
J.an ation dian

男,1965年3月生,中共黨員,博士,中國計量學院教授。主要研究方向:幾何與分析、幾何不等式與分析不等式。博士論文“凸體幾何極值問題”獲上海市優秀博士論文。現為山東省高校中青年學術骨幹;山東省濱州市有突出貢獻的專家;浙江省“新世紀151人才工程”第三層次培養人員;“蔡冠深獎”獲得者。擔任羅馬尼亞國際數學雜誌Octogon Mathematical Magazine 編委,澳大利亞國際數學雜誌Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 編委。《中國科學》,《數學學報》J. Math. Anal. Appl和J. Ineq.& Appl.等雜誌的審稿人。2006 年 9 月 -2006年 12 月為香港大學數學系訪問學者。2007.9.5—2007.9.13南開大學陳省身數學所訪問學者。近幾年,在國內外學術期刊《中國科學》A輯,《數學學報》,《數學年刊》,Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. ,Appl. Math. Letters,J. Math. Anal. Appl 和J. Korean Math. Soc等發表學術論文80餘篇,其中20餘篇論文被SCI、EI收錄。部分成果獲浙江省自然科學優秀學術論文二等獎和市科技進步一等獎等。
[30] zhao C. J. and Cheung S. W., On Inverse Hilbert Inequalities, J. Iequ. & Appl.,Vol. 2008(2008),Aticle ID 38347, 7 pages.(SCI)
[29] Zhao C. J. , Lp-mixed intersection Bodies, Science in China, (Series.A),2008, 51(10),1380-1395(SCI)
[28] 趙長健,Lp-混合相交體,中國科學,A輯,2008,38(5),500-517(SCI).
[27] Zhao C. J. , Lp-Dual Quermassintegral Sums, Science in China,(Series.A),2007, 50(9),1347-1360(SCI)
[26] 趙長健,Lp對偶均值積分和,中國科學,A輯,2007,37(8),955-966(SCI).
[25] Zhao C. J. and Cheung S. W., Lp-Aleaksandrov-Fenchel Inequalities, J. Math. Anal. Appl.,2007,336,205-212(SCI) .
[24] Zhao C. J., On A Periodic Predator-Prey System With Time Delays, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2007, 331,978-985 (SCI).
[23] S-W Cheung and Zhao C. J., On Opial-type integral inequalities,J. Iequ. & Appl., Vol. 2007(2007),Aticle ID 38347, 15 pages.(SCI)
[22] Zhao C.J.and Cheung S.W.,Equivalence Form of the Brunn-Minkowski inequality for Volume Differences,J.Korean Math.Soc.,2007,45(6),1373-1381(SCI)
[21] 趙長健,冷崗松,凸幾何經典不等式的蘊涵關係,數學物理學報,2007,27(1):116-120.
[20] Zhao C.J.and leng G.S,On polars of mixed projection bodies,J.Math.Anal.Appl,2006,316(2):664-678(SCI)
[19] Zhao C.J.,Pecaric J.and Leng G.S,Inverses of some new inequalities similar to Hilbert’sinequalities,Taiwanese Math.J,2006,10(3):95-104(SCI)
[18] 趙長健,何斌吾等,質心體和投影體的極,數學學報, 2006,49(3):679-686.
[17] Zhao C. J. and Cheung S. W., On p-Quermassintegral Differences Function, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), 2006, 116 (2):221-231(SCI,EI)
[16] Zhao C. J. and S-W Cheung, Inverses of new Hilbert-Pachpatte-type inequalities, J. Iequ. & Appl., Vol. 2006(2006),Aticle ID 38347, 15 pages(SCI)
[15] Zhao C.J.and Leng G.S,Lp-Dual Brunn-Minkoski type inequalities, Proceedings of the International Conference: Integral Geometry and convexity, Singapore,World Scientific, 2005,189-197(SCI)
[14] Zhao C.J.and Leng G.S,Brunn-Minkowski inequalities for mixed intersection bodes,J. Math.Anal.Appl.,2005,301(1):115-123(SCI)
[13] 趙長健,冷崗松等,凸體幾何一些經典不等式的等價性,數學學報,2005,48(2):347-354。
[12] Zhao C. J. and Leng G. S., Inequalities for dual quermassintegrals of mixed intersection bodies, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), 2005, 115 (1):79-91(SCI,EI)
[11] Zhao C. J.,Pecaric J. and Leng G. S., On dual Brunn-Minkoski inequalities, Math. Ineq. & Appl., 2005, 8 (2):357-363(SCI)
[10] Zhao C.J.,Leng G.S and Debnath L.,Some new Brunn-Minkwski-type inequalities in convex bodies,Inter.J.Math & Math.Sci.,2005,2005(6):895-915.
[9] 趙長健,冷崗松,投影體的寬度積分和仿射表面積,數學年刊(A輯),2005,26 (2): 275-282。
[8] 趙長健,冷崗松,Aleksandrov-Fenchel不等式及套用,數學年刊(A輯),2005,26(4): 585-594。
[7] Leng G. S., Zhao C. J., He B. W. et al, Inequalitis for polars of mixed projection bodies,Sci.China(Ser.A )中國科學,A輯,2004,47(2):175-186(SCI)
[6] 趙長健,離散和連續型Pachpatte不等式的逆,數學學報, 2003, 46(6):1111-1116。
[5] Zhao C. J. and Wang, K., On Positive Periodic Solutions of A Delayed Model in Population,Appl.Math.Letters,2003,16(4):561-565(SCI,EI)
[4] Debnath L. and Zhao C. J., On New Strengtheneds Jordan’s Inequality And its Applications,Appl.Math.Letters, 2003, 16(4):557-560(SCI,EI)
[3] Zhao C. J. and Debnath L., Discrete Analogues of Some New Inverse Type Hilbert Integral Inequalities, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 2002, 33 (12): 1857-1865(SCI)
[2] Zhao C. J. and Wang K., On the Existence of Positive Periodic Solutions of a delay Logistic Equation, Bull Polish.Acad.Sci, 2002,50 (2),155-160.
[1] Zhao C. J. and Debnath L., Some New Inverse Type Hilbert Integral Inequalities, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2001,262(1): 411-418(SCI)


