
【漢語注音】bào xīn jiù huǒ
【近 義 詞】火上澆油、飲鴆止渴、引足救經、適得其反、南轅北轍、負薪救火
【反 義 詞】雪中送炭、根除禍患、釜底抽薪
《文子 精誠》:“ 夫水濁者魚[口撿去手],政苛者民亂,上多欲即下多詐,上煩擾即下不定,上多求即下交爭,不治其本而救之於末,無以異於鑿渠而止水,抱薪而救火。


Carrying Faggots to Put Out a Fire

In the last years of the Warring States period, the State of Qin attacked the State of Wei on a large scale repeatedly and occupied large areas of land, for the State of Wei was too weak to defend itself. In 273 B.B., the qin army launched another attack upon the State of Wei with a momentum more vigorous than ever. The king of the State of Wei summoned his officials,and asked with a worried look if anyone could propose a way to defeat the Qin army. After years of chaos caused by the wars,the officials trembled when fighting was mentioned, and no one dared to speak of resistance. At the critical moment when a large enemy force was bearing down upon the border, most of the offinials persuaded the king to sue for peace, at the cost of giving away to the State of Qin the large area of land north of the Huanghe River and south of the Taihang Mountain. However Su Dai, a counsellor, did not agree. He hurried up to the king and said:"Your Majesty, they don't think about the interests of the country at all .It is just because they are cowardly and afraid of death that they ask you to sue for peace by betraying the country. Of course you can temperarily satisfy the ambition of the king of the State of Qin is insatiably greedy. It will never stop assaulting us until our land is totally given away."Once there was a man whose house was on fire. People told him to put out the fire with water, but he would not listen. Instead, he carried a faggot to put out the fire, only to make the fire fiercer. That was because he didn't know that,instead of putting out the fire, faggots could only make it burning more vigorously. Isn't it equivalent to carrying faggots to put out a fire if you agree to sue for peace at the cost of the land of the State of Wei?"Though Su Dai's argument was very convincing, the king accepted the suggestion of those officials and gave away to the State of Qin a large area of the land of the State of Wei. For the king of the State of Wei was cowardly and only cared for peace at the moment. As might be expected,the Qin army assaulted the State of Wei on a large scale in 225 B.C.,surrounding the capital city Daliang and flooding it by digging open the dykes of the Huanghe River.The State of Wei was finally destroyed by the State of Qin.This story appears in the Historical Records Written by Sima Qian.The set phrase"carrying faggots to put out a fire"is used to mean adopting a wrong method to save a situation and ending up by making it worse.
1. 當我們遇到了需要幫助的人,應該用正確的方法幫助他,而不是抱薪救火。
2. 遇到困難應冷靜思考,用正確的方法解決,抱薪救火,只會適得其反。
carry faggots to put out a fire -- adopt a wrong method to save a situation and end up by making it worse;add fuel to the fire;do sth. counterproductive;fight a fire by adding fuel to it