2007-至今 中國科學技術大學固體微結構實驗室攻讀博士學位。
2013年- 中國工程物理研究院工作
2014年-2016年 浙江大學電鏡中心博士後
1. 基於玻姆力學研究電子與固體相互作用過程中的衍射效應
2. 納米器件和納米結構含時電子輸運的玻姆量子軌跡研究
[17]Yang X, Zeng R, Ren Z, et al. Single-Crystal BiFeO3 Nanoplates with Robust Antiferromagnetism[J]. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(6).
[16]A.K. Jiang, Y.W. Zhao, Z. Long, Y. Hu, X.F. Wang, R.L. Yang, H.L. Bao, R.G. Zeng*, K.Z. Liu,Determination of interstitial oxygen atom position in U2N3+xOy by near edge structure study,Journal of Nuclear Materials, 504 (2018) 215-220
[15]Long, Z., Zeng, R.*, Hu, Y., Liu, J., Wang, W., & Zhao, Y., et al. (2018). Electronic structure and fine structural features of the air-grown un x o y on nitrogen-rich uranium nitride. Applied Surface Science , 443.
[14]曾榮光, 張雷, 劉柯釗, 胡殷, 劉天偉, & 田鶴等. (2017). 利用電子能量損失譜對二氧化鈾電子結構的研究. 電子顯微學報 , 36(1), 1-6.
[13蔣奧克, 趙雅文, 龍重, 張雷, 胡殷, & 曾榮光等. (2017). Exelfs對二氧化鈾晶格結構的分析. 物理化學學報 , 33(2), 364-369.]
[12]肖紅, 李芳芳, 陸雷, 曾榮光, 呂學超, & 鍾永強. (2016). 俄歇電子能譜儀在氧化銅定量分析中的套用. 理化檢驗-物理分冊 , 52(9), 642-645.
[11]楊鎖龍, 王曉方, 蔣春麗, 趙雅文, 曾榮光, & 王懷勝等. (2016). Inp量子點的摻雜及其光學性能. 無機材料學報, 31(10), 1051-1057.
[10] X. Yang, D. Li, Z. H. Ren, R.G. Zeng, S. Y. Gong, D. K. Zhou, H. Tian, J. X. Li, G. Xu, Z.J. Shen and G. R. Han,Colossal dielectric performance of pure barium titanate ceramics consolidated by spark plasma sintering,RSC Adv., 6 (2016) 75422.
[9] Jun Xing, Fei Yan, Yawen Zhao, Shi Chen, Huakang Yu, Qing Zhang, R.G. Zeng, HilmiVolkan Demir, Xiaowei Sun, Alfred Huan, and Qihua Xiong,High-Efficiency Light-Emitting Diodes of Organometal Halide Perovskite Amorphous Nanoparticles,ACS Nano, 10 (2016) 6623.
[8] Z. Ruan, R.G. Zeng,Y. Ming ,M. Zhang,B. Da,S. F. Mao,Z. J.Ding, Quantum-trajectory Monte Carlo method for study of electron-crystal interaction in STEM,Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.,2015,17:17628-17637。
[7] M. ZHANG ,Y. MING, R.G. ZENG ,Z.J. DING ,Calculation of Bohmian quantum trajectories for STEM,Journal of Microscopy,2015,260:200-207。
[6] Z. Ruan ,M. Zhang, R.G. Zeng ,B. Da,Y. Ming,S.F. Mao,Z.J. Ding,Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation for Atomic Resolution SEM/STEM Image,Microscopy and Microanalysis,2014,20(Supplement S3):30-31。
[5] Z. Ruan,M. Zhang, R.G. Zeng,Y. Ming,B. Da,S.F. Mao,Z.J. Ding,Simulation Study of the Atomic Resolution Secondary Electron Imaging,Surf. Interface Anal.,2014,46(12-13):1296-1300。
[4] R.G. Zeng ,Z.J. Ding,Calculation of the emission depth distribution function for electrons emitted from a crystal by the Bloch wave method,Surface Science,2013,608:102-108。
[3] R.G. Zeng ,Z.J. Ding,Simulation Study of Electron Scattering in Crystalline Solid by Using Bohmian Quantum Trajectory Method,Journal of Surface Analysis,2011,17(3):198-202。
[2] 曾榮光 ,王哲獻,丁澤軍,玻姆量子軌跡方法研究電子衍射,電子顯微學報,2010,(02):105-109。
[1]R.G. Zeng ,Z.J. Ding,Y.G. Li,S.F. Mao,A calculation of backscattering factor database for quantitative analysis by Auger electron spectroscopy,Journal of Applied Physics,2008,104(11):114909。