

1998年-2001年,四川大學,化學學院,博士 2001年-2007年,四川大學,物理學院,講師、副教授 2002年-2003年,德國柏林工業大學,工程系,博士後


趙南蓉, 女,1972年5月出生。2001年獲四川大學化學學院物理化學專業博士學位。畢業後留四川大學物理學院工作。2002-2003年在德國柏林工業大學Ingo Müller教授組開展博士後研究。2004-2007年獲日本學術振興會博士後(JSPS)項目資助,在日本名古屋工業大學Masaru Sugiyama教授組開展研究工作。2008年初回國,進入四川大學化學學院工作。現任教授、博士生導師。目前的研究興趣主要包括生物大分子構型變化及反應動力學的介觀統計理論,以及流體體系衝擊波動力學的理論研究。現已發表SCI學術論文30餘篇。目前主持國家自然科學基金面上項目兩項,四川省國際合作計畫一項,獲四川大學優秀青年學者科研基金,入選20





1、 酶構型漲落及單分子酶反應動力學的介觀統計理論 國家自然科學基金(2010-2012) 主持
2、蛋白質環境效應的介觀非馬爾可夫統計模型研究 國家自然科學基金(2012-2015) 主持
3、非平衡熱力學在幾類典型生物體系中的套用 四川省國際合作計畫 (2011-2012) 主持
4、酶構型及反應動力學的非平衡統計研究 四川大學優秀青年學者科研基金 (2012-2014)主持
5、教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金 (2009-2011) 主持
6、教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫” (2012-2014) 主持


1. Akiyuki Ikoma, Takashi ARIMA, Shigeru Taniguchi, Nanrong zhao*, Masaru Sugiyama, Fluctuating hydrodynamics for a rarefied gas based on extended thermodynamics, Phys. Lett. A, 2011, 375, 2601-2605.
2. Nanrong Zhao*, Andrea Mentrelli, Tommaso Ruggeri, Masaru Sugiyama, admissible shock waves and shock-induced phase transitions in a van der Waals fluid, Physics of Fluids, 2011, 23, 086101.
3. Shigeru Taniguchi, Nanrong Zhao*, Masaru Sugiyama, Shock-induced phase transitions from gas phase to solid phase, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 2011, 80, 083401.
4. 趙南蓉*,黃旭輝, 馬爾可夫態模型及其在分子動力學和系統生物學中的套用, 《物理化學學科前沿與進展》, 科學出版社, 2011, 150-154.
5. Yue Zheng, Nanrong Zhao*, Tommaso Ruggeri, Masaru Sugiyama, Shigeru Taniguchi, Non-Polytropic effect on shock-induced phase transitions in a hard-sphere system, Phys. Lett. A, 2010, 374, 3315-3318.
6. Shigeru Taniguchi, Andrea Mentrelli, Nanrong Zhao, Tommsao Ruggeri, Masaru Sugiyama, Shock induced phase transition in systems of hard spheres with internal degrees of freedom, Phys. Rev. E, 2010, 81, 066307.
7. Shigeru Taniguchi, Andrea Mentrelli, Tommaso Ruggeri, Masaru Sugiyama, Nanrong Zhao, Prediction and simulation of compressive shocks with lower perturbed density for increasing shock strength in real gases, Phys. Rev. E, 2010, 82, 036324.
8. Nanrong Zhao*, Masaru Sugiyama, Tommaso Ruggeri, Liquid-solid phase transition induced by a shock wave in hard-sphere and hard-disk systems, J. Chem. Phys., 2008, 129, 054506.
9. Andrea Mentrelli, Tommaso Ruggeri, Masaru Sugiyama, Nanrong Zhao, Interaction between a shock and an acceleration wave in a perfect gas for increasing shock strength, Wave Motion, 2008, 45, 498-517.
10. Shigeru Taniguchi, Masashi Nakamura, Masaru Sugiyama, Masaharu Isobe, Nanrong Zhao, Phenomenological approach to heat conduction in a one-dimensional hard-point gas beyond local equilibrium, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 2008, 77, 014001.
11. Nanrong Zhao* and Masaru Sugiyama, Analysis of heat conduction in a rarefied gas at rest with a temperature jump at the boundary by consistent-order extended thermodynamics, Continuum Mech. Thermodyn., 2007, 18, 367-376.
12. Shigeru Taniguchi, Masashi Nakamura, Masaharu Isobe, Nanrong Zhao and Masaru Sugiyama, Heat conduction problem in a one-dimensional hard-point gas: Molecular dynamics and extended thermodynamics, Comput. Phys. Commun., 2007, 117, 164-165.
13. E. Barbera, Ingo Muller, Dainel Reitebuch and Nanrong Zhao, Determination of boundary conditions in extended thermodynamics via fluctuation theory, Continuum Mech. Thermodyn., 2006, 16, 411-425.
14. Masaru Sugiyama and Nanrong Zhao, A new method for the consistent analysis of one-dimensional stationary heat conduction in a rarefied gas at rest, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 2005, 74, 1899-1902.
15. 羅久里,趙南蓉,(專著) 《從局域平衡熱力學到隨機熱力學》,四川科學技術出版社,2004年5月.
16. Jiuli Luo, Nanrong Zhao and Bambi Hu, Effects of critical fluctuations to stochastic thermodynamic behavior of chemical reaction systems at steady state far from equilibrium, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2002, 4, 4149-4154.
17. Nanrong Zhao and Jiuli Luo, Polarization induced by external noise in irreversible electrode processes: A stochastic measure of thermodynamic effects driven by external noise in electro-chemical reaction systems, J. Chem. Phys., 2002, 116, 5807-5815.
18. Nanrong Zhao and Jiuli Luo, entropy and entropy production of finite chemical reaction systems influenced by Gaussian noise, J. Chem. Phys., 2001, 114, 7761-7769.


