

賀端威,教授、博士生導師。1998年從中國科學院物理研究所獲得博士學位,現任四川大學原子與分子物理研究所所長。2006年入選教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”,2009年、2010年分別獲四川省第十屆青年科技獎、學術和技術帶頭人榮譽稱號,任四川省專家評議委員會委員,享受政府特殊津貼。近五年來,作為項目負責人先後承擔國家自然科學基金面上與重點項目(儀器專項)、科技部支撐計畫(子)項目、國防重大專項(子)課題、“973”項目(子)課題、博士點基金、省青年基金、國際合作以及企業委託研發項目等20餘項,總計科研經費逾1000萬元。至2010年底,在 等國際一流刊物上發表論文被SCI收錄70餘篇,引用近700篇次,申請國內外專利10餘項。



賀端威 博士,教授,博士導師,教育部新世紀優秀人才。1998年獲中國科學院物理研究所凝聚態物理博士學位。1998-2006年先後在日本國立材料科學研究所、美國洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室、普林斯頓大學等單位從事科研及研發工作。現為原子與分子物理研究所所長,高壓科學與技術學術帶頭人。

主要從事高壓物理、超硬材料、能源材料、納米複合陶瓷等的基礎和套用研究。曾為美國洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室建成了當時世界上最好的、用於原位中子衍射的高壓裝置,獲該實驗室“傑出創新”獎;開發了具有自主智慧財產權的、基於國產六面頂壓機的二級六-八模大腔體靜高壓系統;主導研發的超硬複合材料已開始套用於國內高速高效切削加工與石油鑽探領域;生長出了世界上最大的超硼氧化物(B6O)單晶,被《Nature》雜誌編輯分別在“Materials update” 及 “Science update”上專文介紹;首次採用一步反應燒結法,在高壓下製備出了高性能的納米結構超硼氧化物超硬複合陶瓷。近五年先後承擔國家自然科學基金、科技部支撐計畫等各類項目10餘項,在Adv Mater, Phys Rev Lett, Phys Rev B等刊物上發表論文被SCI收錄70餘篇,他引700餘篇次,獲準國內外專利5項。


1999-2000,日本國立材料科學研究所 ,日本科技廳資助學者 (STA Fellow)

2000-2003,美國洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室中子散射中心(Postdoc Research Associate)

2003-2004,美國普林斯頓大學地學系 (Research Staff Member)

2004-2006,Smith International,Inc./MegaDiamond(全球 500 強)研發部高級研究員

2006 ----,四川大學原子與分子物理研究所教授、博士導師、高壓科學與技術學術帶頭人


(1) 高壓極端條件下的物質結構、性能調控與新物理現象探索;

(2) 大腔體靜高壓技術的發展與相關問題研究;

(3) 新材料的原子分子設計與高壓合成;

(4) 高性能超硬材料的高溫高壓製備與套用。




(1) 國家自然科學基金-科學儀器基礎研究專款:"二級六-八模大腔體靜高壓裝置的研製與套用",2011年-2013年,


(2) 國家自然科學基‘金委員會—中國工程物理研究院NSAF聯合基金:"用於原位中子衍射的大腔體靜高壓技術研究",


(3) 國防重大專項(子)課題,項目編號:GFZX0204020807.2,2010年-2011年。

(4) 國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(“973”項目:超高壓下凝聚態物質的新結構與新性質,項目編號:(2011CB808200),


(5) 四川省青年科技基金(2009年度四川省傑出青年學科帶頭人培養資助計畫):“高速高效切削用納米結構超硬刀



(6) 企業委託研發與合作項目,3項。


(1) Qiming Wang, Duanwei He*,Fang Peng, Li Lei, Pingping Liu, Shuai Yin, Pei Wang, Chao Xu, and Jing Liu. .Unusual Compression Behavior of Nanocrystalline CeO2. . Scientific Reports, (Nature Publishing Group),4441 (2014).
(2) Qiming Wang, Duanwei He*,Fang Peng, Li Lei, Lun Xiong, Pei Wang, Jing Liu.Pressure transmitting medium dependent structure stability under high pressure of nanoanatase TiO2. High Pressure Research.08957959 (2014).
(3) Qiming Wang, Duanwei He*,Fang Peng, Lun Xiong, Jianghua Wang, Pei Wang, Chao Xu, Jing Liu.Compression behavior of nanocrystalline TiN. Solid State Communications.182 (2014) 26-29.
(4)Pei Wang, Duanwei He*, Chao Xu, Xiangting Ren, Li Lei, Shanmin Wang, Fang Peng, Xiaozhi Yan, Dongqiong Liu, Qiming Wang, Lun Xiong, and Jing Liu.High-pressure x-ray diffraction study of YBO3/Eu3+, GdBO3 and EuBO3: pressure-induced amorphization in GdBO3. Journal of Applied Physics115, 043507 (2014) .
(5) Fangming Liu, Duanwei He*, Pingping Liu, Haikuo Wang, Chao Xu, Shuai Yin, Wenwen Yin, and Yong Li.Plastic deformation and sintering of alumina under high pressure. Journal of Applied Physics.114, 233504 (2013).
(6) Shanmin Wang, Xiaohui Yu, Jianzhong Zhang, Yi Zhang, Liping Wang, Kurt Leinenweber, Hongwu Xu, Dmitry Popov, Changyong Park, Wenge Yang, Duanwei He*,and Yusheng Zhao.Crystal Structures, Elastic Properties, and Hardness of High–Pressure Synthesized CrB2 and CrB4, Journal Superhard Materials,(Accepted, 2014)
(7) Xiangting Ren, Xiaozhi Yan, Pei Wang, Yu Li, Shanmin Wang, Fang Peng, Lun Xiong, Jing Liu, Duanwei He*.Anomalous pressure-induced phase transformation in nano-crystalline erbium sesquioxide (Er2O3): partial amorphization under compression. High Pressure Research,34, 70 (2014).
(8) Shanmin Wang, Jianzhong Zhang, Duanwei He*,Yi Zhang, Liping Wang, Hongwu Xu, Xiaodong Wen, Hui Ge, Yusheng Zhao.Sulfur-catalyzed phase transition in MoS2 under high pressure and temperature. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids.(Accepted, 2013)
(9) Li Lei*,Yin Wenwen, Jiang Xiaodong, Lin Sen* Duanwei He*.A synthetic route to metal nitrides: high-pressure solid-state metathesis (HPSSM) reaction. Inorganic Chemistry.2013, 52 (23), pp 13356–13362. (IF=4.6)
(10) Shanmin Wang, Jianzhong Zhang, Yi Zhang, Andrew Alvarado, Jeevake Attapattu, Duanwei He*,Liping Wang, Changfeng Chen, and Yusheng Zhao*.Phase-Transition Induced Elastic Softening and Band Gap Transition in Semiconducting PbS at High Pressure. Inorganic Chemistry.2013 (Available online) (IF=4.6)
(11) Shuai Yin, Duanwei He*,Chao Xu, Wendan Wang, Haikuo Wang, Liang Li, Lili Zhang, Fangming Liu, Pingping Liu.The hardness and elastic properties of MoB2 and WB2. High Pressure Research.(accepted)
(12) Zhou Xiaoling, Duanwei He*,Wang Shanmin, Wang Haikuo, Zhang Jianzhong, Zhao YushengNew exploration on phase transition and structure of PbS under high pressure and temperature. Journal of Applied Physics.113 (4) 2013.
(13) Wang Haikuo, Duanwei He*,Xu Chao, Tang Mingjun, Li Yu, Dong Haini, Meng Chuanmin, Wang Zhigang, Zhu WenjunNanostructured diamond-TiC composites with high fracture toughness. Journal of Applied Physics.113 (5) 2013.
(14) Shanmin Wang, Xiaohui Yu, Jianzhong Zhang, Miao Chen, Jinlong Zhu, Liping Wang, Duanwei He*,Zhijun Lin, Ruifeng Zhang, Kurt Leinenweber, and Yusheng ZhaoExperimental invalidation of phase-transition-induced elastic softening in CrN. Physical Review B .86, 064111 (2012). (2011 impact factor: 3.7).
(15) Chao Xu, Duanwei He*,Haikuo Wang, Junwei Guan, Chunmei Liu, Fang Peng, Wendan Wang, Zili Kou, Kai He, Xiaozhi Yan, Yan Bi, Lei Liu, Fengjiao Li, Bo HuiNano-polycrystalline diamond formation under ultra-high pressure. Int. Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials.36(2013)232-237.
(16) Miao Chen, Shanmin Wang, Jianzhong Zhang, , Duanwei He*,and Yusheng ZhaoSynthesis of stoichiometric and bulk CrN through solid-state ion-exchange reaction. Chemistry-A European Journal.(2012) In Press. (2011 impact factor: 6.0).
(17) Shanmin Wang,Xiaohui Yu, Zhijun Lin, Ruifeng Zhang, Duanwei He*,Jiaqian Qin, Jinlong Zhu, Jiantao Han, Lin Wang, Ho-kwang Mao, Jianzhong Zhang, and Yusheng ZhaoSynthesis, Crystal Structure, and Elastic Properties of Novel Tungsten Nitrides. ACS Chemistry of Materials.24, (2012) 3023-3028. (2011 impact factor: 7.3) .
(18) Shanmin Wang, Zhao Wang, Jiaqian Qin, Wendan Wang, Wenyong Li, Duanwei He*,Nanocrystalline MoS2 through directional growth along the (002) crystal plane under high pressure. Materials Chemistry and Physics.130, (2011) 170-174. .
(19) Wendan Wang, Duanwei He*,Mingjun Tang,Fengjiao Li, Lei Liu,Yan BiSuperhard composites of cubic silicon nitride and diamond. Diamond and Related Materials.Volumes 27–28, July–August 2012, Pages 49–53.
(20) Chao Xu, Duanwei He*,Haikuo Wang,Chunmei Liu, Shuai Yin,Kaixue Wang,Junwei Guan,Fang Peng,Zili KouHigh pressure in situ differential thermal analysis of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 phase transitions up to 5GPa . Journal of Alloys and Compounds.533 (2012)9-14 .
(21) Haikuo Wang, Duanwei He*,The hybrid pressure cell of pyrophyllite and magnesium oxide: A pressure cell used in large volume cubic presses to improve the pressure generation efficiency . High Press. Res .2012 (Accepted) .
(22) Ke Liu, Duanwei He*, Haoming Wang, Tiecheng Lu, Feng Li, Xiaolin ZhouHigh-pressure sintering mechanism of yttrium aluminum garnet (Y3Al5O12) transparent nanoceramics . Scripta Materialia.66 (2012) 319-322 .
(23) Mingjun Tang, Duanwei He*, Wendan Wang, Haikuo Wang, Chao Xu,Fengjiao Li and Junwei GuanSuperhard solid solutions of diamond and cubic boron nitride . Scripta Materialia.66(2012)781-784 .
(24) M.J. Tang, D.W. He, L. HeFirst-principle study of electronic structure and optical properties of 3C-BC4N . Physica B.406 (2011) 3154–3159 .
(25) Haikuo Wang, Duanwei He*, Xiaozhi Yan, Chao Xu, Junwei Guan, Ning Tan and Wendan WangQuantitative measurements of pressure gradients for the pyrophyllite and magnesium oxide pressure-transmitting mediums to 8GPa in a large-volume cubic cell . High Pressure Research.31,581–591 (2011) .
(26) 管俊偉, 賀端威*,王海闊, 許超, 王文丹, 王凱雪, 賀凱, 彭放.力學結構及末級壓砧硬度對八面體壓強高壓發生效率的影響. 中國物理學報61(2012)100701.
(27) K.Liu, Duanwei He*, X.L.Zou, H.H.Chen.First-principles study of structural and thermodynamic properties of osmium Physica B,406, (2011) 3065- 3069.
(28) Huan Ma, Duanwei He*, Li Lei, Shanmin Wang, Ying Chen, Haikuo Wang.GaN crystals prepared through solid-state metathesis reaction from NaGaO2 and BN under high pressure and high temperature. Journal of Alloys and Compounds.509(2011)L124-L127.
(29) M.J.Tang, Duanwei He*, H.L.First-principle study of electronic structure and optical properties of 3C-BC4N. Physica B406(2011)3154-3159.
(30) Ying Chen, Duanwei He*, Jiaqian Qin, Zili Kou, Yan Bi.Ultrasonic and hardness measurements for ultrahigh pressure prepared WB ceramics. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials.29 (2011) 329-331.
(31) Jianghua Wang, Duanwei He*, et al.Stress state of diamond and gold under nonhydrostatic compression to 360 GPa. J. Appl. Phys.,108, 063521 (2010) .
(32) Kai He, Duanwei He*, Li Lei, Yongtao Zou, Jiaqian Qin, Shanmin Wang.Synthesis of low density γ-Al2O3 from high density α-Al2O3 in the presence of LiBO2 melt under high pressure. Solid State Communications.,150,2106–2108 (2010) .
(33) Zhao Wang, Duanwei He*, Wei Zhang, Wenqiang Li, Wenyong Li, Jiaqian Qin, Li Lei, Yongtao Zou, and Xiangdong Yang .Portable high pressure sapphire anvil cell for gas hydrates research . Review of Scientific Instruments.,81, 085102 (2010) .
(34) Haikuo Wang, Duanwei He*, Ning Tan, Wendan Wang, Jianghua Wang, Haini Dong, Huan Ma, Zili Kou, Fang Peng, Xi Liu, and Sicheng Li .An anvil-preformed gasket system to extend the pressure range for large volume cubic presses. Review of Scientific Instruments.,81, 116102 (2010) .
(35) Yongtao Zou, Duanwei He*, Xiankui Wei, Richeng Yu, Tiecheng Lu, Xianghui Chang, Shanmin Wang and Li Lei.Nanosintering Mechanism of MgAl2O4 Transparent Ceramics under High Pressure. Materials Chemistry and Physics.,Volume 123, Issues 2-3, October 2010, Pages 529-533.
(36) Ying Chen, Duanwei He*, Jiaqian Qian, Zili Kou, Shanmin Wang, Jianghua Wang.Ultrahigh pressure densification of nanocrystalline WB ceramics . Journal of Materials Research.,Vol.25, No.4, Apr 2010,637–640 .
(37) 王文丹, 賀端威*,王海闊, 陳海花, 董海妮, 寇自力, 李子揚, 彭放, 王福龍, 王善民, 張劍.二級6-8型大腔體裝置的高壓發生效率機理研究. 中國物理學報,59,3017-3115 (2010).
(38) Haihua Chen, Duanwei He*, Jing Liu, Yanchun Li, Fang Peng, Zuo Li, Jianghua Wang, and Ligang Bai.High-pressure radial x-ray diffraction study of osmium to 58 GPa. The European Physical Journal B, Condensed Matter and Complex Systems,73, 321-326 (2010) .



