



江豐光,台灣彰化人,祖籍:福建永定。台灣高雄師範大學工業科技教育系教育科技組博士,台灣大學博士後研究,且取得美國麻省理工學院RELATE研究室博士後研究員資格,現職為北京師範大學教育學部教育技術學院副教授,碩士生導師。國際交換研究經驗豐富,博士班期間曾公費留學日本東京工業大學教育工學研究室、德國伊爾梅瑙科技大學計算機科學所交換研究。擅長教育技術之實徵研究,目前擔任國際工程教育期刊(International Journal of Engineering Education, SCI)客座主編與九本英文國際期刊(包含SSCI、SCI、EI等)專業審稿委員,國內外研討會與期刊論文發表經驗豐富。






2012.09-2017.09 北京師範大學教育學部教育技術學院專任副教授


2010.10-2011.06 台灣台灣大學僑生輔導組愛心導師

2010.08-2011.07 台灣大學套用力學所(跨領域研究) 博士後研究


2007.07.08-2007.09.01 台灣國科會與台日交流協會計畫補助至東京工業大學教育工學開發中心進行訪問研究

2008.04-2009.04 台灣國科會補助博士候選人千里馬計畫至德國伊斯梅瑙科技大學電腦科學學院軟硬體整合實驗室進行訪問研究



1. International Journal of Engineering Education 2013-now (SCI)

2. Higher Education 2012-now (SSCI)

3. Educational Research Journal 2011-now

4. Educational Research and Reviews 2010-now

5. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 2010-now (EI)

6. Journal of Applied Research in Workplace E-learning 2009-now

7. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC) 2009-now

8. Computers in Human Behavior 2007-now (SSCI)

9. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 2007-now



2005 榮獲台灣斐陶斐榮譽會員

2004 榮獲台灣大專優秀青年







主持, 小組專題網頁設計活動促進批判思考之研究, 北京師範大學教育技術學院985項目技術革新教育的理論與實踐研究課題,2011-2012

主持, 學生運用學習元平台之行為意向研究, 北京師範大學青年科學基金課題,2011-2012



1. Su Cai, Feng-Kuang Chiang*, & Xu Wang.(2013). Using the Augmented Reality 3D Technique for a Convex Imaging Experiment in a Physics Course. International Journal of Engineering Education. 29(4). (Accepted) (SCI)

2. Feng-Kuang Chiang. (2013). A Review of the 2012 International STEM in Education Conference. International Journal of Engineering Education. 29(4). (Accepted) (SCI)

3. 江豐光、鄭娟、賀平(2013)。電子書包滿意度與需求的調查研究。開放教育研究。(已錄用)(CSSCI)

4. 丁傑、蔡蘇、江豐光、余勝泉(2013)。科學、技術、工程與數學教育創新與跨學科研究——第二屆STEM國際教育大會述評。開放教育研究,2,41-48。(CSSCI)

5. 鄭娟、江豐光(2013)。電子書包項目中的教師培訓方案設計與實施。中國教育信息化。(已錄用)

6. 鄭娟、江豐光(2013)。電腦繪圖與課程整合的創新案例分析-兼評Beautiful Seasons字母插畫課堂教學。中國信息技術教育化,165(1),74-75。

7. Chen, T.L., Sheen, H-J., Yueh H-P., Chiang, F.K., & Chang, P.W. (2012). Designing nano-biotechnology summer camp with experiential learning theory. International Journal of Engineering Education, 28(5),1078-1087. (SCI)

8. 謝志昆、江豐光(2012)高校多媒體教室管理服務系統的設計與實現。軟體導刊(教育技術) 。第02期,74-76。

9. 沈弘俊、陳姿伶、岳修平、 張勤煜、江豐光(2012)。奈米科技前 瞻人才產學合作訓練規劃與滿意度評估。科技與工程教育學刊,45(1),27-40。

10. Yueh H-P., Sheen, H-J., Chen, T.L., Chiang, F.K., & Chang, C.Y. (2011). An integrative instructional model for talent development of nanotechnology in Taiwan. International Journal of Technology and Engineering Education. 8(2), 1-12. ISSN:1816-9325

11. Feng-Kuang Chiang, Heinz Dietrich Wuttke, Rainer Knauf, Chung Shan Sun, Tai Cheng Tso, (2011). Attitudes of German University Students towards the Integration of Innovation Information Technology. International Journal of Engineering Education. Vol 27, No 2. 431–446. (SCI)

12. Feng Kuang Chiang, Heinz Dietrich Wuttke, Rainer Knauf, Chung Shan Sun, Tai Cheng Tso. (2009). Students' Attitudes toward Using Innovative Information Technology for Learning Based on Theory of Planned Behavior. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC). Vol 2, No 4.9-14. ISSN: 1867-5565

13. Tai-Cheng Tso, Feng-Kuang Chiang, Hsin-Chang Lu, & Chung-Shan Sun (2009). A Comparative Study on Attitudes of Mathematic Learning and Web-Based Mathematics Competition in Different Learning Stages in Taiwan. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 4 (2), 61-65. ISSN: 1863-0383.

14. Kuo-Hung Tseng, Feng-Kuang Chiang, & Wen-Hua Hsu.(2008). Interactive processes and learning attitudes in a web-based problem-based learning (PBL) platform. Computers in Human Behavior. 24 (3). 940-955. ISSN: 0747-5632. (SSCI)

15. Feng-Kuang Chiang, Chien-Chung Lin, & Chung-Shan Sun.(2007). Content Analysis on the Trends and Issues of Theses and Dissertations of Mobile-Learning in Taiwan. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET).2 (2). 1-3. ISSN: 1863-0383.

16. Tseng , Kuo-hung, Hou, See-Chien, Chiang, Feng-Kuang; Hsu, Wen-Hua; & Lou, Shi-Jer(May, 2006). Using Knowledge Sharing (KS) Platform to Explore its Effectiveness of Vocational Senior High School Electrical Teachers. WSEAS (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society)Transactions on Computers, 5 (5), 1072-1080. ISSN 1109-2750. (EI)

17. 左太政、江豐光、盧信彰、孫仲山(2008)。網路數學競賽參賽學生對數學學習正向態度、網路數學競賽態度、參與動機、平台適用性之實征研究。高師學報,25期,25-46。


1. Feng-Kuang Chiang, Ying Xiong. (2013). The Analysis on Primary School Teachers' Attitudes towards E-Schoolbag. Proceedings of the ICoME2013- International Conference for Media in Education. Nagoya, Aichi, Japan; Aug 9-11.

2. Wei Xie, Feng-Kuang Chiang. (2013). Planning and Design of future classroom in university. Proceedings of the ICoME2013-International Conference for Media in Education. Nagoya, Aichi, Japan; Aug 9-11.

3. Yu Chen Sun, Cheng Long Lin, Qiao Hui Li, Su Cai, Feng-kuang Chiang. (2013). 'TESTING RESISTANCE' experiment courseware based on FlashAR. Proceedings of the ICoME2013-International Conference for Media in Education. Nagoya, Aichi, Japan; Aug 9-11.

4. Zhi-Min Chen, Ying Yang, Peng-Yue Shi, Feng-Kuang Chiang. (2013). An intervention study on master graduate students with passive procrastination— Based on the method of learning task decomposition. Taiwan Education Research Association & Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium 2013 (TERA&PROMS2013) Aug 1-6. National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

5. 崔京菁、陳磊、江豐光(2013)。平板電腦套用於課堂教學之觀察研究。第17屆全球華人計算器教育套用大會 (GCCCE2013 )研討會論文集,


6. 江豐光、熊英(2013)。教師運用電子書包於課堂教學態度之研究。第17屆全球華人計算器教育套用大會 (GCCCE2013 )研討會論文集,5月27日至31日,245-248,大陸:北京大學。

7. 劉芳、歐尚書、高婧、陳磊、江豐光(2013)。套用Anki學習軟體與間隔複習策略對中文辭彙學習效果之研究。第17屆全球華人計算器教育套用大會 (GCCCE2013 )研討會論文集,544-547,5月27日至31日,大陸:北京大學。

8. Su Cai, Feng-Kuang Chiang, Xu Wang (2012). Using the augmented reality for convex imaging experiment. Proceeding of the Second International STEM in Education Conference. 24-27 November, 2012. Beijing, China. Outstanding paper award.

9. 江豐光、左太政、盧信彰(2010)。全國網路數學競賽學生參與態度之研究。「2010科技社會中課程與教學變革」學術研討會論文集,pp.4-1~4-10。2010年11月25日。台灣南投:國立暨南國際大學。

10. Feng-Kuang Chiang, Chung-Shan Sun, Tai-Cheng Tso, Heinz- Dietrich Wuttke, & Rainer Knauf. (2009). Students' Attitude towards Using of Innovative Information Technology for Learning Based on the TPB Theory. (ICELW 2009) International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace. 2009. June. 10th - 12th, USA: Columbia University in New York.

11. Feng-Kuang Chiang, Chung-Shan Sun, Heinz- Dietrich Wuttke, & Rainer Knauf. (2009). Design and Development of Students' Attitudes Questionnaire towards Innovative Information Technology for Learning. Proceeding of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education(SITE 2009). March 2 - 6, 2009 - Charleston, South Carolina. VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), pp. 1786-1791.

12. Feng Kuang Chiang, Heinz- Dietrich Wuttke, Rainer Knauf, & Chun-Ming Shih. (2008). Information Technology for Learning: A European Students' Perspective. Accepted paper. Proc. of the World Conference on e-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education 2008 (E-Learn 2008), November 17-21, 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), ISBN: 1-880094-66-5,pp. 2566-2572.

13. Feng Kuang Chiang, Rainer Knauf, & Tai-Cheng Tso. (2008). Analyzing the Students' Achievements of Taiwan Web-based Mathematics Competition by Data Mining. Accepted paper. Proc. of the World Conference on e-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education 2008 (E-Learn 2008), November 17-21, 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).


