




1981.09-1985.07: 蘭州大學獲學士學位

1985.09-1988.04: 西安交通大學獲碩士學位

1992.03-1995.07: 西安電子科技大學雷達信號處理國家重點實驗室獲博士學位

1988.05-1998.10: 西安電子科技大學工作,1996年被聘為副教授

1998.07-1998.09: 香港大學做訪問學者

1998.10-1998.12: 新加坡國立大學做訪問學者

1999.01-2000.12: 新加坡南洋理工大學做研究員

2001.01-2003.12: 新加坡國防科技研究院高級工程師

2004.01-2004.12: 以色列Bar-Ilan大學做博士後

2005.01-現在: 寧波大學信息學院通信技術研究所工作


1. 無線與有線寬頻通信技術:抗多徑衰落技術;抗干擾技術

2. MIMO-OFDM技術:比特分配;分集、均衡和空時編碼

3. 認知無線電:檢測技術;動態頻譜分配

4. 超寬頻技術:信道估計;定位問題




目前分別主持國家自然科學基金項目和華為技術有限公司等項目各1項,省部級項目2項,市廳級項目多項。參加教育部211引智計畫和歐洲通信聯盟FP6:UBROAD項目各1項。提出T1E1.4通信協定1份,提交申請專利4項,在IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions Communications,《通信學報》等國內外知名刊物上發表論文50餘篇,其中30餘篇文章被SCI、EI收錄。

1. 多用戶DSL 中的串音問題研究及算法設計(60772126)。國家自然科學基金。


3. 多用戶DSL系統的串音抑制算法研究(H06289)。華為技術有限公司。

4. 下一代有線寬頻網路接入中的關鍵技術(2006698)。國家教育部留學回國基金。

5. 下一代有線寬頻網路接入中的關鍵信號處理(2006A610002)。寧波市自然科學基金。

6. 下一代有線寬頻網路接入中的信號處理(2005546)。浙江省教育廳留學回國人員基金。

7. 新型通信技術與系統學科創新引智基地,教育部211引智計畫。

8. 基於語義無損的音頻隱藏保密語音的關鍵技術研究 (No.60572096)。國家自然科學基金。

9. U-Broad Project (下一代有線寬頻網接入技術.EU-FP6-506790 )。歐洲通信聯盟FP6計畫。




Journal Paper:

1. Li Youming, M. H. Er, “Theorectical analyses of gain and phase error calibration with

optimal implementation for Linear Equispaced array,” IEEE Transactions Signal Processing,

Vol. 54, Feb., No.2, 2006.

2. Amir Leshem, Li Youming,”A low complexity linear precoding technique for multichannel

VDSL”, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol. 55, No. 11, pp. 5527-5534, November 2007 .

3. Li Youming, Amir Leshem, A lower bound on the performance of simplified linear precoding

for vectored VDSL, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 43, No. 1,

pp. 1-13

4. E. Karipidis, N. D. Sidiropoulos, A. Leshem, Li Youming, "Experimental Evaluation of

Capacity Statistics for Short VDSL Loop," IEEE Transactions. Communications,

Vol. 53, No. 7, 2005.

5. E. Karipidis, N. Sidiropoulos, A. Leshem, Li Youming, R. Tarafi and M. Ouzzif "Crosstalk

models for short VDSL2 lines from measured 30 MHz data." Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal

Processing, Special issues for digital subscriber lines, pp. 1-9, V.2006.

6. J. Cioffi, Lee, M. Mohseni, Amir Leshem, and Li Youming, "GDSL (Gigabit DSL)",

T1E1.4/2003-487R1, standard committees contribution. (T1E1.4 通信協定)。

7. J. Cioffi, Lee, M. Mohseni, Amir Leshem, and Li Youming, "GDSL (Gigabit DSL)",


8. Li Youming, Song Guoxiang, "Estimates of ||Ginv(M)N|| and their application to the

convergence of splitting methods of linear interval equations". J. Math. Anal.

Appl., 206, 493-502,1997(USA). Indexed by SCI.

9. 李有明,王讓定,基於矩陣三對角分解的快速串音抑制算法,通信學報,29(3),10-15, 2008。

ISSN 1000-436X

10. 李有明,王讓定,文化峰,均勻直線陣幅相誤差校正的擾動分析與最最佳化算法,

電子與信息學報, 29(7), 1653-1656, 2007。

Conference paper

1. Shen Wei Li Youming & Yu Miaoliang, Low-complexity Grouping Spectrum Management in

Multi-user DSL Networks, IEEE International Conference on Communications and Mobile

Computing (CMC 2009), January 6-8, 2009, Kunming, China.

2. Chen Xianfu, Li Youming, Hu Guanhua, Training based Crosstalk cancellation with updating

implementation, IEEE 9th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP’08),

Oct. 26-29, 2008, Beijing, CHINA

3. Li Youming, Chen Xianfu, etc., Time Domain Adaptive Processing for Multi-user Crosstalk

Cancellation IEEE Midwest Circuits and systems Conference, 2008, USA.

4. Li Youming, Yu Jianding, Wang Rangding, Performance analysis of crosstalk precoding

algorithms in the presence of crosstalk channel errors, The International Association of

Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) on Signal and Imaging Processing, 2008, USA.

5. Li Youming, Wang Rangding, A Novel Technique for Preventing Signal Cancellation in Space-

Time Adaptive Processing, 2008 Congress on Image and Signal Processing, Hainan, 2008.

6. Li Youming, Amir Leshem, and Fang Liming, Computationally Efficient Approximated Matrix

Inversion with Application to Crosstalk Precoding in Downstream VDSL, Proceedings of the

International Conference on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, IWCMC 2007,

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, August 12-16, pp. 429-433, 2007. ACM 2007.

7. Li Youming Wang Rangding etc. “Robust covariance matrix estimation for space-time

adaptive processing”, ICSP’06, Guiling.

8. Li Youming & Amir Leshem, “Performance Comparison Between Simplified MMSE and MSSNR for

MIMO Channel Systems”, ICSP’06, Guiling.

9. Li Youming & Amir Leshem, “An efficient implementation for MMSE based MIMO time domain

equalizer ”, IEEE Conf. ICASSP, March 18-23, 2005, USA. (1/2).

10. Li Youming, Maximum shorting SNR Design for MIM0 Channels, IEEE Conf. Mape, 2005,


11. E. Karipidis, N. D. Sidiropoulos, A. Leshem & Li Youming, “Capacity Statistics for

short DSL Loops from Measured 30 MHz Channel data,” Sixth IEEE international Workshop on

Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications,June, USA, 2005.

12. Amir Leshem & Li Youming, “A low complexity coordinated FEXT cancellation for VDSL”,

IEEE Conf. Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Israel, 2004.



