
PartⅠ:Development,Structure,and Function
1.Basic Principles
Overview of the kidney and urinary tract
Fluid compartments of the body
2.Organization of the Kidney
General organization of the kidney
Glomerular structure and function
Transport processes in the renaltubule
Proximal tubule
Loop of Henle
3.Renal Function
Renal blood flow and the glomerular filtration rate
Body fluid osmolality
Body fluid volume
Regulation of body fluid pH
Regulation of K+,Ca2+,Mg2+,and PO43-
4.Renal Function in Disease
Systemic diseases that affect renal function
Interventions in renal disease
5.Lower Urinary Tract
Organization of the Lower urinary tract
PartⅡ:Clinical Assessment
6.Taking a History
The history
Common presentations of urinary disease
7.Examination of the Patient
General inspection
Hands and limbs
8.Investigation of the kidney and Urinary Tract
Investigative techniques
PartⅢ:Basic Pathology
9.Pathology of the Kidney
Congenital abnormalities of the kidney
cysticdiseases of the kidney
Diseases of the glomerulus
Glomerular lesions in systemic disease
Diseases of the tubules and interstitium
Diseases of the renal blood vessels
Neoplastic disease of the kidney
10.Pathology of the Urinary Tract
Congenital abnormalities of the urinary tract
Urinary tract obstruction and urolithiasis
Inflammation of the urinary tract
Neoplastic disease of the urinary tract
Disorders of the prostate
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