




2002-2005年於南開大學元素有機化學研究所攻讀碩士學位,主要從事含螢光團有機磷功能化合物的設計合成及其Au、Ag、Pt、Pd配合物的性質的研究; 2005-2008年於香港中文大學理學院化學系攻讀博士學位,師從我國著名結構和無機化學家麥松威院士,主要從事剛性配體的過渡金屬配合物超分子的設計合成與結構及性質的研究,於2008年8月獲哲學博士學位;

2008 -今於首都師範大學化學系無機教研室,從事教學與科研工作。

相關的科學研究工作已發表在國際學術刊物 Chem. Eur. J.,Cryst. Growth Des.,CrystEngComm,New J. Chem.,Inorga. Chimi. Acta等期刊上。






超分子晶體工程: 有機-金屬配合物超分子的設計、合成、結構及性質

固體結構化學: 固態配合物的結晶化學及結構、性能研究



[1] Chong-Qing Wan, Liang Zhao and Thomas C. W. Mak, “Dipyrazine sulfoxide complexes of Silver(I), Zinc(II), Cadmium(II): Ligation modes and anion tuning”, Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49(1), 97-107

[2] Chong-Qing Wan ,Jie Han and Thomas C. W. Mak, “Intermolecular S···π interaction in sulfanyl-triazine derivates”, New J. Chem. 2009, 33, 707-712 (SCI IF: 2.8).

[3] Xu-Dong Chen, Chong-Qing Wan, Herman H.-Y. Sung, Ian D. Williams and Thomas C. W. Mak*, “Control of channel size for selective guest inclusion with inlaid anionic building blocks in a porous cationic metal-organic host framework”, Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 6518-6528 (SCI IF: 5.4).

[4] Chong-Qing Wan, Xia Li, Chun-Yan Wang, Xiao Qiu, “Tetranuclear Ln(III) Complexes with 2-sulfobenzoate and Their Three-dimensional Supramolecular Frameworks Consolidated through Hydrogen-bonding and Intermolecular O×××p Interactions”, J. Mol. Struct. 2009, 930, 32-36 (SCI IF: 1.8).

[5] Wei-Feng Song, Chong-Qing Wan, Jian Feng Liu,“catena-Poly[[silver(I)-μ-dipyrazin-2-yla

a) mine] perchlorate monohydrate]”, Acta Cryst. Sec. E 2009, 65, m1339 (SCIE IF: 0.3).

[6] Chong-Qing Wan, Xu-Dong Chen, and Thomas C.W. Mak,“Suprmolecular frameworks assembled via intermolecular lone pair-aromatic interaction between carbonyl and pyridyl groups”, CrystEngComm 2008, 10, 475-478 (SCI IF: 3.4).

[7] Chong-Qing Wan, Gui-Shen Li, Xu-Dong Chen and Thomas C.W. Mak, “Construction of three-dimensional honeycomb-like supramolecular host networks with metallotectons Cu[(C4H3N2)2C(OH)2X2·3H2O (X = ClO4, BF4, PF6) through cooperative hydrogen bonding and anion-π interactions”, Cryst. Growth Des. 2008, 8(11), 3897-3901 (SCI IF: 4.1).

[8] Chong-Qing Wanand Thomas C.W. Mak, “Silver(I) coordination networks constructed with di-2-pyrazinylmethanediol”, Inorg. Chim. Acta 2008, 361, 1496-1502 (SCI IF: 1.8).

[9] Liang Zhao, Chong-Qing Wan, Jie Han, Xu-Dong Chen and Thomas C. W. Mak, “Ancillary ligands and spectator cations as controlling factors in the construction of coordination and hydrogen-bonded networks with the tert-Bu−C≡C⊃Agn (n = 4,5) supramolecular synthon”, Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14(33), 10437-10442 (SCI IF: 5.4).

[10] Qing-Shan Li, Chong-Qing Wan, Ru-Yi Zou, Feng-Bo Xu, Hai-Bin Song, Xiang-Jian Wan, and Zheng-Zhi Zhang, “Gold(I) h-Arene Complexes”, Inorg. Chem. 2006, 45(5), 1888-1890 (SCI IF: 4.1).

[11] Qing-Shan Li, Chong-Qing Wan, Feng-Bo Xu, Hai-Bin Song, Zheng-Zhi Zhang ,“Synthesis of a novel pyridine-diamino bridged diphosphine ligand and its macrocyclic metal complexes”, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2005, 358(7), 2283-2291 (SCI IF: 1.8).



