




男,1975年11月生,東南大學土木工程學院教授,博士生導師。國家教育部新世紀優秀人才,江蘇省333高層次人才,江蘇省六大高峰人才,江蘇省創新人才學術帶頭人。2000年、2002年分別於西安建築科技大學西安交通大學獲取博士學位和博士後學歷,出站後到東南大學進行科研和教學工作,2002年被評為副教授,時年僅26歲,2006年被聘為博士生導師,2007年被破格評為教授,2009年被東南大學評為首批特聘青年教授。其間2004年11月至2006年4月在日本擔任文部省高科技(SVBL)研究員。2008年以高級訪問學者身份赴韓國國立成均館大學交流研究,2009年底至2010年初以高級訪問學者身份赴美國北卡羅萊納州州立大學交流研究。2011年3月至7月以訪問教授身份赴美國伊利諾伊大學香檳分校進行合作訪問。現主要從事結構抗震與振動控制,橋樑健康監測,結構防火設計,多高層建築、大跨結構與高聳結構方面的研究。正在或曾經主持國家自然基金項目、江蘇省創新人才(學術帶頭人)自然基金項目、中國博士後基金項目、建設部科技項目、中美國際合作項目、中韓國際合作項目、教育部國際合作交流項目等11項,項目成果經鑑定達國際先進水平,部分達國際領先水平。正在或曾經參與國家支撐計畫項目、國家863高科技計畫項目、國家自然科學基金重大項目及省部級項目10項,主持或參與結構抗震與減震設計分析,高聳結構、塔架及設備基礎等動力分析與振動控制,各種結構設計,檢測加固與平移等橫向項目20餘項。現已在Smart Materials and Structures、Engineering Structures、Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures、Journal of Sound and Vibration、建築結構學報、工程力學、建築結構等國內外核心刊物上發表論文52篇,其中SCI收錄31篇,EI收錄60篇,出版專著3部。獲國家發明專利9項,(8項排名第一實用新型專利1項,正在申請的國家發明專利4項、實用新型專利2項。曾擔任第三屆結構工程和力學進展國際會議(韓國)的組織委員會委員,現為國際著名期刊JSV、JIMSS、CACAIE和SHM特約審稿專家,第四屆結構工程和力學進展國際會議(韓國)的組織委員會委員,結構、材料與環境健康監測國際會議組織委員會委員,國家863高科技計畫評審專家,中國希望工程贊助失學兒童會員。獲得的獎勵包括:國家新世紀優秀人才、國家精品課程、陝西省優秀博士論文、江蘇省科技進步一等獎、江蘇省333人才、江蘇省創新人才學術帶頭人、江蘇省精品課程、寶鋼教育獎等二十餘項。


1. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Mi Liu, Zhishen Wu, Xin Zeng. Energy damage detection strategy based on strain responses for long-span bridge structures.Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 16(5),2011, pp 644-652. (SCI,EI)
2. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Horizontal shaking table tests on structures using innovative earthquake mitigation devices.Journal of Sound and Vibration,325(1-2), pp 34-48,2009/8/7.(SCI,EI)
3. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Ben-Qiang Shi, Ke-YiWu, Xiao Zeng. Vertical shaking table tests on the
structure with viscoelastic multi-dimensional earthquake isolation and mitigation devices.Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, 52(10), pp 2869-2876, 2009/10.(SCI,EI)
4. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Zhishen WuEnergy damage detection strategy based on acceleration responses for long-span bridge structures. Engineering Structures, 29(4), pp 609-617, 2007/4 .(SCI,EI)
5. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Earthquake mitigation study on viscoelastic dampers for reinforced
concrete structures. Journal of Vibration and Control, 13(1), pp 29-43,2007/1.(SCI,EI)
6. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Deng-Xiang Wang, Chun-Fang Shi. Tests and application design for
viscoelastic dampers.Journal of Vibration andControl, 17(9), pp 1359-1370,2011.(SCI,EI)
7. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Deng-Xiang Wang, Ke-Yi Wu.Simulation of stochastic wind field for large complex structures based on modified fourier spectrum.Applied Physics & Engineering,12(3), pp 238-246, 2011..(SCI,EI)
8. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東).Recent researches on disaster prevention and mitigation in civil engineering.Science China-TechnologicalSciences, 54(1), pp 1-4, 2011.(SCI,EI)
9. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東). Ke-Yi Wu.Damage detection strategy for reticulated structures based on
incomplete strain mode.Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica,24(3), pp 345-354, 2011.(SCI,EI)
10.Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東). Analysis on structural hazards induced by Wenchuan earthquake.Disaster Advances, 4(3), pp 3-6, 2011.(SCI)
11. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Ya-Peng Shen, Ying-Qing Guo. Semi-active control of structures incorporated with magnetorheological dampers using neural networks, Smart Materials and Structures, 12(1), 2003:80-87.(SCI, EI)
12. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Zhishen Wu. Energy Damage Detection Strategy Based on Acceleration Responses for Long-span Bridge Structures, Engineering Structures, 2007, 29(4):609-617. (SCI, EI)
13. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Hong-Tie Zhao, Ai-Qun Li. Optimal analysis and experimental study on structures with viscoelastic dampers, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 273(3), 2004:607-618. (SCI, EI)
14. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Ying-Qing Guo. Fuzzy control method for earthquake mitigation structures with Magnetorheological dampers, Journal of Intelligent Material and Systems, 2006, 17(10):871-881. (SCI, EI)
15. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Ya-Peng Shen, Hong-Tie Zhao. A synthetic optimization analysis method on structures with viscoelastic dampers, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 23(8), 2003:683-689. (SCI, EI)
16. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Ya-Peng Shen. Intelligent bi-state control for the structure with magnetorheological dampers, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 14(1), 2003:35-42. (SCI, EI)
17. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東). Earthquake mitigation dampers for reinforced concrete structures, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2007, 13(1):29-45. (SCI, EI)
18. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Shen Yapeng, Li Aiqun. Neural networks prediction for seismic response of structure under the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, Academic Journal of xjtu, 15(1), 2003:15-19.
19. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Zhishen Wu. Simulation of the Effect of Temperature variation on damage detection in a long-span cable-stayed bridge, Structure Health Monitoring, 2007,6(3):34-45
20. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東). Seismic response analysis on long-span reticulated structures with earthquake mitigation devices, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Korea, August, 2004:1336-1343.
21. 徐趙東,趙鴻鐵等. 粘彈性阻尼結構的振動台試驗,建築結構學報,22(5), 2001: 6-10. (EI)
22. 徐趙東,周洲等. 粘彈性阻尼器的計算模型,工程力學,18(6), 2001: 88-93.
23. 徐趙東,李愛群. 磁流變阻尼器的帶質量元素的溫度唯象模型,工程力學,22(2), 2005:123-128. (EI)
24. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Zhishen Wu and Ai-Qun Li. Comprehensive dynamic indexes for damage detection of cable-stayed bridges.” Proceedings of International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering, Nanjing, China, 2005, 2:1312-1323.(ISTP)
25. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Zhishen Wu and Ai-Qun Li. Damage detection of cable-stayed bridge based on dynamic characteristics. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, Shenzhen, China, 2005, 2: 1421-1429.(ISTP)
26. Zhao-Dong Xu(徐趙東), Jun-Sheng Liu et al. A new kind of implant-anchor grout material. The Ninth International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts, August 18-21 2006, Fuzhou & Xiamen, China.(ISTP)


土木工程常用軟體分析與套用 .徐趙東 中國建築工業出版社, 2010/6/30.
徐趙東,郭迎慶. MATLAB語言在建築抗震工程中的套用,科學出版社,2004
李愛群,徐趙東,張志強. 結構減震控制,機械工業出版社,2007
徐趙東,馬樂為. 結構動力學,科學出版社,2007


1 大跨結構多維隔減震支座(國家發明專利) 中國 ZL 200610097219.3 2009.1.7 1
2 高耗能複合式磁流變阻尼器(國家發明專利) 中國ZL 200610085258.1 2008.9.10 1
3 複合減震器(國家發明專利) 中國 ZL 200410066001.2 2008.7.2 1
4 工程結構多維隔減震裝置(國家發明專利) 中國 ZL 03113392.4 2005.2.23 1
5 大變形大噸位粘彈性阻尼器(國家發明專利) 中國ZL 200710023584.4 2009.12.3 1
6 空氣傳壓式磁流變阻尼器(國家發明專利) 中國 ZL 200910030065.X 2010.6.10 1
7 壓電摩擦智慧型阻尼器(國家發明專利) 中國 ZL 200810024640.0 2010.3.28 1
8 大噸位豎向隔震減震裝置(國家發明專利) 中國 ZL 200810235471.5 2011.10.5 1
9 耗能復位金屬阻尼器(國家發明專利) 中國 ZL 200410066052.5 2007.4.11 2



