本書是英國文學名家導讀叢書的一本,也是一部學習和研究英國詩人寵德的有用參考書。全書以較多的篇幅詳細介紹了龐德這位有爭議的詩人的生活和文學、文化、政治背景,並對其鴻篇巨製《詩章》內容的複雜性以及詩人在20世紀詩壇上的地位進行了較為中肯的評述。Provides an introduction to the life and works of Ezra Pound, a major modernist poet, theorist and literary critic. Throughout his life Pound was regarded by many to be a contentious and controversial figure, and since his death in 1972, theoretical, literary, political and biographical comentators have done much to perpetuate this view. Peter Wilson's survey, however, presents a balanced view of his life and work allowing the reader to judge for themselves. The major sections of the book offer introductions to the complex life and work of Pound, outlining the various cultural, political and literary issues which are important to a full understanding of his place in twentieth century English literature. Critical commentaries are then given on all of Pound's major poetry, adopting some analytical techniques from stylistics. Brief biographies of important figures in Pound's career, and in the development of literary modernism are provided. A gazeteer, glossary, and suggestions for further reading complete the book.