國家重大科學研究計畫(973項目)首席科學家,中國科學技術協會第七屆全國委員,中 華醫學會婦產科分會委員兼內分泌學組組長,中華醫學會生殖醫學分會副主任委員,國際權威雜誌Fertility and Sterility、Human Reproduction特邀審稿人,Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation副主編,American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology國際顧問,《美國婦產科雜誌》、《中華婦產科雜誌》等十餘種國內外雜誌編委。
共發表學術論文280餘篇,SCI收錄50餘篇,分別發表在American Journal of Human Genetics、Human Reproduction、Hypertension、Fertility and Sterility等雜誌上。
1、Wan, Ji-Peng; Wang, Hong; Li, Chang-Zhong; Zhao, Han; You, Li; Shi, Dong-Hong; Sun, Xiu-Hua; Lv, Hong; Wang, Fei; Wen, Ze-Qing; *Wang, Xie-Tong; Chen, Zi-Jiang,The Common Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism rs2681472 Is Associated With Early-Onset Preeclampsia in Northern Han Chinese Women, Reproductive Sciences, 21(11), pp 1423-1427, 2014/11.
2、Song, Guihong; Yan, Junhao; Zhang, Qian; Li, Guangyu; *Chen, Zi-Jiang,Association of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase gene polymorphisms and unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortions in Han Chinese couples, European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 181卷, pp 84-88, 2014/10.
3、Zhang, Wenchao; *Cheng, Zhongping; Qu, Xiaoyan; Dai, Hong; Ke, Xiaoping; Chen, Zijiang,Overexpression of myosin is associated with the development of uterine myoma, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 40(9), pp 2051-2057, 2014/9.
4、Du, Jing; Wang, Jianfeng; Sun, Xuedong; Xu, Xinghua; Zhang, Feng; Wang, Bin; *Shi, Yuhua; Chen, Zi-jiang,Family-based analysis of INSR polymorphisms in Chinese PCOS, Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 29(2), pp 239-244, 2014/8.
5、Guo, Ting; Qin, Yingying; Jiao, Xue; Li, Guangyu; Simpson, Joe Leigh; *Chen, Zi-Jiang,FMR1 Premutation Is an Uncommon Explanation for Premature Ovarian Failure in Han Chinese, PLos One, 9(7), 2014/7/22.
6、Wu, Keliang; Zheng, Ye; Zhu, Yueting; Li, Hongchang; Yu, Guanling; *Yan, Junhao; Chen, Zi-Jiang,Morphological good-quality embryo has higher nucleus spreading rate/signal resolution rate in fluorescence in situ hybridization, Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 290(1), pp 185-190, 2014/7.
7、Cui, Y.; Ma, Z.; Zhao, H.; Chen, X.; Zhang, Y.; Guo, H.; *Zhao, Y.; Chen, Z. -J.,Activation of eIF2 alpha Signaling Cascade is Associated with Testosterone-Induced Cell Apoptosis in INS-1 Cells, Hormone and Metabolic Research, 46(8), pp 574-580, 2014/7.
8、Zhang, Qian; Yan, Junhao; Tang, Rong; Gao, Xuan; Zhang, Bo; *Chen, Zi-Jiang,Serum Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Level Measured 17 Days After Oocyte Retrieval Can Predict Final Clinical Pregnancy Outcomes in IVF/ICSI Treatment Cycles, Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 59(5-6), pp 285-292, 2014/6 MAY-JUN.
9、Shi, Yuhua; Wei, Daimin; Liang, Xiaoyan; Sun, Yun; Liu, Jiayin; Cao, Yunxia; Zhang, Bo; Legro, Richard S.; Zhang, Heping; *Chen, Zi-Jiang,Live birth after fresh embryo transfer vs elective embryo cryopreservation/frozen embryo transfer in women with polycystic ovary syndrome undergoing IVF (FreFro-PCOS): study protocol for a multicenter, prospective, randomized controlled clinical trial, Trials, 15卷, 2014/5/2.
10、Zhang, Wenjuan; Wei, Daimin; Sun, Xianchang; Li, Jing; Yu, Xinyan; *Shi, Yuhua; Chen, Zi-jiang,Family-based analysis of adiponectin gene polymorphisms in Chinese Han polycystic ovary syndrome, Fertility and Sterility, 101(5), pp 1419-U51, 2014/5.
11、Lu, Shaoming; Cui, Yanyi; Li, Xiao; Zhang, Haobo; Liu, Jiaolong; Kong, Bin; Cai, Feifei; *Chen, Zi-Jiang,Association of cystic fibrosis transmembrane-conductance regulator gene mutation with negative outcome of intracytoplasmic sperm injection pregnancy in cases of congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens, Fertility and Sterility, 101(5), pp 1255-U22, 2014/5.
12、*Hu, Zhibin; Li, Zheng; Yu, Jun; Tong, Chao; Lin, Yuan; Guo, Xuejiang; Lu, Feng; Dong, Jing; Xia, Yankai; Wen, Yang; Wu, Hao; Li, Honggang; Zhu, Yong; Ping, Ping; Chen, Xiangfeng; Dai, Juncheng……,Association analysis identifies new risk loci for non-obstructive azoospermia in Chinese men, Nature Communications, 5卷, 2014/5.
13、Wang, Shan; Li, Yan-Ping; Ding, Bo; Zhao, Yue-Ran; Chen, Zi-Jiang; Xu, Cheng-Yan; Fu, Yi-Bing; *Wang, Xie-Tong,Recurrent miscarriage is associated with a decline of decidual natural killer cells expressing killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors specific for human leukocyte antigen C, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 40(5), pp 1288-1295, 2014/5.
14、*Lu, S.; Cui, Y.; Li, X.; Zhang, H.; Hu, J.; Liu, J.; Chen, Z. -J.,Sperm retrieval in anejaculatory diabetic men who failed in drug treatment and penile vibratory stimulation during blood sugar under control, Andrologia, 46(4), pp 370-373, 2014/5.
15、Zhang, Yunfang; Zhang, Ying; Shi, Junchao; Zhang, He; Cao, Zhonghong; Gao, Xuan; Ren, Wanhua; Ning, Yunna; Ning, Lina; Cao, Yujing; Chen, Yongchang; Ji, Weizhi; Chen, Zi-jiang……,Identification and characterization of an ancient class of small RNAs enriched in serum associating with active infection, Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 6(2), pp 172-174, 2014/4.
16、Yan, Lei; Ding, Lingling; Li, Chunyan; Wang, Yu; Tang, Rong; *Chen, Zi-Jiang,Effect of fibroids not distorting the endometrial cavity on the outcome of in vitro fertilization treatment: a retrospective cohort study, Fertility and Sterility, 101(3), pp 716-+, 2014/3.
17、Li, Mei; Ma, Shui-Ying; Yang, Hui-Jun; Wu, Ke-Liang; Zhong, Wan-Xia; Yu, Guan-Ling; *Chen, Zi-Jiang,Pregnancy with oocytes characterized by narrow perivitelline space and heterogeneous zona pellucida: is intracytoplasmic sperm injection necessary?, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 31(3), pp 285-294, 2014/3.
18、Wu, Keliang; Zhao, Haibin; Liu, Hui; Li, Mei; Ma, Shuiying; Li, Cheng; Liu, Chang; *Chen, Zi-Jiang,Day 3 ET, single blastocyst transfer (SBT) or frozen-thawed embryo transfer (FET): which is preferable for high responder patients in IVF/ICSI cycles?, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 31(3), pp 275-278, 2014/3.
19、*Chen, Zi-Jiang,Re: Lu et al.: Different Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Mutations in Chinese Men With Congenital Bilateral Absence of the Vas Deferens and Other Acquired Obstructive Azoospermia (Urology 2013;82:824-828) Reply, Urology, 83(3), p 679, 2014/3.
20、Shi, Yuhua; Cui, Yuqian; Sun, Xuedong; Ma, Gang; Ma, Zengxiang; Gao, Qin; *Chen, Zi-Jiang,Hypertension in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: prevalence and associated cardiovascular risk factors, European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 173卷, pp 66-70, 2014/2.