現在的拉文納範圍沒有靠海, 但以前拉文納曾是對亞得里亞海很重要的海港, 同時也是羅馬帝國還有早期中古世紀的行政中心。拉文納是建在海岸瀉湖的, 此瀉湖在十六世紀的地圖上還有出現, 而古城則有數條運河通過。拉文納曾幫羅馬帝國抵抗高盧人, 直到西元前一世紀拉文納在內戰幫助馬略為止, 它一直是羅馬帝國的同盟。蘇拉後來把拉文納併吞到山南高盧省。 拉文納也是羅馬艦隊重要的據點, 它的港口還戴有拉丁文"羅馬海軍" (classis)的稱號, 有城牆保護自己。城牆的遺蹟羅馬帝國海軍金門到了十六世紀才被打掉。當時城牆的柱子被當戰利品分散在拉文納的基督教堂里, 甚至有部分被送到威尼斯去。羅馬時期的雕塑則用在洗者聖若翰堂當裝飾。
在西元402年西羅馬帝國和諾里皇帝為了躲避阿拉利克人的攻擊, 把住所從米蘭改到拉文納。在和諾里死後, 他妹妹蓋拉·普拉奇迪亞靠著她未成年的皇帝兒子瓦倫提尼安三世幫帝國掌管拉文納。從這時起城裡開始興建多數普拉奇迪亞自己想要蓋異教的(後來都被摧毀了)以及關於基督教(多數保留)的紀念建築物。
拉文納變成西羅馬帝國最後的首都, Romolo Augustolo per mano degli 奧多阿克國王希路里 di , a sua volta fu costretto a passare il potere nelle mani del Re Goto Teodorico (493年), 拉文納成為西哥德王國在義大利首府sotto il cui dominio, durato circa 30 anni, la città fu arricchita di nobili monumenti nonché del culto Ariano. In seguito alla caduta dell'西羅馬帝國 e la sempre più crescente autorità di Bisanzio, per volontà dell'Imperatore Giustiniano, furono mandati al governo di 拉文納 gli esarchi. Il potere assai tirannico di questi ultimi tuttavia offriva motivo di odio presso 拉文納平民 che, al fine di liberarsene, si mossero in lotta al fianco dei Longobardi, che pure ambivano il dominio di 拉文納 per estendersi verso sud. Per volontà del法蘭克國王丕平但拉文納改為被教廷管理 e, nonostante ribellioni vane dei 拉文納人, vi rimase per diversi secoli. 在1512年神聖同盟戰爭, 拉文納 fu teatro di scempio e sangue per 使用現代武器的第一場大戰 mai subita prima. Dopo il momentaneo dominio napoleonico 拉文納 torna nuovamente allo 教廷直到1859年, in seguito a continue ribellioni, non verrà annessa al Piemonte e nel 1861 gode dell'Unità d'Italia. 在第一次世界大戰, 拉文納 seppe dar dura prova della sua forza nella lotta al Fascismo, 因此被轟炸得更嚴重. Tale valore le ha concesso il godimento della Medaglia d'Oro al valor Militare.
阿明尼烏斯的遺孀圖斯內爾達和馬科曼尼國王馬羅博杜斯曾被囚禁在拉文納。The 18th century cathedral occupies the site of the 4th century basilica, Christianized by Bishop Ursus約西元380年. No vestige remains however of the secular palaces of Honorius. The earliest churches have scarcely fared better: Sant' Agata, a basilica of three naves, (San Pietro in Classis was torn down in the 16th century, to make room for fortifications); San Giovanni Evangelista, (largely rebuilt in Gothic style and stripped of its mosaics in 1747); part of Santa Croce; some columns in San Giovanni Battista. The most important is the square chapel of the archiepiscopal palace (dedicated to San Pietro Crisologo) with its mosaics.
The "tomb" of Galla Placidia, preserved by being made the church of Santi Nazario e Celso, which contains the finest mosaics of 拉文納, deserves special mention. It is built in the shape of a Greek cross, and has a cupola that is entirely in mosaics, representing eight apostles and symbolical figures of doves drinking from a vessel, a Roman motif; the other four apostles are represented on the Vaults of the transverse arm; over the door is a representation of Christ as the Good Shepherd, young, beardless, with flowing hair, and surrounded by sheep; opposite, there is a subject that is interpreted as representing St. Lawrence. There are three sarcophagi; the largest is said to have been that of Galla Placidia, and that her embalmed body was deposited there in a sitting position, clothed with the imperial mantle; in 1577, however, the contents of the sarcophagus were accidentally burned.
San Giovanni in Fonte was the 東正教的洗禮堂, dedicated by Archbishop Neon (449-52), built over the caldarium of public baths on the same site. It is of octagonal shape, with the interior walls and vault adorned with mosaics. In the centre of the cupola is the baptism of Christ, on a golden field, with a personification of the River Jordan; around are grouped the twelve Apostles on a blue field; and below are other figures, possibly of the prophets; there are also arabesques, etc. The marbles of the socle were taken from secular buildings.
After 493, . Here the 王國 was ruled by Theodoric the Great. After the battle of Verona, 奧多阿克 retreated to 拉文納, where he withstood a siege of three years by Theodoric, until the taking of Rimini deprived 拉文納 of supplies. Archbishop Joannes served as the peace mediator (493). Theodoric employed Roman architects for secular and religious structures, including the lost palace near San Apollinare Nuovo; the "Palazzo di Teodorico" was an outbuilding. The palace itself was sacked by the Byzantines in 539, became the seat of the exarchs and of the King of the Lombards. Charlemagne appropriated columns of this palace for his own palace at Aachen. The last tower that remained of the palace of Theodoric was destroyed in 1295.
Theodoric's Arian bishops had their seat in the cathedral close to the palace. It was rededicated in the 9th century as Sant' Apollinare Nuovo when relics of Saint Apollinaris were transferred there. Its apse and atrium underwent modernization at various times, but the mosaics of the lateral walls, twenty-four columns, and an ambo are preserved. The mosaics of the right side represent a scheme of twenty-six saints going to receive their crowns, towards a group representing Christ, beardless, Enthroned amid four angels; which lattter group is the best. This picture contains a schematic representation of the palace of Theodoric. The Catholics had to revise some of the more Arian of the mosaics, as is shown by some hands that remain near a column. On the left are the virgins moving from the city of Classis towards the group of the Madonna and Child surrounded by four angels; on the two sides are the lines of windows, between which are mosaics representing sixteen saints (Doctors of the Church?) that have much more individuality than the figures already mentioned. On the third story are represented twenty-six scenes of the life and passion of Christ, in which latter, however, the crucifixion is lacking; between each two scenes there is the image of a saint. In another part of the church there is a rough mosaic containing the portrait of the Emperor Justinian.
Following the conquests of Belisarius for the Emperor Justinian I in the sixth century, Ravenna became the seat of the Byzantine governor of Italy, the Exarch, and was known as the Exarchate of Ravenna.
After the Byzantine withdrawal Ravenna was ruled by legates of the Pope as one of the Papal States. It became part of the Kingdom of Italy in 1861.