
1973年3月17日出生於日本神奈川縣,身高157CM,O型血,豐島岡女子學院高等學校、中央大學文學部畢業。她的歌聲魅力已感動許許多多的聽眾鋼琴加電子鼓恰到好處的配合,溫柔輕緩的曲調,加上AKIKO動人的聲音,讓人有一種清風迎面的暢快和輕鬆感。 2001年,爵士名廠Verve簽下這位日本第一的優質女聲,開啟她自此光芒四射的魅力人生。4張專輯堆砌出如潮好評的佳績,連續享得SwingJournal Jazz、New Star Award等重量級獎項肯定,銷售與排行如日中天,而知名化妝品牌雅詩蘭黛的「DefiningBeauty Award」,為她戴上了完美女伶的后冠。
I miss you
A couple seasons psssed me by 已經逝去一些日子
Since you made me feel so real 曾經你讓我感覺如此真實
That feeling I remember 我記得那種感覺
It was as good as can be 欲仙欲死
I haven’t seen you for a while 好久不見
I wonder if you’re well 我想問你近來可好
What’s going on in your mind? 你在想些什麼
I really would like to see 我真的想要知道
I try to think but it won’t do 我試著想清楚卻做不到
It’s taking time to get near 想要接近還需要時間
Some things are hard to explain 有些事難以解釋
I wonder can I tell you? 我不知道能對你說什麼
We haven’t been taking much 我們沒有深入接觸
It doesen’t mean I don’t care 不代表我不在意
Should I just call you to say 我是否應該打電話告訴你
I’m falling and I miss you 我非常想你
oooh hoo
Wish I was with you in my dreams 夢裡也想與你一起
and I'm praying to be your side 祈禱在你身邊
and suddenly you'll slip away 突然你就溜走
oooh hoo
Easy as flowing down the stream 簡單得像順流而下
Do you know that? 你知道么
Will you understand me? 你理解我么
Why is it you make me wait so long? 為什麼你讓我等待那么久
Sometimes do you think of me 你會不會有時想我
as much as I think of you 和我想你一樣多
I'd like to know when you dream 我想知道你的夢中
Am I there? 可有我身影
Do you miss me? 你想念我么
I know you can't share life with me 我知道你不能與我一起生活
and I don't know what to do 我不知所措
but if you walk right thru my door, 但如果你正好經過我的家門
you will see that I miss you 你會發現我在想你
In my heart 在我的心裡
I want you 我需要你
to know that 你應該知道
I miss you 我想念你
In my heart 在我的心裡
I want you 我需要你
to know that 你應該知道
I miss you 我想念你
In my heart 在我的心裡
I want you 我需要你
to know that 你應該知道
I miss you 我想念你
In my heart 在我的心裡
I want you 我需要你
to know that 你應該知道
I miss you 我想念你
I miss you 我想念你
I miss you 我想念你
akiko's holiday2003 / ユニバーサルミュージック/ CD / Akiko
Mood Indigo2005 / Verve / CD / akiko
Collage2006 / Verve / CD / akiko
Vida2007 / ユニバーサルミュージック株式會社/ Audio CD / akiko

Akiko's holiday這是菊地晶子2003年發行的一張爵士音樂專輯。
My Man
Come Rain Or Come Shine
Easy Living
Body And Soul
What A Little Moonlight Can Do
Good Morning Heartache
Let's Call The Whole Thing Off
Love For Sale
Don't Explain
Gee Baby, Ain't I Good To You
God Bless The Child
You've Changed
Mood Indigo

2004最新專輯《芳心之歌Mood Indigo》以艾靈頓公爵的經典同名單曲為標題作品,填詞重唱Straight No Chaser、So Tired等爵士名曲,輔以其日臻至境的自創曲I Miss You、In the Afternoon等動人佳作,又是一幅染盡爵士、R&B、Funk、Lounge等無設限音樂元素的絕妙畫布,在沉靜與躍動的交迭中,唱出最淋漓盡致的自由。
Theme For Mood Indigo
Straight No Chaser
In The Afternoon
So Tired
Far Beyond
I Love You
He Knows Everything
Mood Indigo
I Miss You
Little B's Poem
We Three

專輯名字就是封面的最好說明——拼貼畫,而專輯第一首曲也仿佛是拼貼出來似的,幾首曲子拼合在一起,當作版頭吧。下面的大多都是輕快的曲子。令我感到意外的是,這專輯也有《I Miss You》。Akiko這位來自日本的爵士女伶,從R&B、jazz到LOUNGE,AKIKO的歌藝涵蓋的層面極廣,有著不受樂風限制的活潑唱腔,聲音甜謐中不乏磁性,讓人陶醉。
Around the World
Funky Monkey Baby
Old Devil Moon
Mood Swings
I Miss You
So Tired
Far Beyond
You've Changed
Prelude to a Kiss
Interlude - God Bless' the Child
Fly Me to the Moon
Do You Know!

Breathing Life
Meu Coracao
Payapta Turdi
Chega De Saudade
Song For You
Little Bruise (Arto E Eu)
Jardim Botanico
Yin & Yang
Brazil(Big Band Version) (Bonus Track)