Unit 1 communication
part one text: the effects of mass communication —— four questions
part two reading passage: the effects debate
Unit 2 mass media
part one text: the changing media
part two reading passage: mass media models
Unit 3 journalism
part one text: journalism trends
part two reading passage: a new look at the new journalism
Unit 4 news
part one text: what's news and what's not-
part two reading passage: why a falling tree doesn't make news unless a reporter hears it
Unit 5 journalist
part one text: why they are reformers not revolutionaries
part two reading passage: personal values in news
Unit 6 magazine
part one text: a short history of magazines
part two reading passage: consumer magazines
Unit 7 newspaper
part one text: newspaper history —— journalism in the making
part two reading passage: national dailies
Unit 8 radio
part one text: radio news
part two reading passage: a short history of radio
Unit 9 television
part one text: television news
part two reading passage: out of the wasteland?
Unit 10 internet
part one text: the internet today
part two reading passage: who shall rule the internet?
Unit 11 news lead
part one text: leads and nut graphs
part two reading passage: hard-news leads
Unit 12 news writing
part one text: newswriting: three considerations
part two reading passage: why reporters invert pyramids
Unit 13 feature
part one text: writing and organizing feature stories
part two reading passage: writing tools
Unit 14 interview
part one text: the interview
part two reading passage: when to use direct quotes
Unit 15 press freedom and laws
part one text: a short history of the first amendment
part two reading passage: responsible reporting
Unit 16 media ethic
part one text: media industry ethics
part two reading passage: the difficulty of ethics