《企業成長之痛:創業型企業如何走向成熟(第4版)》內容簡介:市場經濟中的中國企業已不同程度地體現出成長周期性,企業有哪些成長階段,應該如何正確管理企業成長的各個階段,一直困擾著中國眾多管理人員或創業者。《企業成長之痛創業型企業如何走向成熟(第4版)》作者利用企業成長周期理論,結合自身對創業型企業的研究經歷和諮詢經驗,闡述企業成長各階段的管理方法,介紹了一系列用於減輕企業成長之痛的管理工具,探討如何實現創業型企業向專業化管理型企業的成功轉型,從而幫助管理人員或創業者理解如何在創業後繼續推動企業成功發展,順利度過企業成長的各個階段。 Since it was first published in 1986,Growing Painshas become a classic resource for understanding how start–ups can make the transition to become large, professionally–managed organizations that maintain the special spark that launched them. In the fourth edition ofGrowing Pains,authors Eric Flamholtz and Yvonne Randle have thoroughly revised and updated the book to include new ideas and concepts including information about strategic planning, Sarbanes–Oxley, family businesses, and overcoming growing pains, as well as new examples and cases of companies.點擊連結進入中文版: