2007.1-2007.8:美國Texas A&M大學昆蟲系合作研究;
2006.7-2006.9:美國Texas A&M大學Beaumont農業研究與推廣中心合作研究;
2005.3-2005.6:美國Texas A&M大學Beaumont農業研究與推廣中心合作研究;
1. 稻水象甲入侵種群形成與擴張的生態機制. 2002-2008. (973項目專題)
2. Red imported fire ant research and management Plan: Use of genetically modified bacteria to deliver compounds that reduce fire ant fitness. 2007-2008. (Federal Grants, USA)
3. 入侵昆蟲稻水象甲滯育相關基因的克隆及其表達特性研究. 2005-2007. (國家自然科學基金項目)
4. Function analyses on Aedes kinins. 2007-2008. (Federal Grants, USA)
1. Jiang, M. X., Way, M. O., Zhang, W. J., Cheng, J. A. Rice Water weevil Females of different elytral color morphs: comparisons of locomotor activity, mating success, and reproductive capacity. Environmental Entomology. 2007, 36(5). (in press)
2. Shi Shengwei, Jiang Mingxing, Shang Hanwu, Lv Huiping, Cheng Jia-an. Oogenesis in summer females of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in southern Zhejiang, China. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, 2007, 8(1): 33-38.
3. Bai Yaoyu, Jiang Mingxing, Cheng Jiaan. Impacts of environmental factors on degradation of Cry1Ab insecticidal protein in leaf-blade powders of transgenic Bt rice. Agricultural Sciences in China. 2007. 6(2): 167-174.
4. Mingxing Jiang, M. O. Way, R. Yoder, Wenjun Zhang, Jiaan Cheng. Elytral color dimorphism in rice water weevil: occurrence in spring populations and relation to female reproductive development. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 2006, 99: 1127-1132.
5. Yaoyu Bai, Mingxing Jiang, Jiaan Cheng, Dun Wang. Effects of Cry1Ab toxin to Propylea japonica (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) through its prey the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera: Delphacidae) feeding on transgenic Bt rice. Environmental Entomology. 2006, 35(4): 1130-1136.
6. Yaoyu Bai, Mingxing Jiang, Jiaan Cheng. Effects of transgenic cry1Ab rice pollen on fitness of Propylea japonica (Thunberg). Journal of Pest Science. 2005, 78(3): 123-128.
7. Mingxing Jiang, Wenjun Zhang, Jiaan Cheng. Reproductive capacity of first-generation adults of the rice water weevil Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Zhejiang, China. Journal of Pest Science. 2004, 77(3): 145-150.
8. Mingxing Jiang, Wenjun Zhang, Jiaan Cheng. Termination of reproductive diapause in the rice water weevil with particular reference to the effects of temperature. Applied Entomology and Zoology. 2004, 39(4): 683-689.
9. Mingxing Jiang, Jiaan Cheng. Effects of manure use on seasonal patterns of arthropods in rice with special reference to modified biological control of whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horváth (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Journal of Pest Science. 2004, 77(4): 185-189.
10. Zengrong Zhu, Jiaan Cheng, Mingxing Jiang, et al. Complex influence of rice variety, fertilization timing and insecticide on population dynamics of Sogatella furcifera (Horvath), Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Homoptera: Delphacidae) and their natural enemies in rice in Hangzhou, China. Journal of Pest Science. 2004, 77(2): 65-74.
11. Mingxing Jiang, Jiaan Cheng. Effects of starvation and absence of free water on the oviposition of overwintered adult rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). International Journal of Pest Management. 2003, 49(2): 89-94.
12. Mingxing Jiang, Jiaan Cheng. Feeding, oviposition and survival of overwintered rice water weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) adults in responses to nitrogen fertilization of rice at seedling stage. Applied Entomology and Zoology. 2003, 38(4): 543-549.
13. Mingxing Jiang, Jiaan Cheng. Interactions between the striped stem borer Chilo suppressalis (Walk.) (Lep., Pyralidae) larvae and rice plants in response to nitrogen fertilization. Journal of Pest Science. 2003, 76(5): 124-128.
14. Cheng, J. Lou, Y. Zhu, Z. Jiang, M. Zhao, W. Integrating ecological principles for resistance to insect pests of rice. [Book chapter. Conference paper] Rice science: innovations and impact for livelihood. Proceedings of the International Rice Research Conference, Beijing, China, 16-19 September 2002. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Manila, Philippines: 2003. 573-583.
15. 白耀宇, 蔣明星, 程家安, 等. 轉Bt cry1Ab基因水稻對稻田彈尾蟲種群數量的影響. 套用生態學報. 2006, 17(5): 903-906.
16. 白耀宇, 蔣明星, 程家安. 影響Bt稻離體葉中Cry1Ab殺蟲蛋白降解的環境因子研究. 中國農業科學. 2006, 39(4): 721-727.
17. 蔣明星. 稻水象甲檢疫、預防、根除與控制. 見: 萬方浩等主編, 重要農林外來入侵物種的生物學與控制. 科學出版社. 2005. pp. 157-165.
18. 白耀宇, 蔣明星, 程家安. 轉Bt基因水稻對兩種彈尾蟲及尖鉤寬黽蝽捕食作用的影響. 昆蟲學報. 2005, 48(1): 42-47.
19. 白耀宇, 蔣明星, 程家安. Bt水稻Cry1Ab殺蟲蛋白表達的時間動態及其在水稻土中的降解. 生態學報. 2005, 25(7): 1583-1590.
20. 白耀宇, 蔣明星, 程家安. 轉Bt cry1Ab基因水稻花粉對中華草蛉成蟲產卵和壽命的影響. 植物保護學報. 2005, 32(3): 225-230.
21. 白耀宇, 蔣明星, 程家安, 等. 轉Bt基因水稻Cry1Ab殺蟲蛋白在水稻土中的降解. 中國水稻科學. 2004, 18(3): 255-261.
22. 蔣明星, 程家安. 不同施肥水平對白背飛虱種群增長的影響. 中國水稻科學. 2003, 17(3): 270-274.
23. 白耀宇, 蔣明星, 程家安, 等. 轉Bt基因作物bt毒蛋白在土壤中的安全性研究. 套用生態學報. 2003, 14(11): 2062-2066.
24. 商晗武, 程家安, 蔣明星, 等. 浙江早稻穀中稻水象甲的存活研究. 昆蟲學報. 2003, 46(2): 190-195.
25. 商晗武, 程家安, 蔣明星, 等. 起始供食時間對稻水象甲冬後成蟲繁殖、取食和存活的影響. 中國水稻科學. 2003, 17(1): 77-81.
26. 蔣明星, 商晗武, 程家安. 球孢白僵菌對稻水象甲成蟲的毒力測定. 植物保護學報. 2002, 29(3): 287-288.
27. 施婉君, 程家安, 祝增榮, 蔣明星, 等. 昆蟲共生細菌Wolbachia 的研究進展. 生態學報. 2002, 22(3): 409-419.