2002年以來主持研究國家十五科技攻關項目二級專題—重點前陸盆地複雜構造解析。正式發表的學術論文60餘篇,專著 3 本。
斷層相關褶皺的發現和再生前陸盆地及其與油氣聚集的關係,2001年 獲中國高校科學技術二等獎
1.斷層相關褶皺的發現和再生前陸盆地及其與油氣聚集的關係,2001年 獲中國高校科學技術二等獎
2. 塔里木盆地構造特徵 1998年 獲國家科技進步三等獎
3. 塔里木盆地構造特徵 1996年 獲中國石油天然氣集團總公司科技進步二等獎
4. 地體構造研究,1993年,獲國家教委科技進步二等獎
1. Dong Jia, Huafu Lu, Dongsheng Cai, Shiming, Wu, Yangshen Shi, and Chuming Chen, Structural Features of Northern Tarim Basin: Implications for Regional Tectonics and Petroleum Traps: AAPG Bulletin, 1998,v. 82, no.1, p.147-159.
2. Dong Jia,Huafu Lu,Chengzao Jia and Guoqi Wei, Structural Features of Northern Tarim Basin: Implications for Regional Tectonics and Petroleum Traps: Reply, AAPG Bulletin, 1999,vol.83, no.8, pp.1284~1286.
3. 賈東,盧華復等,塔里木盆地北緣庫車前陸褶皺—沖斷構造分析 大地構造與成礦, 1997, Vol.21, No.1, pp.1~8.
4. 賈東,盧華復等,庫車褶皺-沖斷帶中的走滑構造與拜城拉分盆地,南京大學學報(自然科學版),1996,Vol.32, No.5, P.17-22。
5. 賈東,盧華復等,2002,斷彎褶皺和斷展褶皺中的油氣運移聚集行為,南京大學學報(自然科學版),vol.38,no.6,p.747-755。
6. Chen Chuming, Lu Huafu, Jia Dong, .Closing history of the southern Tianshan oceanic basin, western China: An oblique collisional orogeny, Tectonophysics, 1999, vol.302, no.1-2, pp.23~40.
7. Huafu Lu, Dong Jia, Chuming Chen, Dongsheng Cai, Shimin Wu, Guoqiang Wang, Linzhi Guo, Yangshen Shi, Evidence for growth fault-bend fold in the Tarim basin and its implications for fault-slip rates in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic: Proc.30th Int’l. Geol. Congr., 1997, v.14, p. 253-262.
8.MaomaoWang, DongJia,John H.Shaw,JudithHubbard,AndreasPlesch,YiquanLi,BaojinLiu.The 2013 Lushan earthquake: Implications for seismic hazards posed by the Range Front blind thrust in the Sichuan Basin, China. Geology, 2014, 42(10):915-918.
9.Yiquan Li, Dong Jia, Maomao Wang, John H. Shaw, Jiankun He, Aiming Li, Lin Xiong, Gang Rao.Structural geometry of the source region for the 2013 Mw 6.6 Lushanearthquake: Implication for earthquake hazard assessment alongthe Longmen Shan. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2013, 390:275-286.
10. Yong Zhang, Dong Jia*, Hongwei Yin*, Mancang Liu, Wuren Xie, Guoqi Wei, YongXiang Li. Remagnetization of lower Silurian black shale and insights into shale gas in the Sichuan Basin, South China. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2016, 121(2): 491-505.
11.Chuang Sun, Dong Jia*, Hongwei Yin, Zhuxin Chen, Zhigang Li, Li Shen, Dongtao Wei, Yiquan Li,Bin Yan, Maomao Wang, Shaozhi Fang, and Jian Cui. Sandbox modeling of evolving thrust wedgeswith different preexisting topographic relief:Implications for the Longmen Shan thrustbelt, eastern Tibet. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2016, 121, 4591-4614.