




1982年7月 吉林大學物理系本科畢業

1987年8月 在職獲吉林大學理學碩士學位。

1993年7月至1994年7月 在印度理學院作訪問學者工作一年

1982年8月 到吉林大學物理系工作,任助教

1987年8月 任講師

1992年10月 任副教授

2000年1月 任教授

2002年4月 被聘為博士生導師


1.Chengxiang Zhang, Xuhong Wu, Shaozeng Wu and Wenhui Su, 1996,Nonlinear susceptibility of periodic composite with shell structure,Physical Review B, 54(23), pp.16349-16352

2. Xuhong Wu, Chengxiang Zhang and Shaozeng Wu 1996,The nonlinear susceptibility of composite with periodic geometry Solid State communications, 97(11), pp.997-1001

3. Xuhong Wu, Chengxiang Zhang, Shaozeng Wu and Wenhui Su, 1996,The frequency dependence of the effective dielectric function of composite with periodic Geometry Solid State communications, 99(3), pp.189-193

4. Baifeng Yang, Chengxiang Zhang, et al., (1998),Fourier approach to the electric field and the nonlinear susceptibility for a periodic composite ,Physical Review B, 58(21), pp.14127-14130

5. Baifeng Yang, Xuhong Wu, Chengxiang Zhang, et al., (1998),Calculation of the electric field in the periodic composite and evaluation of the nonlinear Susceptibility of the periodic composite Solid State communications, 105(1), pp.53-57

6. Lin Song Li, Lian Jin, San Yu, Yingying Zhao, Chengxiang Zhang and Tie Jin Li, (1998),Formation of a branched fractal Cds patterns in oligomer LB monolayers :a study using Transmission electron microscopy ,J. Phys. Chem. B, 102(29) pp.5648-5652

7. Chengxiang Zhang, Baifeng Yang, Xuhong Wu, et al., (2000),Calculation of the effective dielectric function of composites with periodic geometry,Physica B, 293(1/2), pp16-32

8. Zhang Chengxiang, Chanden Dasgupta, Manoranjan P. Singh, (2000),Retrieval Properties of a Hopfield Model with Random Asymmetric Interactions Neural Computation, 12, pp.1021-1036

9. Baifeng Yang, Chengxiang Zhang, Ququan Wang, Zhehua Zhang and Decheng Tian, (2000),Enhancement of optical nonlinearity of periodic anisotropic composites Optics Communications, 183, pp.307-315



