
“希望之光” 是由網友們基於對農村問題的關注,緣於“行勝於言”的共同的理念,出於理性和良知,自發形成和義務參與的民間公益性、鬆散開放式的農村貧困學生助學網站。


希望之光的前身是公益性網站中國風 的重點欄目“希望之光”,於二零零二年四月獨立出中國風。希望之光本著冷靜低調、謹慎務實的原則,利用網路這一先進工具,傳播對因貧困而導致求學困難重重的貧困學生的關注,並通過致力於網路社會和現實社會的互動,引導網友將這種精神上的關注轉化為一種切實的資助行動,儘可能地協助中西部貧困地區的農村貧困學生完成國小、國中、高中學業,從而通過支持教育這一手段來推動貧困農村地區的發展;同時,亦促使人們加深對廣大貧困農村地區的直觀了解,提高對農村教育的重視,傳播人文關懷精神和對生命自身價值的認知,增強個人對國家和民族的憂患意識和責任感,從而通過網路凝聚成一種具有責任感和感召力的道德力量。


Brief Introduction to Light of Hope (LOH)
LOH is a group of volunteers who work actively and positively on the cyber space to help children in the countryside that are unable to afford the school cost. All volunteers work through LOH’s website and help the children to finish their 9-years or 12-years programs. LOH primarily focuses on the children in the poor countryside of the middle and west regions in China.
LOH’s major functions include:
Collect, sort and verify the information of the drop-out children in the countryside. The Youth Committee, local town or county government, Hope Project offices as well as schools are the main information providers of their local areas. Based on the information collected, LOH will check the areas to make sure that all information is up to date and genuine. LOH also welcomes information provided by people that surf on its website and will publish such information after its own independent verifications;
Post all the verified information on the website so people can be educated on the situations of the children in the countryside and also learn that help is greatly needed to get the children back to school;
Help the contributors decide who they wish to help and how much they would contribute to the children. Any and all contributions will go directly to the local schools and the purposes of the contributions are used to support their learning only. LOH itself will not handle any contributions through its web site, any volunteers of LOH are required not to accept any contributions nor transfer contributions on behalf of contributors;
Continue to check and look up through its volunteers to make sure that the contributions do go to the school and the children do go back to the school; Furthermore, LOH will advise the contributors the conditions of children they have helped; and
Hold discussions on educational issues in the countryside in China.
Light of Hope -- A wish to send children back to school



