



1994-1997 南京大學生物學系,博士研究生

1991-1994 南京大學生物學系,碩士研究生

1987-1991 南京大學生物學系,本科


2007- 南京大學生命科學學院 教授

2006-2007 南京大學生命科學學院 副教授

2002-2006 Cornell University (US Plant Soil& Nutrition Laboratory) (美國),博士後

2001-2002 Max-Planck Institute for ChemicalEcology (德國),博士後

1998-2001 中科院上海植物生理研究所植物分子遺傳國家重點實驗室,博士後

1998-1998 University of Connecticut atStamford (美國),訪問學者

1997-1998 中國科學院海洋研究所實驗海洋生物學開放實驗室,博士後


1. 盧山. 2007. 類胡蘿蔔素及類黃酮化合物代謝與調控研究. 國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973). 課題負責人.

2. 盧山. 2007. 新基因or調節有色體形成的機理. 國家自然科學基金. 課題負責人.

3. 盧山. 2006. or基因對質體發育和胡蘿蔔素積累的調控.上海市教育委員會重點科研項目. 課題負責人.

4. 陳曉亞. 2001. 棉酚、青蒿素生物合成途徑及調控的研究. 國家自然科學基金重點項目

5. 費修綆. 1998. 紫菜種苗工程. 國家自然科學基金.

6. 盧山. 1998. 海藻種質鑑定和育種的分子生物學技術. 海洋863子課題. 負責人.

7. 盧山. 1992.Systematic study of Phyllostachys Sieb. et Zucc. in China. The Linnean Societyof London. Side Foundation. 課題負責人.



1. ZhouW,Zhu JY*,Shen SD,Lu S,Wang JF,Xu JR,Xu P. 2008. Observations on thedivision characterization of diploid nuclear in Porphyra (Bangiales,Rhodophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology (in press)

2. GuanXY,Yu N,Shangguan XX,Wang S,Lu S,Chen XY*. 2007. Arabidopsis trichomeresearch sheds light on cotton fiber development mechanisms. Chinese ScienceBulletin 52: 1734-1741.

3. ChenXX,Lou YG,Mao YB,Lu S,Wang LJ,Chen XY*. 2007. Plant terpenoids:Biosynthesis and ecoligical functions (Invited Review). Journal of IntegrativePlant Biology 49: 179-186.

4. MaoYB,Lu S,Wang LJ,Chen XY*. 2006. Biosynthesis of gossypol in cotton. CABReviews: Perspectives in Agriculture,Veterinary Science,Nutrition and NaturalResources. 1. No. 049.

5. LuS,Van Eck J,Zhou XJ,Lopez AB,O'Halloran DM,Cosman KM,Conlin BJ,PaolilloDJ,Garvin DF,Vrebalov J,Kochian LV,Kuepper H,Earle ED,Cao J,Li L*. 2006.The Cauliflower Or gene encodes a cysteine-rich zinc finger domain-containingprotein that mediates high-levels of beta-carotene accumulation. Plant Cell 18:3594-3605.

6. LiL*,Lu S,Cosman KM,Earle ED,Garvin DF,O'Neill J. 2006. beta-caroteneaccumulation induced by the cauliflower Or gene is not due to an increasedcapacity of biosynthesis. Phytochemistry 67: 1177-1184

7. LiL*,Lu S,O'Halloran DM,Garvin DF,Vrebalov J. 2003. High-resolution geneticand physical mapping of the cauliflower high-beta-carotene gene Or (Orange).Molecular Genetics and Genomics 270: 132-138

8. LuS,Xu R,Jia JW,Pang J,Matsuda SPT,Chen XY*. 2002. Cloning and functionalcharacterization of a beta-pinene synthase from Artemisia annua that shows acircadian pattern of expression. Plant Physiology 130: 477-486

9. ZhouXJ,Lu S,Xu YH,Wang JW,Chen XY*. 2002. A cotton cDNA (GaPR-10) encoding apathogenesis-related 10 protein with in vitro ribonuclease activity. PlantScience 162: 629-636

10. YuXH,Zhu YQ,Lu S,Zhang TZ,Chen XY*,Xu ZH. 2000. A comparative analysis of afuzzless-lintless mutant of Gosypium hirsutum L. cv. Xu-142. Science in China(Ser. C) 43: 623-630

11. ZhouXJ,Wang LS,Lin ZP,Jia JW,Lu S,Chu ZQ,Chen XY*. 2000. Fusion expression ofRaphanus sativus- antifungal protein 1 (Rs-AFP1) in Escherichia coli and itsantifungal activity on Verticillium dahliae. Acta Botanica Sinica 42: 703-707

12. JiaJW,Crock J,Lu S,Croteau R,Chen XY*. 1999. (3R)-Linalool synthase fromArtemisia annua L.: cDNA isolation,characterization,and wound induction.Archives of Biochemisty and Biophysics 372: 143-149

13. ChopinT*,Yarish C,Wilkes R,Belyea E,Lu S,Mathieson A. 1999. DevelopingPorphyra/salmon integrated aquaculture for bioremediation and diversificationof the aquaculture industry. Journal of Applied Phycology 11: 463-472

14. YarishC,Chopin T,Wilkes R,Mathieson AC,Fei XG,Lu S. 1999. Demonstration of norifor Northeast America: The Asian experience. Bulletin of the AquacultureAssociation of Canada March: 11-17

15. FeiXG*,Bao Y,Lu S. 1999. Seaweed cultivation: traditional way and itsreformation. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 17: 193-199

16. FeiXG,Lu S,Bao Y,Wilkes R,Yarish C. 1998. Seaweed cultivation in China. WorldAquaculture 29: 22-33

17. LuS,Zhang XN,Liu ZL* 1998. Changes of ribonuclease activity of Dunaliellasalina under osmotic shocks. Journal of Nanjing University 34: 129-131

18. FeiXG*,Lu S,Bao Y. 1998. Seaweed cultivation: a new applied field forbiotechnology. Chinese J. Oceanol. Limnol. 16: 158-161

19. ZhangXN,Liu ZL*,Lu S. 1997. The application of phase-partition in the purificationof chloroplasts from Dunalienna salina Teod. Journal of Nanjing University 33:185-189

20. LuS,Zhang XN,Li PY,Liu ZL*,Xia ZH. 1996. A salt-induced chloroplast proteinfrom Dunaliella salina (Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology 32: 983-986

21. 李伯林,趙群華,盧山,曹日強*. 1995. 紅豆杉植物愈傷組織的培養及其紫杉醇形成的初探. 南京大學學報 (自然科學版) 31: 424-429

22. 陳曉亞*,盧山. 1994. 廣義方竹屬葉揮發成分的系統意義. 竹子研究彙刊 13: 22-27

23. 盧山,陳曉亞*,夏仲豪. 1992. 方竹屬部分中黃酮類成分比較.竹子研究彙刊 11: 42-47


1. 陳曉亞,盧山. 2007.植物次生代謝。植物生理與分子生物學(第三版)。高等教育出版社. pp. 329-356

2. LuS,Chen XY*. 2005. Terpenoid metabolism in cotton and qiaohao (Artemisiaannua). In: Advances in Plant Physiology (Ed.: Hemantaranjan A.),Vol. 8,pp:265-292. Pawan Kumar Scientific Publishers (India).

3. 許燕華,駱萍,盧山,賈軍偉,蔡煜,周向軍,林芝萍,陳曉亞*. 2000. 次生萜類生物合成的調控。中國科學基金4: 197-200

4. 費修綆,王素娟,盧山. 1998. 紅藻類細胞工程育種和育苗.海洋生物技術. 山東科技出版社. pp. 7-26.


Li L,Lu S,Garvin D,Verbalov J,O’Halloran DM. 2007. The or gene and its use in manipulating carotenoid contentand composition in plants and other orga nisms. (PCT/US2006/061754)


