



黃明健 澳門科技大學助理教授 Assistant professor Huang Mingjian

法學院 Faculty of Law
學歷 Academic Qualification:
Ph.D. in Law , University of Science and Technology
Master in Law , Graduate School, The Chinese academy of Social Sciences
Bachelor in Law , Xiamen University, China
教學科目 Teaching Area
Civil Law , Commercial Law, Insurance Law, Civil Procedure Law
Environmental Law
研究方向 Research Area
Civil Law and Commercial Law , Law of Environmental and Resources , Jurisprudence
工作經驗 Working Experience
2004 ―present Assistant Professor , Faculty of Law , MUST
Guest Professor , Fujian Police Vocational Academy
2001 ― 2007 Associate Professor/ Professor , Faculty of Law , Fuzhou University
1993 ―2005 Attorney-at-Law of P.R.C, Fujian Jian Da Law Firm
1987―2001 Teaching Assistant/Lecturer/Associate Professor, Fujian Police Vocational Academy
學術成果 Academic Publication
Environment Resource Law Tutorial(co-author), Beijing : Press of People's Court, 2003.
Theory of Environmental Legal System, Beijing : Press of China Environment and Science, 2004.
The Jurisprudence(deputy chief editor), Beijing : Press of China Democracy and Legal System, 2005.
The Basic Theory of Politics and Law (chief editor), Xiamen : Press of Xiamen University, 2006.
The Jurisprudence(co-author), Xiamen : Press of Xiamen University, 2007.
Science of Environmental Policy(co-author), Beijing : Press of Science, 2009.
From 1996, have published 30 paper in famous magazines, and whose participated research projects include projects of the National Social Sciences Foundation and Fujian Province .
專業認證與獎項 Professional Certification and Awards
Province Excellent Teacher of Fu jian , 1998.
The Lawyer Keep an Industry Certificate , 1993.
Lawyer's Qualifications in Whole Country , 1992.
專業學會資格 Professional Society Membership
Director, Environment and Rosources Law Society of China .
Lawyer in the China Whole Country Association Member .
Scholar Allies in Macau Member .



