長期從事武當功夫、道家養生教學。教授的國內外學生三千多人次。先後有英國、法國、瑞典、德國、義大利、美國、加拿大,澳大利亞、紐西蘭、韓國、日本、波利維亞、南非、菲律賓、台灣、香港等國家和地區的學生受教,在中國國內先後赴北京、河北、山東、上海、江蘇、江西、福建、廣東、雲南、四川、陝西、山西等省進行教學。 編輯出版了《道德經》、《武當道教修煉精華》、《鍾呂靈寶畢法》、《太上感應篇》。參與編輯了《武當道教》第1至24期(六年)季刊,著手於《武當功夫,道家養生系列叢書》的挖掘與整理。兼職國內一些名牌大學的國學與養生客座教授。多次在武當山道教學院為武當全山道人,湖北省名宮觀當家講解武當山道教修煉文化知識.反響普遍較好!
(also know as CHENG LiSheng), Graduate Student,
Taoist Name LingXuZi, the 15th generation descendant of WuDang XuanWu.
He studies WuDang martial arts and Taoist health cultivation for a long
time. Mr. Cheng is good at WuDang internal KongFu, Tai Chi Dan Gong
practice, WuDang Tai Chi Chuan, WuDang Dan Sword, WuDang TaiYi
esoteric palm, WuDang esoeric Five Elements QiGong, XingYi Chuan,
the Eight Trigrams Chuan, TaiYi Five Elements Chuan and other WuDang
XuanWu KongFu as well as Taoist health cultivation. ngaged in Wudang
Kung Fu, Taoist teaching for long years. Teaching Taoist KongFu to
domestic and international students more than 3000 people. The students come
from United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Germany, Italy, the United States, Canada,
Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Bolivia, South Africa, the Philippines,
Taiwan, Hong Kong and other countries and regions. Mr. Cheng has been to Beijing,
Hebei, Shandong, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, Yunnan, Sichuan,
Shaanxi and Shanxi provinces for teaching students.
Edited and published the ‘Tao Te Ching ’, ‘The Essence of WuDang Taoist Practice’, Zhong Lv Ling Bao Bi Law’ and ‘TaiShang Induction Book’. Involved in editing the ‘Wudang Taoist’ section 1-24 (six years) Quarterly, started in the excavation and consolidation of ‘Wudang Kung Fu, Taoist Series’. Mr. Cheng is also the Part time Visting Professor
in some domestic famous universities. And hold the seminars in WuDang
Taoist College for Wudang Shan QuanShan Monk about the explanation of
Wudang Taoism and cultural knowledge for several times with excellent response.Work: spreading WuDang Kung Fu, Taoist health Longevity
and training professionals. Regardless of the Head of State or the common citizens,
everyone could study WuDang Taoist for good health, for the inner
harmony and for more wisdom. In order to let more people learning
WuDang Taoist KongFu and enjoy the benefits from Taoist.
理 正文 典故 示例辨析 詞性變化 -
聖事這一名詞原出自拉丁化希臘文(Mysterion),意思是“秘密”、“機密”。如今引申為 “在基督內的天主的奧秘”,也就是聖事是基督留給人,使人透過他...
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活動介紹 禮規 歷史 延伸 禮儀