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出版社: 北京航空航天大學出版社; 第1版 (2008年9月1日)
外文書名: Social English
平裝: 331頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7811243628, 9787811243628
條形碼: 9787811243628
尺寸: 22 x 17.4 x 2.2 cm
重量: 499 g




PartOne Daily Sociality日常社交
Unit l Greeting問候
Unit 2 Introduction介紹
Unit 3 Invitation邀請
Unit 4 Engagement約會
UNIT 5 Advice意見、建議
Unit 6 Happiness高興
Unit 7 Praise讚美
Unit 8 Congratulations祝賀
Unit 9 Wish祝願
Unit 10 Thanks感謝
Unit 11 Request請求
Unit 12 Surprise驚奇
Unit 13 Angry生氣
Unit 14 disappointment失望
Unit 15 Complaint抱怨
Unit 16 Apologizes道歉
Unit 17 Comfort安慰
Unit 18 Sympathy同情
Unit 19 Farewell告別
Unit 20 Agreements or Disagreements同意與反對
Unit 21 Likes or Dislikes喜歡與不喜歡
Unit 22 Hobbies and Interests興趣愛好
Unit 23 Time and Date時間日期
Unit 24 Weather天氣
Unit 25 Making a Phone Call 打電話
PartTwo Eating and Drinking Sociality餐飲社交
Unit 1 Reserving Dinner訂餐
Unit 2 Taking Orders點菜
Unit 3 Chinese Food中餐
Unit 4 Western Food西餐
Unit 5 Drink and Pudding飲料和甜品
Unit 6 Paying the Bill結賬
PartThree Office Sociality辦公社交
Unit 1 Applying for a Job 求職
Unit 2 Interview面試
Unit 3 Salary薪水
Unit 4 Insurance and Benefits保險和福利
Unit 5 At Work工作中
Unit 6 Resignation辭職
PartFour Amusement and Entertainment休閒娛樂
Unit 1 Watch Films看電影
Unit 2 Listen to the Music聽音樂
Unit 3 At KTV 在 KTV
Unit 4 On the Internet上網
Unit 5 Reading閱讀
Unit 6 Shopping購物
Unit 7 Travelling旅遊
Unit 8 Booking Plane Tickets預訂機票
Unit 9 By Plane乘飛機
Unit 10 By Ship乘船
Unit 11 By Train乘火車
Unit 12 By Bus乘公車
Unit 13 Taking a Taxi乘計程車
Unit 14 Taking a Subway乘捷運
Unit 15 Asking the Way問路
Unit 16 At the Post Office在郵局
Unit 17 At the Bank在銀行
Unit 18 At Barbershop在理髮店
Unit 19 Seeing a Doctor看醫生
Unit 20 Playing with Pets飼養寵物
Unit 21 Parties聚會
Unit 22 Photography攝影
Unit 23 At the Hotel在賓館
Unit 24 Hiring a Room租房
Unit 25 Celebrating a Festival過節
Unit 26 Emergency緊急情況
Unit 27 Love愛情
Unit 28 Marriage結婚
Unit 29 Pregnancy懷孕
Unit 30 On a Diet節食減肥
PartFive Sport Events體育運動
Unit 1 Football足球
Unit 2 Basketball籃球
Unit 3 Table Tennis桌球
Unit 4 Volleyball排球
Unit 5 Skiing滑雪
Unit 6 Hiking Mountains徒步登山
Unit 7 Camp野營
Unit 8 Steep Hotspring and Quiet Yoga泡溫泉做瑜伽
Unit 9 Body-building健身
Unit 10 Swimming游泳


