⒈ 國家自然科學基金(№30400547):新型無抗生素活性的四環素衍生物ST50317抗大鼠腦缺血的作用及其機制 (主持) 2005.1-2007.12
⒉ 國家自然科學基金(№30400124):促凋亡激酶GSK-3β——抗帕金森病的新靶點 (參加) 2005.1-2007.12
⒊ 廣東省自然科學基金(博啟):新型四環素衍生物ST50317抗大鼠腦缺血的作用及其機制(主持) 2005.1-2006.12
⒈Wenming Li,Rongbiao Pi,Hugh H.N. Chan,Hongjun Fu,Nelson T.K. Lee,Hing Wai Tsang,Yongmei Pu,Donald C. Chang,Jialie Luo,Keming Xiong,Zhiwang Li,Chaoying Li,Hong Xue,Paul R. Carlier,Yuanping Pang,Karl W.K. Tsim,Mingtao Li and Yifan Han.Novel Dimeric AChE Inhibitor Bis⑺-tacrine,but not Donepezil,Prevents Glutamate-induced Neuronal Apoptosis by Blocking NMDA Receptors. J Biol Chem,2005,280⒅:18179-88.
⒉Leyu Shi,Shoufang Gong,Zhongmin Yuan,Chi Ma,Yanling Liu,Chuanfu Wang,Wenming Li,Rongbiao Pi,Shoujian Huang,Ruzhu Chen,Yifan Han,Zixu Mao,Mingtao Li. Activity deprivation-dependent induction of the proapoptotic BH3-only protein Bim is independent of JNK/c-Jun activation during apoptosis in cerebellar granule neurons. Neurosci Lett,2005,375⑴:7-12.
⒊Rongbiao Pi,Wenming Li,Nelson T.K. Lee,Hugh H.N. Chan,Yongmei Pu,Ling Nga Chan,Nikolaus J Sucher,Donald C. Chang,Mingtao Li,Yifan Han. Minocycline Prevents Glutamate-induced Apoptosis of Cerebellar Granule Neurons by Differential Regulation of p38 and Akt Pathways . J. Neurochem,2004,91⑸: 1219-1230.
⒋Rongbiao Pi,Wei Yin,Suqiu Zheng,Pengxin Qiu,Jian Zhou,Wei Guo,Tao Su,and Guangmei Yan. Adenoviral mediated transfer of TIMP-3 partially prevents glutamate-induced cell death in primary cultured cortical neurons of the rat. Molecular Brain Research,2004,127(1-2): 136-139.
⒌皮榮標,銀巍,蘇濤,蘇興文,邱鵬新,鄭素秋,顏光美. 大鼠缺血腦中差異表達基因的研究. 中國病理生理學雜誌 . 2004,20⑼:1557-1562.
⒍臧林泉,銀巍,皮榮標,邱鵬新,蘇興文,顏光美。螢光差異顯示PCR克隆大鼠腦缺血相關基因KIAA0280中山大學學報:醫學科學版. 2004,27⑵: 113-117.
⒎皮榮標,黎明濤,邱鵬新,蘇興文,林穗珍,顏光美. 3-異丁基-1-甲基黃嘌呤對低鉀誘導的大鼠小腦顆粒神經元凋亡的Ca2+/cAMP不依賴性保護作用. 中國藥學雜誌,2001;36⑷:240-244.
⒏皮榮標,顏光美. 3-磷酸甘油醛脫氫酶與神經元凋亡. 中國神經科學雜誌, 2000; 16⑴:75-78.
⒐皮榮標,邱鵬新,黎明濤,蘇興文,顏光美. 磷酸化c-Jun 不參與谷氨酸誘導的小腦顆粒神經元凋亡. 中國神經科學雜誌,2000; 16⑵:154-159。
⒑Wang Wenya,Li Mingtao,Pi Rongbiao,Qiu Pengxin,Su Xingwen,Lin Suizhen,Yan Guangmei. Protective action of caffeine on LY294002-induced apoptosis in cerebellar granule neurons. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica,2000; 21⑴: 35-40。
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