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出版社: 浙江大學出版社; 第1版 (2010年4月1日)
叢書名: 實用英語口語高頻話題
平裝: 240頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787308074582
條形碼: 9787308074582
尺寸: 25 x 18.4 x 2.8 cm
重量: 340 g




Part 1 Daily Communication日常交際
Unit 1 Greeting and Introductions問候與介紹
Unit 2 Thanking People致謝
Unit 3 Invitations邀請
Unit 4 Wishes and Congratulations祝願與祝福
Unit 5 Making an Appointment約會
Unit 6 Seeing Old Friends老友重逢
Unit 7 Seeing Patients探望病人
Unit 8 BetweenNeighbors左鄰右舍
Unit 9 Seeing Off送別
Part2 At Work人在職場
Unit 1 Recruiting招聘人才
Unit 2 Applying for a Job尋找工作
Unit 3 Greeting New Members迎接新成員
Unit 4 Having a Meeting開會
Unit 5 Receiving Guests接待來賓
Unit 6 Requesting forAbsence請假
Unit 7 Resigning and Firing辭職與解僱
Unit 8 Raise and Promotion升職加薪
Unit 9 About Career關於職業
Part 3 Living Communication交際實況
Unit 1 At the Hotel在旅館
Unit 2 At the Restaurant在餐館
Unit 3 At a Laundry在洗衣店
Unit 4 At a Tailor's在裁縫店
Unit 5 Seeing a Doctor看醫生
Unit 6 Shopping購物
Unit 7 In the Office在辦公室
Unit 8 At the Bank在銀行
Unit 9 Atthe Library在圖書館
Part 4 Telephone Contact電話聯絡
Unit 1 Waiting and Calling Back等候與回電
Unit 2 Wrong Number打錯電話
Unit 3 At the End OFA Call結束電話
Unit4 Making a Hotel Reservation預訂賓館
Unit 5 Leaving aMessage電話留言
Unit6 CallingforHelpin anEmergency緊急求救
Unit 7 Ordering a Ticket預訂票
Unit 8 Requiring to Offer Service請求幫助
Unit 9 Online Communication網路交際
Part 5 Tone of Communication交際語氣
Unit 1 Compliments讚揚
Unit2 Inquiries詢問
Unit 3 Complaints抱怨
Unit 4 Advice建議
Unit 5 Requests請求
Unit 6 Apologies道歉
Unit 7 encouragement鼓勵
Unit 8 Warning警告
Unit 9 anger and Sadness憤怒和悲傷
Part 6 TalkonLife閒話生活
Unit 1 Habits and Customs風俗習慣
Unit 2 Getting Married結婚
Unit 3 Family Life家庭生活
Unit 4 Friendship友誼
Unit 5 Parties聚會
Unit 6 Likes and Dislikes喜歡與不喜歡
Unit 7 Talking about Love談情說愛
Unit 8 About House關於房子
Unit 9 Eating and Cooking飲食與烹飪



