ~ 2 cm long, 1. 5 ~ 2 mm, is greenish and veined surface in the recess, the back surface of the ridge, each side is in the range of 4 to 8 of the vent line, interaction is generated on the two columns, pinnate, with no winter bud of lateral branchlets sloughs
strobili unisexual, solitary, axillary;Male flowers solitary in Acremonium and ball - by - side, and aligned in a racemose or paniculate inflorescence shaped, have a very short handle, stamens 20, decussate, with 3 anthers;Female flowers solitary in the last - year top or near top of branches, have short power, ovuliferous scale 22 ~ 28, decussate strobili unisexual, solitary, axillary;Male flowers solitary in Acremonium and ball - by - side, and aligned in a racemose or paniculate inflorescence shaped, have a very short handle, stamens 20, decussate, with 3 anthers;Female flowers solitary in the last - year top or near top of branches, have short power, ovuliferous scale 22 ~ 28, decussate . cones are pendulous, subquadrangular, spherical, or short cylindrical, have a long, long 1. 8 ~ 2. 5 cm, dark brown when ripe;woody seed scales, shield - shaped, truncated rhombic, is arranged in the center of a transverse groove, persistent, decussate, and usually is in the range of 22 to 28;Seed scales in the middle of each seed is 5 ~ 9
obovate seeds, flat, surrounded by his narrow, apex with notch cotyledon 2 obovate seeds, flat, surrounded by his narrow, apex with notch cotyledon 2 ., , .
unearthed flowering in late February, 11 months unearthed flowering in late February, 11 months . mature fruit mature fruit.
Metasequoia glyptostroboides


the climate is warm and humid, cool in summer, winter snow without freezing, the average temperature of 13 C, 8 C, extreme minimum temperature, extreme maximum temperature 35. 4 c, 230 days. The frost - free period;1 500 mm annual precipitation, annual mean relative humidity is 82% acidic soil is upland yellow soil, purple soil or alluvial soil, the pH value of 4. 5 ~ 5. 5
flourish in the valley near the foothills or gentle terrain, soil deep, moist or slightly into the stagnant flourish in the valley near the foothills or gentle terrain, soil deep, moist or slightly into the stagnant . is liking light tree roots, grew fast or slow and often affected by soil moisture in the thinking of the long - term flooding in poor drainage of the local slow - growing, on the base of the trunk often dilated and have longitudinal edges is liking light tree roots, grew fast or slow and often affected by soil moisture in the thinking of the long - term flooding in poor drainage of the local slow - growing, on the base of the trunk often dilated and have longitudinal edges .
flowering in late February.Cones in late October to November each year in February mature flowering, fruit mature in November 4 mature flowering, fruit mature in November 4 .

Geographical Distribution

Metasequoia glyptostroboides distributed naturally in Jiangsu, Hubei, Sichuan, Hunan Province, bordering the Dafeng, Lichuan, stelae, Longshan confined areas, where altitude (vertical distribution in the range of 800 ~ 1 000 ~ 1 200) (~ 1500 m) Metasequoia glyptostroboides distributed naturally in Jiangsu, Hubei, Sichuan, Hunan Province, bordering the Dafeng, Lichuan, stelae, Longshan confined areas, where altitude (vertical distribution in the range of 800 ~ 1 000 ~ 1 200) (~ 1500 m) .


Metasequoia glyptostroboides to park, garden, lawn, greenbelt in isolated planting, group planting or row planting Metasequoia glyptostroboides to park, garden, lawn, greenbelt in isolated planting, group planting or row planting . may also be the large scenic beauty forest, and evergreen groundcover plants adaptation;may also be planted in front of a building or used as a street tree, and ideal effect may also be the large scenic beauty forest, and evergreen groundcover plants adaptation;may also be planted in front of a building or used as a street tree, and ideal effect .
Metasequoia glyptostroboides on sulfur dioxide has a certain resistance, is a good tree species for afforestation in the mining and Metasequoia glyptostroboides on sulfur dioxide has a certain resistance, is a good tree species for afforestation in the mining and . material is light reddish brown, soft, beautiful, but is not able to bear or endure water is wet, can be used as the materials for buildings, and Interior material is light reddish brown, soft, beautiful, but is not able to bear or endure water is wet, can be used as the materials for buildings, and Interior .
Metasequoia glyptostroboides


begin with the fact that the basic methods of Metasequoia glyptostroboides begin with the fact that the basic methods of Metasequoia glyptostroboides . Metasequoia glyptostroboides measurement: There are two different object 1, such as for wood furniture decoration (with professional) measuring the amount of cubic meter of wood surface, this cubic is the talk of such as: What's the price of every cubic Metasequoia glyptostroboides measurement: There are two different object 1, such as for wood furniture decoration (with professional) measuring the amount of cubic meter of wood surface, this cubic is the talk of such as: What's the price of every cubic .
2, used for tree planting, the specific quantity meter or one meter diameter at breast height (DBH) (amount) 2, used for tree planting, the specific quantity meter or one meter diameter at breast height (DBH) (amount) . Metasequoia glyptostroboides price: 1, if the first is used for timber, as a rule, be finished and semifinished products, the price from 800 to 1150 yuan between Metasequoia glyptostroboides price: 1, if the first is used for timber, as a rule, be finished and semifinished products, the price from 800 to 1150 yuan between .
2, if the price is for greening metasequoia, meters diameter in 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 cm;4. 5 ~ 7. 5 ~ 10. 5 ~ 25 ~ 40 ~ 70 Yuan;diameter at breast height (DBH) of 8 - 10 cm high and 8 meters 80 yuan;10 to 13 cm) DBH and height of 10 meters to 100 yuan;13 - 15 cm DBH and height is 12m for 200 yuan;The above prices are for the month of August 2007 the national base of Metasequoia glyptostroboides Dafeng report needs to be accomplished in accordance with the market and of Metasequoia required a certain floating price
Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Study On Value

Metasequoia glyptostroboides plantations, known as a 'living fossil' it Metasequoia glyptostroboides plantations, known as a 'living fossil' it . For fossil plant, paleoclimate, paleogeography and geology, as well as gymnosperms phylogenetic research has important meaning For fossil plant, paleoclimate, paleogeography and geology, as well as gymnosperms phylogenetic research has important meaning .

Protective Measures

In Lichuan, Hubei has established Metasequoia glyptostroboides seed stations, established orchards, strengthened the management of trees, 5000 plants harvest the trees by filing, taken in a stone bank, tree as drainage ditch excavation, protection and prevention against insect pests, and accelerating the cultivation of tree saplings and afforestation at the In Lichuan, Hubei has established Metasequoia glyptostroboides seed stations, established orchards, strengthened the management of trees, 5000 plants harvest the trees by filing, taken in a stone bank, tree as drainage ditch excavation, protection and prevention against insect pests, and accelerating the cultivation of tree saplings and afforestation at the . Longshan, stelae in Metasequoia trees are taken to the public) to protect the Metasequoia glyptostroboides Longshan, stelae in Metasequoia trees are taken to the public) to protect the Metasequoia glyptostroboides .
weak natural regeneration, special attention should be paid to the protection, promotion of growth, to avoid remaining of Metasequoia glyptostroboides plantations, but the other species by weak natural regeneration, special attention should be paid to the protection, promotion of growth, to avoid remaining of Metasequoia glyptostroboides plantations, but the other species by . turnover is now in many parts of the country have been introduced, especially in the southeastern provinces and Central China across most turnover is now in many parts of the country have been introduced, especially in the southeastern provinces and Central China across most .
cultivated in Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Latin America more than 60 countries and regions already cultivated cultivated in Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Latin America more than 60 countries and regions already cultivated .
Metasequoia glyptostroboides

In A Breeding Program


as planting when the planting site, the long - distance transportation, shall be planted seedling root in water to soak the root one time, so as to absorb enough moisture. Increase cell survival planted before the big holes, fertilizer, or the injury of your root planted before the big holes, fertilizer, or the injury of your root .
planted after sufficient irrigation, watering enough, soaking and seedling body is sprayed with high - fat film shorten seedling time planted after sufficient irrigation, watering enough, soaking and seedling body is sprayed with high - fat film shorten seedling time .


the numbers of chemical sprayings could be top application, pruning seedling can be appropriate ports that are applied to callus anticorrosion film), 4 ~ 5 years, after trimming, in order to avoid damaging the tree seedlings are planted with the numbers of chemical sprayings could be top application, pruning seedling can be appropriate ports that are applied to callus anticorrosion film), 4 ~ 5 years, after trimming, in order to avoid damaging the tree seedlings are planted with . mud, planting seedlings for planting with soil ball mud, planting seedlings for planting with soil ball .
. high survival rate in the spring to be trimmed, cut so that it may be spherical, may be used as high survival rate in the spring to be trimmed, cut so that it may be spherical, may be used as .
evergreen euonymus hedge, trimmed and tying, grow rapidly, Among the six, is the topiary and hedges of good material, may also be used as decorations or evergreen euonymus hedge, trimmed and tying, grow rapidly, Among the six, is the topiary and hedges of good material, may also be used as decorations or .

Study On Genetic Diversity

Using RAPD techniques, the nine cultivated populations of Metasequoia glyptostroboides genetic diversity was studied using random primers of 10bp Using RAPD techniques, the nine cultivated populations of Metasequoia glyptostroboides genetic diversity was studied using random primers of 10bp . 16, 103 DNA fragments were amplified, of which 37) and10in the Najies (Thailand), which accounted for 92% 16, 103 DNA fragments were amplified, of which 37) and10in the Najies (Thailand), which accounted for 92% .
the populations of the percentage of polymorphic loci in 16. 50% ~ 33. 01% POPGENEversion1. 31 software processing result as follows: the populations of Shannon's information index of 1930, the genetic distances were 0. 0130 ~ 0.0650 between,genetic identity. 93.7 ~ 0. 9871
ANOVA analysis showed that the genetic variation between the species existed mainly within population, accounting for 89. 05%, and the gene flow between certain of the above - mentioned results show that the differentiation cultivated populations of Metasequoia glyptostroboides genetic diversity tended to be greater than that of the natural populations, are covered in natural populations of nearly 80% of the genetic diversity of cultivated Metasequoia glyptostroboides cultivated populations of Metasequoia glyptostroboides genetic diversity tended to be greater than that of the natural populations, are covered in natural populations of nearly 80% of the genetic diversity of cultivated Metasequoia glyptostroboides .
whereby it is possible to confirm the provenance is mixed,They had become fairly represents the natural genetic diversity level whereby it is possible to confirm the provenance is mixed,They had become fairly represents the natural genetic diversity level . 9 strains collected from Qianjiang of Arbuscular seed of Metasequoia glyptostroboides var.) no - specific sites, and has been identified as a population according to genetic similarity (I) is not the same as that of the cluster analysis (UPGMA), the populations and three populations of Hubei, Nanjing (NJ) and Chengdu (CD) populations clustered together.When plant Metasequoia glyptostrobohtes var. caespitosa clustered there would be no need for an independent branch, but a more dispersed, and therefore does not support the Metasequoia glyptostrobohtes var. as one of the Metasequoia glyptostroboides var.
classification processing from a certain relationship, Metasequoia glyptostrobohtes var. caespitosa from Qianjiang of Hubei should belong to the Clam Lake Orchard (BH) and Qianjiang, Hubei Province Hua Guang (GH), in view of its distribution are anastomosis of 1 1.
Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Relevant Event

In 2012, the film "So Young" at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the use of magnesium sulfate heptahydrate as snow have led to the shooting site 13 In 2012, the film "So Young" at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the use of magnesium sulfate heptahydrate as snow have led to the shooting site 13 . withered tree of Metasequoia glyptostroboides withered tree of Metasequoia glyptostroboides.
Metasequoia glyptostroboides


