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國外名稱叫day trader, 日間操盤手,又叫即日操盤手或當沖炒家,當沖交易員,超短線交易員,主要從事日內交易
國內從業人員有一萬左右,而且數目在迅猛發展中,各個大中城市基本都有這樣類型的公司,目前有幾個大的較早進入中國的DAY TRADING公司,比如加拿大的SWIFT TRADE ,TITILE等,美國有幾大公司比如亞信 ,HOLDBROTHER等,作為紐約交易所和NASDAQ或多倫多,AMEX等市場的交易員們由於美國股市的T+0制度和做空機制,也由於DAY TRADE公司達成的相對很便宜的手續費用,TRADER們可以每天進行多次交易,目前給2大市場貢獻遠遠超過10%以上的成交量,而且華人占著越來越大的比例,為國內大學生就業也提供了大量機會,儘管淘汰和競爭也很嚴重,他們過著黑白顛倒的生活,在沒有成為正式員工之前一般沒有任何底薪,在經歷幾個月的磨練後如果能夠留下來就成為正式員工,工資按提成計算。
There are 2 major types of day traders: institutional and retail.
An institutional day trader is a trader who works for financial institution. This type of trader has certain advantages over retail traders as he/she generally has access to more resources, tools, equipment, large amounts of capital and leverage, large availability of fresh fund inflows to trade continuously on the markets, dedicated and direct lines to data centers and exchanges, expensive and high-end trading and analytical software, support teams to help, and more. All these advantages give them certain edges over retail day traders.
A retail day trader is a trader who works for himself, or in partnership with a few other traders. A retail trader generally trades with his own capital, though he may also trade with other people's money. Law has restricted the amount of other people's money a retail trader can manage. In the United States, day traders may not advertise as advisors or financial managers. Although not required, nearly all retail day traders use Direct access brokers as they offer the fastest order entry and to the exchanges, as well as superior software trading platforms.
In the past, most day traders were institutional traders due to the huge advantages they had over retail traders. However, since the technology boom in the second half of the 1990s, advances in personal computing and communications technology, realized in the accessibility of powerful personal computers and the Internet, have brought fast online trading and powerful market analytical tools to the mainstream. Low, affordable commissions from discount brokers as well as regulation improvements in favor of retail traders have also helped level the trading playing field, making success as a retail trader a possibility for many and a reality for some.



