•1998.02-1999.02--香港科技大學物理系助研(Research Assistant)
•1999.11-2001.10--法國高等師範大學(Ecole Normale Superieure)物理系博士後

錢林茂教授的研究方向為納米摩擦學。經過十餘年的潛心研究,他在“濕度對微觀摩擦與粘著的影響機理”、“原子力/摩擦力顯微鏡針尖和樣品間的材料轉移機制”、“鎳鈦合金相變相關的微觀變形和磨損機制”、“納米級流體膜的失效機理”、“納米尺度下鏈狀分子摩擦力的起源” 等方面取得了一批有理論意義和套用價值的成果。研究成果不僅被美國科學院與工程院院士Whitesides教授和中科院副院長白春禮院士引用,還分別得到保加利亞科學院院士Kralchevsky教授與芬蘭工程院院士Nieminen教授的充分肯定並在其論文中作詳細評述。近年來,錢林茂教授應邀分別在IUTAM-2004(國際理論和套用力學聯合會)Hong Kong國際研討會、摩擦學中英雙邊國際研討會-2006上作邀請報告 。 自2002年到西南交通大學工作以來,先後主持5項國家自然科學基金項目和8項省部級項目.所承擔的自然科學基金項目被基金委機械學科評為2006年度進展優秀項目(431項中選20項). 研究成果在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces(IF:4.525)、 Nanotechnology(3.979)、Applied Physics Letters(3.844)等期刊發表學術論文110餘篇,SCI收錄60餘篇. 申請發明專利13項,授權8項. 所發表論文被SCI他引600餘次,其中單篇論文最高SCI他引170餘次 。
國際IFToMM摩擦學技術委員會委員、英國機械工程師協會會刊(J卷)Journal of Engineering Tribology、ISRN Tribology、Friction和Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering等國際期刊編委,中國機械工程學會摩擦學分會常務理事,中國微米納米技術學會理事,四川省科技青年聯合會副主席 。
一. 主持項目
1.國防973計畫課題課題:XX超滑的失效機理及長壽命、高可靠超滑界 面的可控制備(2015-2019)
5.國家納米製造重大研究計畫追加項目(91323103): “亞納米精度表面製造基礎研究”子課題“單晶矽表面原子級材料遷移機制及其量化表征”(2014-2017)
6.國家自然科學基金應急管理項目(51445014):NSFC機械工程學科 2014年度青年/地區科學基金項目啟動會(2014-2015)
7.國家自然科學基金面上項目(51175441):單晶 矽表面摩擦誘導化學磨損的行為、機理及控制研究(2012-2015)
19.英國皇家學會和中國教育部聯合資助的“中英高校科研合作項目”:2008年8月18日 至9月14日 訪問英國伯明罕大學(2008)
二. 主研項目
3.國家973計畫“基於微納製造的第三代基因測序系統的基礎理論研究” 第四課題(2011CB707604):生物分子在納通道中的輸運及調控(2011-2015)
錢林 茂,田煜,溫詩鑄. "納米摩擦學". 北京:科學出版社,2013年6月. 479頁
Zhongrong Zhou, Haiyang Yu, Jing Zheng, Linmao Qian, Yu Yan. Dental Biotribology, Springer New York, 2013, 177p. ISBN: 978-1-4614-4549-4 (Print) 978-1-4614-4550-0 (Online), DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-4550-0.
溫詩鑄, 黃平, 劉瑩, 錢林茂, 田煜, 劉宇宏. "界面科學與技術". 北京: 清華大學出版社, 2011年3月.
Linmao Qian, Jiaxin Yu, Bingjun Yu and Zhongrong Zhou. "Tangential Nanofretting and Radial Nanofretting", Chapter 7, pp. 241-258. in "Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS): Technology, Fabrication Processes and Applications", Editors: Britt Ekwall and Mikkel Cronquist, Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2010. ISBN: 9781608764747. Publication Date: 01 April 2010. USA.
孟永鋼, 錢林 茂, 葛世榮, 張俊彥, 趙亞溥, 朱旻昊, 雷明凱, 田煜, 姚萍屏. "機械錶面界面科學與摩擦學", pp136-161, 見"機械工程學科發展戰略報告(2011-2020)" 第6章, 國家自然科學基金委員會工程與材料科學部主編, 北京: 科學出版社, 2010年11月.
胡元中, 錢林 茂, 張向軍, 張朝輝. "摩擦學發展前沿" 第十一章"微納摩擦學", pp233-265. 周仲榮, 雷源忠, 張嗣偉編, 北京: 科學出版社. 2006年4月. (4萬餘字)
Linmao Qian*, Bingjun Yu: "Adhesion Hysteresis" in Encyclopedia of Tribology, Springer. In press.
Linmao Qian*, Jiaxin Yu: "Friction Force Microscopy (FFM)" in Encyclopedia of Tribology, Springer. In press.
1.錢林 茂,田煜,溫詩鑄. "納米摩擦學". 北京:科學出版社,2013年6月. 479頁
2.Zhongrong Zhou, Haiyang Yu, Jing Zheng, Linmao Qian, Yu Yan. Dental Biotribology, Springer New York, 2013, 177p. ISBN: 978-1-4614-4549-4 (Print) 978-1-4614-4550-0 (Online), DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-4550-0.
3.溫詩鑄, 黃平, 劉瑩, 錢林茂, 田煜, 劉宇宏. "界面科學與技術". 北京: 清華大學出版社, 2011年3月.
4.Linmao Qian, Jiaxin Yu, Bingjun Yu and Zhongrong Zhou. "Tangential Nanofretting and Radial Nanofretting", Chapter 7, pp. 241-258. in "Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS): Technology, Fabrication Processes and Applications", Editors: Britt Ekwall and Mikkel Cronquist, Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2010. ISBN: 9781608764747. Publication Date: 01 April 2010. USA.
5.孟永鋼, 錢林 茂, 葛世榮, 張俊彥, 趙亞溥, 朱旻昊, 雷明凱, 田煜, 姚萍屏. "機械錶面界面科學與摩擦學", pp136-161, 見"機械工程學科發展戰略報告(2011-2020)" 第6章, 國家自然科學基金委員會工程與材料科學部主編, 北京: 科學出版社, 2010年11月.
6.胡元中, 錢林 茂, 張向軍, 張朝輝. "摩擦學發展前沿" 第十一章"微納摩擦學", pp233-265. 周仲榮, 雷源忠, 張嗣偉編, 北京: 科學出版社. 2006年4月. (4萬餘字)
7.Linmao Qian*, Bingjun Yu: "Adhesion Hysteresis" in Encyclopedia of Tribology, Springer. In press.
8.Linmao Qian*, Jiaxin Yu: "Friction Force Microscopy (FFM)" in Encyclopedia of Tribology, Springer. In press.
錢林茂, 周仲榮, 張爽, 石心餘, 張靜宜. "球形壓頭測量形狀記憶合金相變特性的方法", 中國發明專利, 授權專利號:ZL200710050040.7;授權公告日:2009年11月18日.
錢林茂, 周仲榮, 張爽, 朱旻昊, 余丙軍, 石心餘. "一種測試納米厚度薄膜疲勞特性的試驗方法", 中國發明專利, 授權專利號:ZL200810045100.0;授權公告日:2011年1月19日.
錢林茂,周仲榮,余丙 軍,余家欣."一種基於摩擦誘導構造單晶矽表面納米凸起結構的加工方法",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL200910059272.8;授權公告日: 2012年5月9日.
錢林茂,宋晨飛,周仲榮,余家欣,余丙軍,陳磊. "一種基於摩擦誘導的單晶石英表面選擇性刻蝕方法", 中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201010222382.4;授權公告日:2012年7月11日.
錢林茂,周仲榮,宋晨飛,余丙軍,余家欣."一種石英、玻璃 材料表面的微納米加工方法",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL200910216531.3;授權公告日:2013年2月13日。
錢林茂,宋晨飛,吳治 江,郭劍,余丙軍,周仲榮."一種多點接觸模式下的大面納米壓印矽模具加工方法",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201210237432.5;授權公 告日:2013年12月11日。
錢林茂,王曉東,王冕, 陳磊,余丙軍,何洪途."可套用於酸鹼環境中的原子力顯微鏡液下針尖支架",中國發明專利,實用新型,授權專利號:ZL201320639994.2;授 權公告日:2014年4月2日。
錢林茂,楊亞軍,陳誠, 陳磊,何洪途,王曉東."用於原子力顯微鏡的氣氛控制裝置",中國發明專利,實用新型,授權專利號:ZL201420011858.3;授權公告日: 2014年5月6日。
錢林茂,吳治江,余丙 軍,宋晨飛,周仲榮."一種多點接觸模式下的大面積摩擦誘導微米級加工設備",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201210236729.X;授權公告 日:2015年2月5日。
錢林茂,吳治江,余丙 軍,郭劍,宋晨飛,周仲榮."一種多點接觸模式下的大面積矽表面織構化加工方法",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201210237442.9;授權公 告日:2015年2月9日。
錢林茂,陳磊,吳治江, 余丙軍,周仲榮."一種用於大面積摩擦誘導微/納米加工的多針尖陣列的製作方法",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201210246472.6;授權公 告日:2015年3月9日。
錢林茂,郭劍,陳磊,余 丙軍,宋晨飛."基於摩擦化學誘導刻蝕的單晶矽表面無損傷納米加工方法",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201310733086.4;授權公告日:2016年 2月3日。
錢林茂,郭劍,余丙軍, 王曉東,宋晨飛."基於摩擦誘導選擇性刻蝕的氮化矽膜/矽微納米加工方法",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201310732868.6;授權公告日:2016年 2月3日。
錢林茂,唐鵬,宋晨飛, 余丙軍,郭劍."基於摩擦誘導選擇性刻蝕的砷化鎵表面微納米加工方法",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201310732778.7;授權公告日:2013年3 月2日。
錢林茂,楊亞軍,陳誠,陳磊,何 洪途,王曉東."一種用於原子力顯微鏡的氣氛控制系統",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201410009253.5;授權公告日:2016年4 月22日。
錢林茂,宋晨飛,周仲 榮,余丙軍,陳磊,郭劍."一種基於摩擦誘導選擇性刻蝕的玻璃表面納米加工方法",中國發明專利,申請號:201110392803.2;申請日期: 2011年12月1日。
錢林茂,宋晨飛,余丙 軍,陳磊,唐鵬."一種砷化鎵表面量子點形核位置的低損傷加工方法",中國發明專利,申請號:201310732192.0;申請日期:2016年4月 22日。
錢林茂,徐樂,余丙軍, 郭劍,陳磊. "一種單晶矽表面劃痕損傷層厚度的檢測方法", 中國發明專利,申請號:201410304805.5;申請日期:2014年7月1日。
錢林茂, 陳家良, 余丙軍, 張超傑, 金晨寧, 汪紅波, 陳誠. "平面度自補償的大面積微加工用多探針陣列製備方法", 中國發明專利,申請號:201610207578.3;申請日期:2016年4月6日。
錢林茂, 張超傑, 江亮, 余丙軍, 鄒乙稼. "一種基於原子力顯微鏡的多功能組合探針系統", 中國發明專利,申請號:201610214796.X;申請日期:2016年4月8日。
錢林茂, 汪紅波, 蔣淑蘭, 李斌, 余丙軍, 陳磊. "基於微懸臂投影的光電式加速度感測器", 中國發明專利,申請號:201610382181.8;申請日期:2016年6月1日。
錢林茂, 汪紅波, 蔣淑蘭, 李斌, 余丙軍, 陳磊. "基於微懸臂投影的光電式氣敏感測器", 中國發明專利,申請號:201610392191.X;申請日期:2016年6月1日。
余丙軍,張超傑,錢 林茂,陳磊,高健,陳家良."一種簡易的真空測溫系統", 實用新型專利,授權專利號:2015 2 0431474.1,授權公告日:2015年10月21日
周仲榮,周仲榮,石心 余,王艷,陳光雄,錢林茂,朱旻昊. "一種衝擊磨損試驗裝置", 實用新型專利,授權專利號:200720078763;授權公告日:2008年2月6日.
Hongtu He, Seong H. Kim*, Linmao Qian*. “Mechanical, stress corrosion, and tribochemical wear of soda-lime-silica glass – Effects of contact pressure, counter surface, and humidity”, Tribology International 94, 675-681 (2016).
Bingjun Yu, Gao Jian, Chenning Jin, Chen Xiao, Jiang Wu, Huiyun Liu, Shulan Jiang, Lei Chen, Linmao Qian*.“Humidity effects on tribochemical removal of GaAs surfaces”, Applied Physics Express 9, 066703 (2016).
Xiaodong Wang, Jian Guo, Cheng Chen, Lei Chen, Linmao Qian*. “A simple method to control nanotribology behaviors of monocrystalline silicon”, Journal of Applied Physics 119, 044304 (2016).
Chenning Jin, Bingjun Yu*, Chen Xiao, Lei Chen, Linmao Qian. “Temperature-dependent nanofabrication on silicon by friction-induced selective etching”, Nanoscale Research Letters 11, 229 (2016).
Hongtu He, Jiawei Luo, Linmao Qian, Carlo G.Pantano, Seong H.Kim*. “Thermal poling of soda lime silica glass with non-blocking electrodes-Part 2: Effects on mechanical and mechanochemical properties”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 99(4), 1231-1238 (2016).
Jiawei Luo, Hongtu He, Nikolas J.Podraza, Linmao Qian, Carlo G.Pantano, Seong H.Kim*. “Thermal poling of soda lime silica glass with non-blocking electrodes-Part 1: Effects of sodium ion migration and water ingress on glass surface structure”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 99(4), 1221-1230 (2016).
Jing Xia, Jing Zheng, Diaodiao Huang, Z. Ryan Tian, Lei Chen, Zhongrong Zhou, Peter S. Ungard*, Linmao Qian*. “New model to explain tooth wear with implications for microwear formation and diet reconstruction”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112(34), 10669-10672 (2015).
Xiaodong Wang, Seong H. Kim, Cheng Chen, Lei Chen, Hongtu He, Linmao Qian*. “Humidity dependence of tribochemical wear of monocrystalline silicon”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7(27), 14785–14792 (2015).
Jian Guo, Bingjun Yu, Lei Chen, Linmao Qian*. “Nondestructive nanofabrication on Si(100) surface by tribochemistry-induced selective etching”, Scientific Reports 5, 16472 (2015).
Chenfei Song, Xiaoying Li, Hanshan Dong, Bingjun Yu, Zhiming Wang*, Linmao Qian*. “Nondestructive tribochemistry-assisted nanofabrication on GaAs surface”, Scientific Reports 5, 9020 (2015).
Lei Chen, Hongtu He, Xiaodong Wang, Seong H. Kim*, Linmao Qian*. “Tribology of Si/SiO2 in humid air: transition from severe chemical wear to wearless behavior at nanoscale”, Langmuir 31(1), 149-156 (2015).
Chenfei Song, Bingjun Yu, Mian Wang, Linmao Qian*. “Rapid and maskless nanopatterning of aluminosilicate glass surface via friction-induced selective etching in HF solution”, RSC Advances 5, 97: 79964-79968 (2015).
Jian Guo, Chen Xiao, Bei Peng, Linmao Qian*."Tribochemistry-induced direct fabrication of nondestructive nanochannels on silicon surface", RSC Advances 5, 100769-100774(2015)
Bingjun Yu, Jian Gao, Lei Chen, Linmao Qian*. “Effect of sliding velocity on tribochemical removal of gallium arsenide surface”, Wear 330-331, 59-63 (2015).
Lei Chen, Yajun Yang, Hongtu He, Seong H. Kim, Linmao Qian*. “Effect of coadsorption of water and alcohol vapor on the nanowear of silicon”, Wear 332-333, 879-884 (2015).
Hongtu He, Linmao Qian, Carlo G. Pantano, and Seong H. Kim. “Effects of humidity and counter-surface on tribochemical wear of soda-lime-silica glass”, Wear 342-343, 100-106 (2015).
Ping Qing, Shengbin Huang, Shanshan Gao, Linmao Qian, Haiyang Yu. “Effect of gamma irradiation on the wear behaviour of human tooth enamel”, Scientific Reports 5, 11568 (2015).
Ping Qing, Yue Li, Shanshan Gao, Mengting Qiao, Linmao Qian, Haiyang Yu. “Characterization of the nanoscratch, microstructure, and composition in hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering 7(7), 1687814015595597 (2015).
Hongtu He, Jiawei Luo, Linmao Qian, Carlo G. Pantano, Seong H. Kim*. “Thermal poling of soda lime silica glass with non-blocking electrodes – Part 2: Effects on mechanical and mechanochemical properties”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, in press.
Jiawei Luo, Hongtu He, Nikolas J. Podraza, Linmao Qian, Carlo G. Pantano, Seong H. Kim*. “Thermal poling of soda lime silica glass with nonblocking electrodes – Part 1: Effects of sodium ion migration and water ingress on glass surface structure”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, in press
Jian Guo, Bingjun Yu, Xiaodong Wang, Linmao Qian*. "Nanofabrication on monocrystalline silicon through friction-induced selective etching of Si3N4 mask",Nanoscale Research Letters 9, 241 (2014).
David J. Marchand, Lei Chen, Yonggang Meng, Linmao Qian*, Seong H. Kim*. "Effects of vapor environment and counter-surface chemistry on tribochemical wear of silicon wafer",Tribology Letters 53(1), 365-372 (2014).
Peng Tang, Bingjun Yu, Jian Guo, Chenfei Song, Linmao Qian*. "Maskless micro/nanofabrication on GaAs surface by friction-induced selective etching", Nanoscale Research Letters 9, 59 (2014).
Hongtu He, Linmao Qian, Carlo G. Pantano, Seong H. Kim. "Mechanochemical wear of soda lime silica glass in humid environments", J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 97(7), 2061-2068 (2014).
Mian Wang, Shuxun Cui, Bingjun Yu, Linmao Qian*. "Effect of chain length on the conformation and friction behaviour of DNA", Science China: Technological Science 56(12), 2927-2933 (2013).
Mian Wang, Yu Tian, Shuxun Cui, Linmao Qian*. "Effect of Salt Concentration on the Conformation and Friction Behaviour of DNA", Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 436, 775-781 (2013).
Chenfei Song, Bingjun Yu, Linmao Qian*. "Effect of scan parameters and etching temperature on low-destructive nanofabrication of quartz", Micro& Nano Letters 8(10), 735-739 (2013).
Bingjun Yu, Linmao Qian*. "Effect of crystal plane orientation on the friction-induced nanofabrication on monocrystalline silicon", Nanoscale Research Letters 8, 137 (2013).
Chenfei Song, Xiaoying Li, Shuxun Cui, Hanshan Dong, Bingjun Yu, Linmao Qian*. "Maskless and low-destructive nanofabrication on quartz by friction-induced selective etching", Nanoscale Research Letters 8, 140 (2013).
Xiaodong Wang, Chenfei Song, Bingjun Yu, Lei Chen, Linmao Qian*. "Nanowear behaviour of monocrystalline silicon against SiO2 tip in water", Wear 298-299, 80-86 (2013).
Lei Chen, Mingchu Yang, Chenfei Song, Bingjun Yu, Linmao Qian*. "Is 2 nm DLC coating enough to resist the nanowear of silicon", Wear 302(1-2), 909-917 (2013).
Lei Chen, Seong H. Kim, Xiaodong Wang, Linmao Qian*. "Running-in process of Si–SiOx /SiO2 pair at nanoscale—Sharp drops in friction and wear rate during initial cycles", Friction 1(1), 81-91 (2013).
Zhijiang Wu, Chenfei Song, Jian Guo, Bingjun Yu, Linmao Qian*. "A multi-probe micro-fabrication apparatus based on the friction-induced fabrication method", Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 8(4), 333-339 (2013).
Jiaxin Yu, Lei Chen, Linmao Qian, Danlu Song, Yong Cai. "Investigation of humidity-dependent nanotribology behaviors of Si(100)/SiO2 pair moving from stick to slip", Applied Surface Science 265, 192-200 (2013).
Liang Zheng, Jing Zheng, Yafeng Zhang, Linmao Qian, Zhongrong Zhou. "Effect of CPP-ACP on the remineralization of acid-eroded human tooth enamel: nanomechanical properties and microtribological behaviour study", Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 46(40), (2013).
Shanshan Gao, Zhenbing Cai, Shengbin Huang, Linmao Qian, Haiyang Yu. "Nano-scratch behavior of human root canal wall dentin lubricated with EDTA pastes", Tribology International 63, 169-176 (2013).
Jing Zheng, Yan Li, Maoyu Shi, Yafeng Zhang, Linmao Qian, Zhongrong Zhou. "Microtribological behaviour of human tooth enamel and artificial hydroxyapatite", Tribology International 63, 177-185 (2013).
Yafeng Zhang, Jing Zheng, Liang Zheng, Xinyu Shi, Linmao Qian, Zhongrong Zhou. "Effect of adsorption time on the lubricating properties of the salivary pellicle on human tooth enamel", Wear 301(1-2), 300-307 (2013).
Liang Zheng, Yan Li, Jing Zheng, M. Wen, Yafeng Zhang, Linmao Qian, Zhongrong Zhou. "A comparative study on the sliding wear behaviors of human tooth enamel, Cu-Zn alloy and Al2O3 ceramic", Wear 301(1-2), 308-315 (2013).
Jing Zheng, Longqing Weng, Maoyu Shi, J. Zhou, Licheng Hua, Linmao Qian, Zhongrong Zhou. "Effect of water content on the nanomechanical properties and microtribological behaviour of human tooth enamel", Wear 301(1-2), 316-323 (2013).
Jiaxin Yu, Seong H. Kim, Bingjun Yu, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou. "Role of tribochemistry in nanowear of single-crystalline silicon", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 4(3), 1585–1593 (2012).
Bingjun Yu, Xiaoying Li, Hanshan Dong, Yunfei Chen, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou. "Towards a deeper understanding of the formation of friction-induced hillocks on monocrystalline silicon", Journal of Applied Physics D: Applied Physics 45, 145301 (2012).
Jian Guo, Chenfei Song, Xiaoying Li, Bingjun Yu, Hanshan Dong, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou. "Fabrication mechanism of friction-induced selective etching on Si(100) surface", Nanoscale Research Letters 7, 152 (2012).
Chenfei Song, Xiaoying Li, Bingjun Yu, Hanshan Dong, Linmao Qian*, and Zhongrong Zhou, "Friction-induced nanofabrication method to produce protrusive nanostructures on quartz", Nanoscale Research Letters 6, 310 (2011).
Jing Liu, Hanshan Dong, J. Buhagiar, Chenfei Song, Bingjun Yu, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou. "Effect of low-temperature plasma carbonitriding on the fretting behaviour of 316LVM medical grade austenitic stainless steels", Wear 271, 1490-1496 (2011).
Lei Chen, Mingchu Yang, Jiaxin Yu, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou. "Nanofretting behaviours of ultrathin DLC coating on Si(100) substrate", Wear 271, 1980-1986 (2011).
Xiaodong Wang, Jiaxin Yu, Lei Chen, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou. "Effects of water and oxygen on the tribochemical wear of monocrystalline Si(100) against SiO2 sphere by simulating the contact conditions in MEMS", Wear 271, 1681-1688 (2011).
Shaoyao Zheng, Jing Zheng, Shanshan Gao, Bingjun Yu, Haiyang Yu, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou. "Investigation on the microtribological behaviour of human tooth enamel by nanoscratch", Wear 271, 2290-2296 (2011).
Jiaxin Yu, Shuang Zhang, Linmao Qian*, Jun Xu, Wangyu Ding, Zhongrong Zhou. "Radial nanofretting behaviors of ultrathin carbon nitride film on silicon substrate", Tribology International 44, 1400-1406 (2011).
Na Fan, Guangxiong Chen, Linmao Qian. "Analysis of squeaking on ceramic hip endoprosthesis using the complex eigenvalue method", Wear 271, 2305-2312 (2011) .
Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Linmao Qian, Yujie Liu, Hailin Wang. "Experimental study of the transformation ratcheting of superelastic NiTi alloy", ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA 44 (8): 949-955 (2008).
Xi-Qiao Feng, Linmao Qian, Wenyi Yan, and Qingping Sun. "Wearless scratch on NiTi shape memory alloy due to phase transformational shakedown", Applied Physics Letters 92, 121909 (2008).
Hanshan Dong, Xinhua Ju, Hui Yang, Linmao Qian, Zhongrong Zhou. "Effect of ceramic conversion treatments on the surface damage and nickel ion release of NiTi alloys under fretting corrosion conditions", Journal of Materials Science – Materials in Medicine 19, 937-946 (2008).
Linmao Qian, Zhongrong Zhou, Qingping Sun, Wenyi Yan, "Nanofretting behaviors of NiTi shape memory alloy", Wear 263, 501–507 (2007).
Lei Gong, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou. "Temperature effect on the friction behavior of NiTi shape memory alloy", Key Engineering Materials 353-358, 780-783 (2007).
Hui Yang, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou, Xinhua Ju, Hanshan Dong. "Effect of surface modification on the fretting behavior of NiTi shape memory alloy", Tribology Letters 25(3), 215-224 (2007).
Wenyi Yan, Qingping Sun, Xiqiao Feng, Linmao Qian. "Analysis of spherical indentation of superelastic shape memory alloys", International Journal of Solids and Structures 44, 1–17 (2007).
Wenyi Yan, Qingping Sun, Xiqiao Feng, Linmao Qian. "Determination of transformation stresses of shape memory alloy thin films: A method based on spherical indentation", Applied Physics Letters 88, 241912 (2006).
Linmao Qian, Qingping Sun, Xudong Xiao. "Role of Phase Transition in the Unusual Microwear Behavior of Superelastic NiTi Shape Memory Alloy", Wear, 260/4-5, 509-522 (2006).
Linmao Qian, Hui Yang, Minhao Zhu, Zhongrong Zhou. "Experimental verification of the strain-gradient plasticity model for indentation", Journal of Material Research, 20(11), 3150-3156 (2005).
Linmao Qian, Zhongrong Zhou, Qingping Sun. "The role of phase transition in the fretting behaviour of NiTi shape memory alloy", Wear, 259/1-6, 309-318 (2005).
Linmao Qian, Ming Li, Zhongrong Zhou, Hui Yang, Xinyu Shi. "Comparison of nano-indentation hardness and micro hardness", Surface& Coating Technology, 195(2-3), 264-271 (2005).
Linmao Qian, Qingping Sun, Zhongrong Zhou. "Fretting wear behavior of superelastic nickel titanium shape memory alloy", Tribology Letters, 18(4), 463-475 (2005).
Linmao Qian, M. Charlot, E. Perez, G. Luengo, A. Potter, C. Cazeneuve. "Dynamic friction by polymer/surfactant mixtures adsorbed on surfaces", Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108(48), 18608-18614 (2004).
Linmao Qian, Xudong Xiao, Qingping Sun, and Tongxi Yu. "Anomalous relationship between hardness and wear properties of a superelastic nickel–titanium alloy", Applied Physics Letters 84(7), 1076-1078 (2004).
Linmao Qian, Fang Tian, and Xudong Xiao. "Tribological properties of self-assembled monolayers and their substrates under various humid environments", Tribology Letters 15(3), 169-176 (2003).
Linmao Qian, Gustavo Luango, and Eric Perez. "Thermally activated lubrication with alkanes: the effect of chain length", Europhysics Letters, 61(2), 268-274 (2003).
G. Bryant, S. R. Williams, Linmao Qian, I. K. Snook, E. Perez, F. Pincet. "How hard is a colloidal ‘hard-sphere’ interaction?", Physical Review E (Rapid Complication), 66, 060501 (2002).
Linmao Qian, G. Luango, D. Douillet, M. Charlot, X. Dollat, E. Perez. "New 2-dimensional friction force apparatus design for measuring shear forces at the nanometer scale", Review of Scientific Instruments, 72(11), 4171-4177 (2001).
I. Aujard, J.P. Baltaze, J.B. Baudin, E. Cogne, F. Ferrage, L. Jullien, E. Perez, V. Prevost, Linmao Qian, O. Ruel. "Tetrahedral on sager crosses for solubility improvement and crystallization bypass", Journal of the American Chemical Society 123 (34), 8177-8188 (2001).
Linmao Qian, Jianbin Luo, Shizhu Wen and Xudong Xiao, "The experimental rules of mica as a reference sample of AFM/FFM measurement", Chinese Science Bulletin 46(4), 349-352 (2001).
Linmao Qian, Xudong Xiao and Shizhu Wen. "Tip in-situ chemical modification and its effects on tribological measurements", Langmuir 16(2), 662-670 (2000).
Xudong Xiao and Linmao Qian. "nvestigation of humidity-dependent capillary force", Langmuir 16(21), 8153-8158 (2000).
Jianbin Luo, Linmao Qian, Shizhu Wen, et al. "The failure of fluid film at nano-scale", STLE, Tribology Trans. 42(4), 912-916 (1999).
錢 林茂, 雒建斌, 溫詩鑄, 蕭旭東. "二氧化矽及其矽烷自組裝膜微觀摩擦力與粘著力的研究 (I)", 物理學報, 49(11), 2240-2246 (2000).
錢 林茂, 雒建斌, 溫詩鑄, 蕭旭東. "二氧化矽及其矽烷自組裝膜微觀摩擦力與粘著力的研究 (II)", 物理學報, 49(11), 2247-2253 (2000).
姚 洋洋, 陳磊, 郭劍, 錢林茂*. "基於Si3N4探針的單晶矽表面小線寬結構的摩擦誘導納米加工", 上海大學學報,20(6), 669-680 (2014).
李 連凱, 陳磊, 郭劍, 錢林茂*. "基於摩擦誘導選擇性刻蝕原理的單晶矽表面大面積織構加工", 機械工程學報,50(17), 93-98 (2014).
徐相傑, 余丙軍, 陳磊, 錢林茂*. "滑動速度對單晶矽在不同接觸尺度下磨損的影響規律研究", 機械工程學報, 49(1), 108-115 (2013).
趙飛, 魏鵬, 余丙軍, 錢林茂*. "角蛋白組織摩擦學性能及其損傷自修復的初步研究", 摩擦學學報, 32(4), 402-409 (2012).
范 娜, 陳光雄, 錢林茂. "陶瓷髖關節異響的研究進展和展望", 摩擦學學報, 31(3), 311-316 (2011).
張 賾文, 余家欣, 錢林茂. "壓頭曲率半徑對單晶矽徑向納動損傷的影響", 機械工程學報,46(9),107-112 (2010).
楊 超, 余丙軍, 錢林茂. "凸結構的形成——低載下單晶矽表面的劃痕損傷研究", 摩擦學學報,30(1), 92-96 (2010).
謝 祖飛, 余家欣, 錢林茂. "載荷對四種材料摩擦機制轉變的影響研究", 上海交大學報, 43(12), 1930-1935 (2009).
劉 靜, 錢林茂, 董漢山, Joseph Buhagiar. “碳化、氮化與碳氮化對316LVM不鏽鋼微動腐蝕磨損性能的影響", 摩擦學學報,29(5), 399-404 (2009).
肖 楓, 鄭靖, 周仲榮, 錢林茂. "人牙釉質的酸蝕行為研究", 摩擦學學報,29(2), 163-167 (2009).
張 爽, 錢林茂, 莫繼良. "氮化鉻薄膜的徑向納動損傷機制研究", 摩擦學學報,28(4), 316-321 (2008).
余 家欣, 錢林茂*. "一種改進的原子力顯微鏡摩擦力標定方法", 摩擦學學報, 27(5), 472-476 (2007).
張 靜宜, 錢林茂, 周仲榮. "高載下單晶銅和單晶矽的徑向納動與損傷行為研究", 摩擦學學報, 26(1),1-6 (2006).
楊 輝, 錢林茂, 朱旻昊, 周仲榮. "預塑性應變對納米壓痕硬度尺寸效應的影響", 機械工程學報,41(9), 24-27 (2005).
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錢 林茂, 雒建斌, 溫詩鑄, 蕭旭東. "原子力顯微鏡針尖和樣品間的材料轉移研究", 清華大學學報, 40(4), 96-9 (2000).
雒 建斌, 錢林茂, 劉姍, 溫詩鑄. "納米級潤滑膜失效實驗研究", 自然科學進展, 10(1), 89-94 (2000).
錢 林茂, 雒建斌, 張偉, 溫詩鑄. "自適應微摩擦綜合測量儀的研製與納米潤滑實驗研究", 清華大學學報, 38(4), 33-38 (1998).
錢 林茂, 孟永鋼, 黃平, 史小路. "電阻法監測油/水乳化液潤滑狀態的變化", 摩擦學學報, 16(3), 239-246(1996).
1.錢林茂, 周仲榮, 張爽, 石心餘, 張靜宜. "球形壓頭測量形狀記憶合金相變特性的方法", 中國發明專利, 授權專利號:ZL200710050040.7;授權公告日:2009年11月18日.
2.錢林茂, 周仲榮, 張爽, 朱旻昊, 余丙軍, 石心餘. "一種測試納米厚度薄膜疲勞特性的試驗方法", 中國發明專利, 授權專利號:ZL200810045100.0;授權公告日:2011年1月19日.
3.錢林茂,周仲榮,余丙 軍,余家欣."一種基於摩擦誘導構造單晶矽表面納米凸起結構的加工方法",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL200910059272.8;授權公告日: 2012年5月9日.
4.錢林茂,宋晨飛,周仲榮,余家欣,余丙軍,陳磊. "一種基於摩擦誘導的單晶石英表面選擇性刻蝕方法", 中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201010222382.4;授權公告日:2012年7月11日.
5.錢林茂,周仲榮,宋晨飛,余丙軍,余家欣."一種石英、玻璃 材料表面的微納米加工方法",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL200910216531.3;授權公告日:2013年2月13日。
6.錢林茂,宋晨飛,吳治 江,郭劍,余丙軍,周仲榮."一種多點接觸模式下的大面納米壓印矽模具加工方法",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201210237432.5;授權公 告日:2013年12月11日。
7.錢林茂,王曉東,王冕, 陳磊,余丙軍,何洪途."可套用於酸鹼環境中的原子力顯微鏡液下針尖支架",中國發明專利,實用新型,授權專利號:ZL201320639994.2;授 權公告日:2014年4月2日。
8.錢林茂,楊亞軍,陳誠, 陳磊,何洪途,王曉東."用於原子力顯微鏡的氣氛控制裝置",中國發明專利,實用新型,授權專利號:ZL201420011858.3;授權公告日: 2014年5月6日。
9.錢林茂,吳治江,余丙 軍,宋晨飛,周仲榮."一種多點接觸模式下的大面積摩擦誘導微米級加工設備",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201210236729.X;授權公告 日:2015年2月5日。
10.錢林茂,吳治江,余丙 軍,郭劍,宋晨飛,周仲榮."一種多點接觸模式下的大面積矽表面織構化加工方法",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201210237442.9;授權公 告日:2015年2月9日。
11.錢林茂,陳磊,吳治江, 余丙軍,周仲榮."一種用於大面積摩擦誘導微/納米加工的多針尖陣列的製作方法",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201210246472.6;授權公 告日:2015年3月9日。
12.錢林茂,郭劍,陳磊,余 丙軍,宋晨飛."基於摩擦化學誘導刻蝕的單晶矽表面無損傷納米加工方法",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201310733086.4;授權公告日:2016年 2月3日。
13.錢林茂,郭劍,余丙軍, 王曉東,宋晨飛."基於摩擦誘導選擇性刻蝕的氮化矽膜/矽微納米加工方法",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201310732868.6;授權公告日:2016年 2月3日。
14.錢林茂,唐鵬,宋晨飛, 余丙軍,郭劍."基於摩擦誘導選擇性刻蝕的砷化鎵表面微納米加工方法",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201310732778.7;授權公告日:2013年3 月2日。
15.錢林茂,楊亞軍,陳誠,陳磊,何 洪途,王曉東."一種用於原子力顯微鏡的氣氛控制系統",中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL201410009253.5;授權公告日:2016年4 月22日。
16.錢林茂,宋晨飛,周仲 榮,余丙軍,陳磊,郭劍."一種基於摩擦誘導選擇性刻蝕的玻璃表面納米加工方法",中國發明專利,申請號:201110392803.2;申請日期: 2011年12月1日。
17.錢林茂,宋晨飛,余丙 軍,陳磊,唐鵬."一種砷化鎵表面量子點形核位置的低損傷加工方法",中國發明專利,申請號:201310732192.0;申請日期:2016年4月 22日。
18.錢林茂,徐樂,余丙軍, 郭劍,陳磊. "一種單晶矽表面劃痕損傷層厚度的檢測方法", 中國發明專利,申請號:201410304805.5;申請日期:2014年7月1日。
19.錢林茂, 陳家良, 余丙軍, 張超傑, 金晨寧, 汪紅波, 陳誠. "平面度自補償的大面積微加工用多探針陣列製備方法", 中國發明專利,申請號:201610207578.3;申請日期:2016年4月6日。
20.錢林茂, 張超傑, 江亮, 余丙軍, 鄒乙稼. "一種基於原子力顯微鏡的多功能組合探針系統", 中國發明專利,申請號:201610214796.X;申請日期:2016年4月8日。
21.錢林茂, 汪紅波, 蔣淑蘭, 李斌, 余丙軍, 陳磊. "基於微懸臂投影的光電式加速度感測器", 中國發明專利,申請號:201610382181.8;申請日期:2016年6月1日。
22.錢林茂, 汪紅波, 蔣淑蘭, 李斌, 余丙軍, 陳磊. "基於微懸臂投影的光電式氣敏感測器", 中國發明專利,申請號:201610392191.X;申請日期:2016年6月1日。
23.余丙軍,張超傑,錢 林茂,陳磊,高健,陳家良."一種簡易的真空測溫系統", 實用新型專利,授權專利號:2015 2 0431474.1,授權公告日:2015年10月21日
24.周仲榮,周仲榮,石心 余,王艷,陳光雄,錢林茂,朱旻昊. "一種衝擊磨損試驗裝置", 實用新型專利,授權專利號:200720078763;授權公告日:2008年2月6日.
25.Hongtu He, Seong H. Kim*, Linmao Qian*. “Mechanical, stress corrosion, and tribochemical wear of soda-lime-silica glass – Effects of contact pressure, counter surface, and humidity”, Tribology International 94, 675-681 (2016).
26.Bingjun Yu, Gao Jian, Chenning Jin, Chen Xiao, Jiang Wu, Huiyun Liu, Shulan Jiang, Lei Chen, Linmao Qian*.“Humidity effects on tribochemical removal of GaAs surfaces”, Applied Physics Express 9, 066703 (2016).
27.Xiaodong Wang, Jian Guo, Cheng Chen, Lei Chen, Linmao Qian*. “A simple method to control nanotribology behaviors of monocrystalline silicon”, Journal of Applied Physics 119, 044304 (2016).
28.Chenning Jin, Bingjun Yu*, Chen Xiao, Lei Chen, Linmao Qian. “Temperature-dependent nanofabrication on silicon by friction-induced selective etching”, Nanoscale Research Letters 11, 229 (2016).
29.Hongtu He, Jiawei Luo, Linmao Qian, Carlo G.Pantano, Seong H.Kim*. “Thermal poling of soda lime silica glass with non-blocking electrodes-Part 2: Effects on mechanical and mechanochemical properties”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 99(4), 1231-1238 (2016).
30.Jiawei Luo, Hongtu He, Nikolas J.Podraza, Linmao Qian, Carlo G.Pantano, Seong H.Kim*. “Thermal poling of soda lime silica glass with non-blocking electrodes-Part 1: Effects of sodium ion migration and water ingress on glass surface structure”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 99(4), 1221-1230 (2016).
31.Jing Xia, Jing Zheng, Diaodiao Huang, Z. Ryan Tian, Lei Chen, Zhongrong Zhou, Peter S. Ungard*, Linmao Qian*. “New model to explain tooth wear with implications for microwear formation and diet reconstruction”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112(34), 10669-10672 (2015).
32.Xiaodong Wang, Seong H. Kim, Cheng Chen, Lei Chen, Hongtu He, Linmao Qian*. “Humidity dependence of tribochemical wear of monocrystalline silicon”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7(27), 14785–14792 (2015).
33.Jian Guo, Bingjun Yu, Lei Chen, Linmao Qian*. “Nondestructive nanofabrication on Si(100) surface by tribochemistry-induced selective etching”, Scientific Reports 5, 16472 (2015).
34.Chenfei Song, Xiaoying Li, Hanshan Dong, Bingjun Yu, Zhiming Wang*, Linmao Qian*. “Nondestructive tribochemistry-assisted nanofabrication on GaAs surface”, Scientific Reports 5, 9020 (2015).
35.Lei Chen, Hongtu He, Xiaodong Wang, Seong H. Kim*, Linmao Qian*. “Tribology of Si/SiO2 in humid air: transition from severe chemical wear to wearless behavior at nanoscale”, Langmuir 31(1), 149-156 (2015).
36.Chenfei Song, Bingjun Yu, Mian Wang, Linmao Qian*. “Rapid and maskless nanopatterning of aluminosilicate glass surface via friction-induced selective etching in HF solution”, RSC Advances 5, 97: 79964-79968 (2015).
37.Jian Guo, Chen Xiao, Bei Peng, Linmao Qian*."Tribochemistry-induced direct fabrication of nondestructive nanochannels on silicon surface", RSC Advances 5, 100769-100774(2015)
38.Bingjun Yu, Jian Gao, Lei Chen, Linmao Qian*. “Effect of sliding velocity on tribochemical removal of gallium arsenide surface”, Wear 330-331, 59-63 (2015).
39.Lei Chen, Yajun Yang, Hongtu He, Seong H. Kim, Linmao Qian*. “Effect of coadsorption of water and alcohol vapor on the nanowear of silicon”, Wear 332-333, 879-884 (2015).
40.Hongtu He, Linmao Qian, Carlo G. Pantano, and Seong H. Kim. “Effects of humidity and counter-surface on tribochemical wear of soda-lime-silica glass”, Wear 342-343, 100-106 (2015).
41.Ping Qing, Shengbin Huang, Shanshan Gao, Linmao Qian, Haiyang Yu. “Effect of gamma irradiation on the wear behaviour of human tooth enamel”, Scientific Reports 5, 11568 (2015).
42.Ping Qing, Yue Li, Shanshan Gao, Mengting Qiao, Linmao Qian, Haiyang Yu. “Characterization of the nanoscratch, microstructure, and composition in hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering 7(7), 1687814015595597 (2015).
43.Hongtu He, Jiawei Luo, Linmao Qian, Carlo G. Pantano, Seong H. Kim*. “Thermal poling of soda lime silica glass with non-blocking electrodes – Part 2: Effects on mechanical and mechanochemical properties”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, in press.
44.Jiawei Luo, Hongtu He, Nikolas J. Podraza, Linmao Qian, Carlo G. Pantano, Seong H. Kim*. “Thermal poling of soda lime silica glass with nonblocking electrodes – Part 1: Effects of sodium ion migration and water ingress on glass surface structure”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, in press
45.Jian Guo, Bingjun Yu, Xiaodong Wang, Linmao Qian*. "Nanofabrication on monocrystalline silicon through friction-induced selective etching of Si3N4 mask",Nanoscale Research Letters 9, 241 (2014).
46.David J. Marchand, Lei Chen, Yonggang Meng, Linmao Qian*, Seong H. Kim*. "Effects of vapor environment and counter-surface chemistry on tribochemical wear of silicon wafer",Tribology Letters 53(1), 365-372 (2014).
47.Peng Tang, Bingjun Yu, Jian Guo, Chenfei Song, Linmao Qian*. "Maskless micro/nanofabrication on GaAs surface by friction-induced selective etching", Nanoscale Research Letters 9, 59 (2014).
48.Hongtu He, Linmao Qian, Carlo G. Pantano, Seong H. Kim. "Mechanochemical wear of soda lime silica glass in humid environments", J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 97(7), 2061-2068 (2014).
49.Mian Wang, Shuxun Cui, Bingjun Yu, Linmao Qian*. "Effect of chain length on the conformation and friction behaviour of DNA", Science China: Technological Science 56(12), 2927-2933 (2013).
50.Mian Wang, Yu Tian, Shuxun Cui, Linmao Qian*. "Effect of Salt Concentration on the Conformation and Friction Behaviour of DNA", Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 436, 775-781 (2013).
51.Chenfei Song, Bingjun Yu, Linmao Qian*. "Effect of scan parameters and etching temperature on low-destructive nanofabrication of quartz", Micro& Nano Letters 8(10), 735-739 (2013).
52.Bingjun Yu, Linmao Qian*. "Effect of crystal plane orientation on the friction-induced nanofabrication on monocrystalline silicon", Nanoscale Research Letters 8, 137 (2013).
53.Chenfei Song, Xiaoying Li, Shuxun Cui, Hanshan Dong, Bingjun Yu, Linmao Qian*. "Maskless and low-destructive nanofabrication on quartz by friction-induced selective etching", Nanoscale Research Letters 8, 140 (2013).
54.Xiaodong Wang, Chenfei Song, Bingjun Yu, Lei Chen, Linmao Qian*. "Nanowear behaviour of monocrystalline silicon against SiO2 tip in water", Wear 298-299, 80-86 (2013).
55.Lei Chen, Mingchu Yang, Chenfei Song, Bingjun Yu, Linmao Qian*. "Is 2 nm DLC coating enough to resist the nanowear of silicon", Wear 302(1-2), 909-917 (2013).
56.Lei Chen, Seong H. Kim, Xiaodong Wang, Linmao Qian*. "Running-in process of Si–SiOx /SiO2 pair at nanoscale—Sharp drops in friction and wear rate during initial cycles", Friction 1(1), 81-91 (2013).
57.Zhijiang Wu, Chenfei Song, Jian Guo, Bingjun Yu, Linmao Qian*. "A multi-probe micro-fabrication apparatus based on the friction-induced fabrication method", Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 8(4), 333-339 (2013).
58.Jiaxin Yu, Lei Chen, Linmao Qian, Danlu Song, Yong Cai. "Investigation of humidity-dependent nanotribology behaviors of Si(100)/SiO2 pair moving from stick to slip", Applied Surface Science 265, 192-200 (2013).
59.Liang Zheng, Jing Zheng, Yafeng Zhang, Linmao Qian, Zhongrong Zhou. "Effect of CPP-ACP on the remineralization of acid-eroded human tooth enamel: nanomechanical properties and microtribological behaviour study", Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 46(40), (2013).
60.Shanshan Gao, Zhenbing Cai, Shengbin Huang, Linmao Qian, Haiyang Yu. "Nano-scratch behavior of human root canal wall dentin lubricated with EDTA pastes", Tribology International 63, 169-176 (2013).
61.Jing Zheng, Yan Li, Maoyu Shi, Yafeng Zhang, Linmao Qian, Zhongrong Zhou. "Microtribological behaviour of human tooth enamel and artificial hydroxyapatite", Tribology International 63, 177-185 (2013).
62.Yafeng Zhang, Jing Zheng, Liang Zheng, Xinyu Shi, Linmao Qian, Zhongrong Zhou. "Effect of adsorption time on the lubricating properties of the salivary pellicle on human tooth enamel", Wear 301(1-2), 300-307 (2013).
63.Liang Zheng, Yan Li, Jing Zheng, M. Wen, Yafeng Zhang, Linmao Qian, Zhongrong Zhou. "A comparative study on the sliding wear behaviors of human tooth enamel, Cu-Zn alloy and Al2O3 ceramic", Wear 301(1-2), 308-315 (2013).
64.Jing Zheng, Longqing Weng, Maoyu Shi, J. Zhou, Licheng Hua, Linmao Qian, Zhongrong Zhou. "Effect of water content on the nanomechanical properties and microtribological behaviour of human tooth enamel", Wear 301(1-2), 316-323 (2013).
65.Jiaxin Yu, Seong H. Kim, Bingjun Yu, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou. "Role of tribochemistry in nanowear of single-crystalline silicon", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 4(3), 1585–1593 (2012).
66.Bingjun Yu, Xiaoying Li, Hanshan Dong, Yunfei Chen, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou. "Towards a deeper understanding of the formation of friction-induced hillocks on monocrystalline silicon", Journal of Applied Physics D: Applied Physics 45, 145301 (2012).
67.Jian Guo, Chenfei Song, Xiaoying Li, Bingjun Yu, Hanshan Dong, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou. "Fabrication mechanism of friction-induced selective etching on Si(100) surface", Nanoscale Research Letters 7, 152 (2012).
68.Chenfei Song, Xiaoying Li, Bingjun Yu, Hanshan Dong, Linmao Qian*, and Zhongrong Zhou, "Friction-induced nanofabrication method to produce protrusive nanostructures on quartz", Nanoscale Research Letters 6, 310 (2011).
69.Jing Liu, Hanshan Dong, J. Buhagiar, Chenfei Song, Bingjun Yu, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou. "Effect of low-temperature plasma carbonitriding on the fretting behaviour of 316LVM medical grade austenitic stainless steels", Wear 271, 1490-1496 (2011).
70.Lei Chen, Mingchu Yang, Jiaxin Yu, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou. "Nanofretting behaviours of ultrathin DLC coating on Si(100) substrate", Wear 271, 1980-1986 (2011).
71.Xiaodong Wang, Jiaxin Yu, Lei Chen, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou. "Effects of water and oxygen on the tribochemical wear of monocrystalline Si(100) against SiO2 sphere by simulating the contact conditions in MEMS", Wear 271, 1681-1688 (2011).
72.Shaoyao Zheng, Jing Zheng, Shanshan Gao, Bingjun Yu, Haiyang Yu, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou. "Investigation on the microtribological behaviour of human tooth enamel by nanoscratch", Wear 271, 2290-2296 (2011).
73.Jiaxin Yu, Shuang Zhang, Linmao Qian*, Jun Xu, Wangyu Ding, Zhongrong Zhou. "Radial nanofretting behaviors of ultrathin carbon nitride film on silicon substrate", Tribology International 44, 1400-1406 (2011).
74.Na Fan, Guangxiong Chen, Linmao Qian. "Analysis of squeaking on ceramic hip endoprosthesis using the complex eigenvalue method", Wear 271, 2305-2312 (2011) .
75.Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Linmao Qian, Yujie Liu, Hailin Wang. "Experimental study of the transformation ratcheting of superelastic NiTi alloy", ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA 44 (8): 949-955 (2008).
76.Xi-Qiao Feng, Linmao Qian, Wenyi Yan, and Qingping Sun. "Wearless scratch on NiTi shape memory alloy due to phase transformational shakedown", Applied Physics Letters 92, 121909 (2008).
77.Hanshan Dong, Xinhua Ju, Hui Yang, Linmao Qian, Zhongrong Zhou. "Effect of ceramic conversion treatments on the surface damage and nickel ion release of NiTi alloys under fretting corrosion conditions", Journal of Materials Science – Materials in Medicine 19, 937-946 (2008).
78.Linmao Qian, Zhongrong Zhou, Qingping Sun, Wenyi Yan, "Nanofretting behaviors of NiTi shape memory alloy", Wear 263, 501–507 (2007).
79.Lei Gong, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou. "Temperature effect on the friction behavior of NiTi shape memory alloy", Key Engineering Materials 353-358, 780-783 (2007).
80.Hui Yang, Linmao Qian*, Zhongrong Zhou, Xinhua Ju, Hanshan Dong. "Effect of surface modification on the fretting behavior of NiTi shape memory alloy", Tribology Letters 25(3), 215-224 (2007).
81.Wenyi Yan, Qingping Sun, Xiqiao Feng, Linmao Qian. "Analysis of spherical indentation of superelastic shape memory alloys", International Journal of Solids and Structures 44, 1–17 (2007).
82.Wenyi Yan, Qingping Sun, Xiqiao Feng, Linmao Qian. "Determination of transformation stresses of shape memory alloy thin films: A method based on spherical indentation", Applied Physics Letters 88, 241912 (2006).
83.Linmao Qian, Qingping Sun, Xudong Xiao. "Role of Phase Transition in the Unusual Microwear Behavior of Superelastic NiTi Shape Memory Alloy", Wear, 260/4-5, 509-522 (2006).
84.Linmao Qian, Hui Yang, Minhao Zhu, Zhongrong Zhou. "Experimental verification of the strain-gradient plasticity model for indentation", Journal of Material Research, 20(11), 3150-3156 (2005).
85.Linmao Qian, Zhongrong Zhou, Qingping Sun. "The role of phase transition in the fretting behaviour of NiTi shape memory alloy", Wear, 259/1-6, 309-318 (2005).
86.Linmao Qian, Ming Li, Zhongrong Zhou, Hui Yang, Xinyu Shi. "Comparison of nano-indentation hardness and micro hardness", Surface& Coating Technology, 195(2-3), 264-271 (2005).
87.Linmao Qian, Qingping Sun, Zhongrong Zhou. "Fretting wear behavior of superelastic nickel titanium shape memory alloy", Tribology Letters, 18(4), 463-475 (2005).
88.Linmao Qian, M. Charlot, E. Perez, G. Luengo, A. Potter, C. Cazeneuve. "Dynamic friction by polymer/surfactant mixtures adsorbed on surfaces", Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108(48), 18608-18614 (2004).
89.Linmao Qian, Xudong Xiao, Qingping Sun, and Tongxi Yu. "Anomalous relationship between hardness and wear properties of a superelastic nickel–titanium alloy", Applied Physics Letters 84(7), 1076-1078 (2004).
90.Linmao Qian, Fang Tian, and Xudong Xiao. "Tribological properties of self-assembled monolayers and their substrates under various humid environments", Tribology Letters 15(3), 169-176 (2003).
91.Linmao Qian, Gustavo Luango, and Eric Perez. "Thermally activated lubrication with alkanes: the effect of chain length", Europhysics Letters, 61(2), 268-274 (2003).
92.G. Bryant, S. R. Williams, Linmao Qian, I. K. Snook, E. Perez, F. Pincet. "How hard is a colloidal ‘hard-sphere’ interaction?", Physical Review E (Rapid Complication), 66, 060501 (2002).
93.Linmao Qian, G. Luango, D. Douillet, M. Charlot, X. Dollat, E. Perez. "New 2-dimensional friction force apparatus design for measuring shear forces at the nanometer scale", Review of Scientific Instruments, 72(11), 4171-4177 (2001).
94.I. Aujard, J.P. Baltaze, J.B. Baudin, E. Cogne, F. Ferrage, L. Jullien, E. Perez, V. Prevost, Linmao Qian, O. Ruel. "Tetrahedral on sager crosses for solubility improvement and crystallization bypass", Journal of the American Chemical Society 123 (34), 8177-8188 (2001).
95.Linmao Qian, Jianbin Luo, Shizhu Wen and Xudong Xiao, "The experimental rules of mica as a reference sample of AFM/FFM measurement", Chinese Science Bulletin 46(4), 349-352 (2001).
96.Linmao Qian, Xudong Xiao and Shizhu Wen. "Tip in-situ chemical modification and its effects on tribological measurements", Langmuir 16(2), 662-670 (2000).
97.Xudong Xiao and Linmao Qian. "nvestigation of humidity-dependent capillary force", Langmuir 16(21), 8153-8158 (2000).
98.Jianbin Luo, Linmao Qian, Shizhu Wen, et al. "The failure of fluid film at nano-scale", STLE, Tribology Trans. 42(4), 912-916 (1999).
99.錢 林茂, 雒建斌, 溫詩鑄, 蕭旭東. "二氧化矽及其矽烷自組裝膜微觀摩擦力與粘著力的研究 (I)", 物理學報, 49(11), 2240-2246 (2000).
100.錢 林茂, 雒建斌, 溫詩鑄, 蕭旭東. "二氧化矽及其矽烷自組裝膜微觀摩擦力與粘著力的研究 (II)", 物理學報, 49(11), 2247-2253 (2000).
101.姚 洋洋, 陳磊, 郭劍, 錢林茂*. "基於Si3N4探針的單晶矽表面小線寬結構的摩擦誘導納米加工", 上海大學學報,20(6), 669-680 (2014).
102.李 連凱, 陳磊, 郭劍, 錢林茂*. "基於摩擦誘導選擇性刻蝕原理的單晶矽表面大面積織構加工", 機械工程學報,50(17), 93-98 (2014).
103.徐相傑, 余丙軍, 陳磊, 錢林茂*. "滑動速度對單晶矽在不同接觸尺度下磨損的影響規律研究", 機械工程學報, 49(1), 108-115 (2013).
104.趙飛, 魏鵬, 余丙軍, 錢林茂*. "角蛋白組織摩擦學性能及其損傷自修復的初步研究", 摩擦學學報, 32(4), 402-409 (2012).
105.范 娜, 陳光雄, 錢林茂. "陶瓷髖關節異響的研究進展和展望", 摩擦學學報, 31(3), 311-316 (2011).
106.張 賾文, 余家欣, 錢林茂. "壓頭曲率半徑對單晶矽徑向納動損傷的影響", 機械工程學報,46(9),107-112 (2010).
107.楊 超, 余丙軍, 錢林茂. "凸結構的形成——低載下單晶矽表面的劃痕損傷研究", 摩擦學學報,30(1), 92-96 (2010).
108.謝 祖飛, 余家欣, 錢林茂. "載荷對四種材料摩擦機制轉變的影響研究", 上海交大學報, 43(12), 1930-1935 (2009).
109.劉 靜, 錢林茂, 董漢山, Joseph Buhagiar. “碳化、氮化與碳氮化對316LVM不鏽鋼微動腐蝕磨損性能的影響", 摩擦學學報,29(5), 399-404 (2009).
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14.2012年指導碩士生獲“International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO)”最佳論文獎(Best Conference Paper Award)
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