glance over;skim through;browse ;
Ms. christian had been spending two hours a week browsing websites and cookbooks looking for inspiration.
This is partly because it's really just a big web browser.
Then you scan hundreds, maybe thousands, of profiles and compose emails to the people you want to meet.
我發現veer電池的續航能力可供一整天的使用沒有問題,包括流覽網頁、看視頻、收發電子郵件及簡訊、玩endless tripeaks solitaire這樣的遊戲以及運行twee、facebook等套用程式。
I found the veer's battery life suitable for a full day's use, including web browsing, watching videos, emailing, texting, playing games like endless tripeaks solitaire and running apps like twee and facebook.
So, here's a brief primer on how to get such documents into and out of an ipad, and how to view, edit and create them on the tablet.
Ms. christian had been spending two hours a week browsing websites and cookbooks looking for inspiration.
This is partly because it's really just a big web browser.
Then you scan hundreds, maybe thousands, of profiles and compose emails to the people you want to meet.
4.我發現veer電池的續航能力可供一整天的使用沒有問題,包括流覽網頁、看視頻、收發電子郵件及簡訊、玩endless tripeaks solitaire這樣的遊戲以及運行twee、facebook等套用程式。
I found the veer's battery life suitable for a full day's use, including web browsing, watching videos, emailing, texting, playing games like endless tripeaks solitaire and running apps like twee and facebook.
So, here's a brief primer on how to get such documents into and out of an ipad, and how to view, edit and create them on the tablet.
•1. [glance over;skim through;browse] 大致地觀看
1.亦作“ 流攬 ”。周流觀覽。
《文選·枚乘》:“流攬無窮,歸神日母。” 李善 註:“言周流觀覽而窮。” 三國 魏 曹丕 《折楊柳行》:“流覽觀四海,茫茫非所識。”《兒女英雄傳》第三三回:“果有餘暇,便任我流覽林泉,寄情詩酒。” 趙光榮 《里湖紀游》詩:“流覽喜輕陰,清和勝春煦。”
明 吳承恩 《先府君墓志銘》:“六經諸子百家莫不流覽。” 清 葉名灃 《橋西雜記·趙甌北汪龍莊考史之法》:“惟歷代史書,事顯而義淺,便於流覽。” 徐特立 《關於編寫國小國語課本的問題》:“國小《國語》我和 今吾同志 曾一流覽,認為有某些字句和少數課文雖有些不合處,並不關重要。”